
I became one of the Immortal Warrior in another world

Hello guys This is my first Work so if u like the story plz show some love. This story is about Zack who transmigrated and becomes a immortal warrior, join him in his adventure as he unveil many Mysteries about his life.

Asdcreation · Fantasy
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3 Chs

01-The Great Arcadian Civilization

Sky city High school

Humming his fav song, Mr. Robert entered the classroom and told "Today, we are going to learn about our worlds history, many of you could have heard it from your parents, friends or anyone and  some of you may not".

Mr. Robert continued " I am going to mention some important things/ facts that may come in exams for those who don't know much about it".  As Mr. Robert began his captivating lecture on the history of their nation, "Zenith," and the development of the extraordinary civilization known as "the great Arcadian civilization," the room fell into rapt silence.

Mr. Robert, a man in his 40s, stood tall, his slightly gained belly testifying to years of experience. His face, etched with wrinkles, still bore an undeniable charm. However, it was his hair, which could be counted on one hand, that he considered his greatest disappointment, though it hardly detracted from his overall presence.

With a sense of wonderment in his voice, Mr. Robert recounted the remarkable events of the past. "In Pre Arcadic year 3021 ,(the year before the beginning of the great Arcadian civilization)" he began, "a phenomenon bordering on the miraculous unfolded before our very eyes. A mysterious meteoroid entered the Milky Way galaxy, and its trajectory took it on a path through Earth. The world, including the World Space Organization (WSA), braced for the worst, anticipating the end of our planet."

"But," he continued with a dramatic pause, "it didn't crash. Instead, just before reaching Earth, it slowed down and began to revolve around our planet like an enigmatic moon. The scientists at the WSA saw this as a miracle, a second chance for humanity."

Mr. Robert's narrative skillfully drew the audience into the story. "Three months later, a team of intrepid scientists from the WSA embarked on an expedition to research this enigmatic meteoroid. They journeyed aboard the most advanced space rocket of the time, 'Arcadia.' As they delved into their research, they made a jaw-dropping discovery."

"The meteoroid," he continued, "was absorbing photons from the sun, generating energy on an unprecedented scale, akin to a massive generator. Yet, the reason for its sudden stop remained a mystery. Then, tragedy struck."

"In a catastrophic explosion at the research site," he added, "the meteoroid shattered into countless pieces, raining destruction upon Earth. Millions perished, and the civilization of that era lay in ruins. But as the saying goes, 'Every cloud has a silver lining.'"

"From the ashes of despair," Mr. Robert intoned, "humanity emerged with newfound knowledge. Through relentless research and innovation, they harnessed the power of the fallen meteoroid and embarked on a journey to establish a new, advanced civilization—the 'Great Arcadian Civilization.'

It was named in honor of the space rocket 'Arcadia,' which had propelled them into a new era, commencing with Arcadic Year 01. And after 2 yrs (Acadic year 03 ) 3 nations were formed (Axel, Zenith, Sumeria)"

"As time passed," he continued, "another astonishing event occurred in Arcadian Year 10. Babies born during that year exhibited superhuman abilities, far beyond the capabilities of their parents. This phenomenon extended to plants and animals, transforming them as well. After extensive research, scientists unveiled the truth: Earth was absorbing energy from the meteoroid, giving rise to a new element called 'Photonium.'"

"Thus," Mr. Robert explained, "the 'Great Evolution' occurred. The element, Photonium, integrated into water and soil, fundamentally altering the genetic makeup of all organisms. Flora turned from benign to malevolent, fauna from benign to fearsome. Humans, once atop the food chain, now faced the consequences of their exploitation of nature, as they were hunted by the very creatures they once dominated."

"But in adversity," he declared, "humanity found resilience. They learned to harness the power of evolved gene within themselves & Photonium more effectively and creatively , leveling the playing field for all species. To protect the weak and ensure a harmonious world, influential leaders from the 3 nation formed the 'World Regulatory Association' (WRA).

This powerful organization created laws and policies to safeguard the interests of the public and established a new governing body under it, the 'Hunter League,' tasked with pursuing criminals and combating the evolved flora and fauna that threatened mankind."

