
Chapter 7

The clash between the two sides was brutal and unforgiving. Despite the ferocious battle between the two leaders that may or may not have reached the climax, the two sides were still fighting hard.

The homies, impervious to pain and death surged forward, their attacks relentless and overwhelming. The pirates of Isla Verde fought with the ferocity of cornered beasts, their blades and guns brought down many homies as they defended their territory.

As the dust settled and the smoke cleared, Esmeralda emerged, her once pristine clothes tattered and her body bearing the mark of battle. Yet, despite the pain and fatigue, a fierce determination burned in her eyes.

A grin spread across Esmeralda's face. She didn't know if the could win but at least she would go all out before thinking about anything else. It was a testament to the strength of both pirates. But she wouldn't underestimate Odin anymore just because he was an unknown pirate without a bounty, now she treated him as a strong rival because she noticed she was already injured but he was not. 

Odin, his eyes narrowed and his grip tightening on his hammer, unleashed a barrage of attacks. Each blow was powerful and precise, but Esmeralda met them with agility and grace. Her blade danced through the air, deflecting and parrying Odin's strikes with effortless ease.

The battle raged on, a whirlwind of steel and lightning. The air crackled with energy as Odin channelled his electrical powers into his attacks. Esmeralda, her senses sharpened by years of experience, anticipated his movements and countered with her own lightning-fast strikes.

Despite Odin's formidable defence, Esmeralda began to find openings. With each strike, her blade chipped away at his body, leaving him slightly off-balance. She saw a flicker of doubt in his eyes, a hint of worry that began to creep into his movements.

Seizing the opportunity, Esmeralda launched a final, decisive attack. Her blade, imbued with Armament Haki and fueled by her unwavering spirit, cleaved through the air, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. Her entire focus on her blade, it was her strongest attack that she could muster and it was the determinant of the battle. 

As the final outcome raged on between the leaders, hope began to dwindle in the hearts of the pirates. They were incredibly outnumbered, outmatched and slowly being consumed by the sheer number of homies. But amidst the despair, as long as Esmeralda was not defeated they refused to yield.

With a roar that shook the very foundations of the island, Esmeralda lunged at Oven, her blade imbued with the spirit of defiance. Her blade swiped across his torso and finally blood leaked out from the wound which brought a smile to her face but only moments later sparks of electricity started covering the wound and Odin stopped bleeding. 

The homies, sensing it was nearing the end of the battle, stopped their assault and so did Esmeralda's crew. The battlefield, once a scene of chaos and bloodshed, fell into an eerie silence.

"Another monster." Esmeralda had a wry smile, she could feel her body was already at her limit. 

"Of course, I am definitely my mother's masterpiece." Odin ruthlessly flung his hammer to the tired Esmeralda which caused her to be sent flying across the port.


The battle was over. The BIG MOM pirates obviously won and Esmeralda and her remaining crew were quickly captured and placed into cells on the ship. 

Odin had to admit that he absolutely loved the thrill of battle and his first official battle was very satisfying but looking at the area where he was cut, he knew that he still had to grow stronger because his mother's enemies were definitely much stronger then Esmeralda. But for now he would try to recruit Esmeralda because she was a decent fighter and it would be great if she could be of use to mother. 

Esmeralda woke up, chained to the wall and her body was yelling with pain. But seeing the figure in front of her she still weakly looked at him. 

Odin stood before her, his face a mask of grim satisfaction. He surveyed her with an assessing gaze, recognizing the unwavering spirit that had fueled her resistance.

"Esmeralda," he addressed her finally, his voice sounded devoid of emotion. "Your skills are undeniable. Your strength and leadership are valuable assets. Our BIG MOM pirates need talents like you, join us."

Esmeralda remained silent, her gaze fixed on a point beyond Odin, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. Defeat stung, but the thought of surrender was anathema to her very being.

"I offer you a choice," Odin continued, his tone laced with a hint of intrigue. "Join me. Utilize your talents not against me, but alongside me."

Esmeralda was about to refuse because who would want to work with a stinky man? But Odin pulled out Linlin's current picture and suddenly Esmeralda had hearts that replaced her eyes and was utterly charmed by the picture.

Charlotte Linlin who was seventeen was already a very stunning looking woman which was no less than a certain narcissistic snake emperor in the future, Her towering figure with fiery pink hair that cascaded down her broad shoulders. Her caramel eyes, a mix of innocence and ferocity, could sparkle with mischief or turn icy cold. Her smile, when looking towards the camera could capture the heart of any gender because it was so dazzling. 

Just like catnip to a cat, Esmeralda instantly turned a 180 degree change and fully agreed to join the BIG MOM pirate group without any hesitation.

Odin was just giving it a try, never would have guessed that advice given against Esmeralda was so effective.

"Very well, Odin," she finally said, her voice a low rumble. "I accept your offer. But be warned, my loyalty is not bought easily." She said while her saliva dripped onto the photo of Linlin which left Odin to have a blackline on his face. He really did not know if using his mother's picture as bait was a good idea anymore. 

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