
Chapter 5

Big up to Bjorn. Welcome and thank you for the patronage


"Don't get ahead of yourself brat, you are a hundred years too young to want to protect us. *Sigh*, when did you suddenly decide that?" Her stern face slightly easing up as she stared at me across the table.

"I guess I felt it was time for me to finally wise up. Besides, since I want to do this properly, I don't want to be ill prepared for what is to come." Looking at the woman across from me, I could see she was thinking a bit. She had not broken eye contact from me since the beginning.

"And what is it that is to come?" She stared into my soul once more. Damn, did I mess up??

I looked down with a somewhat blank yet serious look and replied, "I heard some ninjas talking. They were talking about killing and losing friends like it was nothing. Made me think if that was just it? Would someone also just kill me like nothing and be done with it? I don't want that."

This time there was only a brief silence, "Most of your words sound naïve, but I guess that is expected for an eleven-year-old." She stood from her seat and walked up to me, "Fine, since you want to do this properly, then I won't allow you to slack. There is still a bit of time left before you graduate so from now till then I get to beat you up into a proper shinobi."

'And scene. Just like that…wait huh? What did she just say? Beat? Doesn't she mean train? Why is she grinning like that?'

Her grin was terrifying, who knew Sakura's mother could actually make such a face. I could have sworn I saw a red tail swishing left and right behind her. "Hehe, you don't have to be too serious. Just relax." Her grin eased into a smile but I could see in her eyes how happy she was.

"Actually, I want to stop looking serious too but my face cramped up after so long." I massaged my new face a few times to get it back to normal. Mebuki looking amused by my antics.

"Wait, do you mean you are going to train me yourself?��� I asked trying to seem surprised and excited. It was tough trying to act excited about something that could potentially kill me. I felt even worse thinking about how hard I was about to train just to keep my life.

'Aah no I don't want this. I was a 30-year-old married man with a married man's gut. My spirit had already melded comfortably into a no gym spirit, and by look on her face this would definitely be worse than the gym.' I could almost feel tears about to spill.

Haruno Mebuki's usual stern face turned slightly smug as she replied, "Of course. Your mom is tougher than she looks you know. Don't worry about that and prepare yourself. I will request leave of absence from the academy and have you come home for the rest of the time till you graduate.

Knowing you, you have probably already mastered the three graduating jutsus already so it should be fine..."

'Oi oi, please don't go assuming anything for me. I did not receive the usual information rush damn it! It will be bad if she asks me to demonstrate.' I began to sweat a little when she spoke to this point. I might not have thought of the factors properly. That was extremely sloppy of me. Very unlike me. I probably should head to a library or something after this.

"…I will inform your father about it when he returns. We will begin your training tomorrow." She held her stern face and yet for some reason I could see some traces of relief and a bit of worry. I could understand her worry, I am a father as well after all. She must really have been worried about Sakura all this while. It made sense she was so enthused about teaching, to go as far as taking a leave of absence from the academy.

Stupid Sakura. No wonder she was considered the most useless kunoichi alive.

"Thank you, mom." Regardless, since I am here now, the least I could do is not be a bitch to her and make her worry.

'She may not be my actual mother but I was taught to respect my elders. Well, in the case of this Narutoverse I intend to be respectful to those not scheming against me or trying to kill me.'

She nodded to me and began making her way out the door "I'm heading back out; I need to deal with your leave and prepare a few things. If you get hungry there is leftover in the fridge." She turned to look at me for a bit before she spoke once again, "You really do seem different, maybe you really did mature a bit.". She walked out right after without waiting for any kind of response.

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