Mr. Robert's enthralling narrative had everyone on the edge of their seats. "To this day," he concluded, "there are total of 100 'Hunter league' in 3 nations  , dedicated to maintaining balance and order in this dramatically transformed world."

In the audience, a 18-year-old boy named Zack, with glasses as thick as glass bottoms and a scrawny body with a heart full of curiosity, sat in his history class with a look of anticipation on his face.

Looking at him one could think that he was malnourished & feel pity on him.

As he tried to focus on Mr. Robert's lecture, a mischievous boy sitting behind him couldn't resist the urge to stir things up.

With a swift poke of his pen, Zack let out an unexpected "ahhh!" and leaped from his seat in surprise. His glasses tumbled to the ground, and chaos ensued as the entire class erupted into laughter. Poor Zack stood there, bewildered and practically blind without his glasses.

Frantically, Zack bent down to search for his precious spectacles, but his blurry vision made it impossible to locate them. He reached out, trying to feel his way around, when suddenly, the boy next to him, John, saw an opportunity to turn this boring history class into something more exciting.

With a sly grin, John decided to give Zack's glasses a little kick, sending them sliding across the classroom floor all the way to Mr. Robert's feet. Mr. Robert, a kind-hearted teacher, picked up Zack's glasses and handed them back to him. Then, he returned to his desk, his curiosity piqued.

Turning his attention to Zack, Mr. Robert inquired, "What happened, Zack? Why did you jump like that?" Zack, still adjusting his glasses, looked at his teacher, then glanced nervously at John, and stammered, "Sir, I was just curious about how many hunter leagues our sky city has and how one can become a member." The entire class burst into fits of laughter, with one student even remarking, "You want to be a hunter? Don't kid around, Zack! With that frail body, how can you become a hunter?"

John, sitting comfortably with his hand behind his head in a cross-legged position, chimed in, "Maybe he plans to throw his super-thick glasses at monsters, or perhaps he'll scare them away with his moans!" He paused to let the laughter subside before adding, "His glasses might not work, but his moans sure will!" The class continued to mock Zack relentlessly.

In his heart Zack knew they were right and had no defense against their teasing. Tears welled up in his eyes as he hung his head in shame. Mr. Robert couldn't tolerate the bullying any longer and shouted at John, "John, we don't use that kind of language in my class! If you know the answer to Zack's question, please provide it."

Unfazed, John stood up with a shameless smile and replied, "Mr. Robert, we don't need to know these things to become a hunter. All we need is strength and highly evolved genes , which this weak as hell Zack doesn't have ." Mr. Robert's anger reached its peak, and he raised his pointer finger, causing John to levitate involuntarily. As he curled his finger, John floated closer to the furious teacher.

But just when it seemed like things couldn't get any worse for John, Mr. Robert cleared his throat and bellowed into John's ear, "Don't give me half-hearted answers! Shut your mouth and pay attention to the lecture!" The entire class, including Zack, erupted into giggles as John returned to his seat, embarrassed beyond belief.

With a stern zgaze, Mr. Robert turned to Zack and finally answered his question about the hunter leagues in their sky city. He explained that there were two hunter leagues and to join in the Sky city , one had to graduate from the hunter school by passing the rigorous hunter exams, where only 30% of candidates were accepted. Mr. Robert concluded with a smile and a piece of advice, "If you have a question in the future, Zack, just raise your hand. No need for moaning."

Zack couldn't help but smile back as he settled into his seat.

'And John' Mr. Robert continued 'You need both brains and brawls to to become a hunter ,every hunter has to pass hunter exams which has both theory and practical, 

John sat there with red eyes, silently vowing to get back at Zack thinking ' I have never been embarrassed like this before ,this is all coz of Zack '

Making a plan with a grin on his face ' after today Zack will know how to became a hunter '. 

For now, in the classroom filled with laughter and curiosity, Zack was enjoying his history lesson like never before.

Author note :-

Arcadia as in from the movie 'rxxxxxxt evil'. And john is a  bully so his choice of words are trash. 

Guys I plan to update this story daily but if couldd't i will suerly update it after 2 days of previous relese. If u like this chapter, stay tuned, coz things will get intresting around 5th to 6th chapter . Also, this is my first story so plz show some support and love however u can

Again Thanks For Reading

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