

Things were going oh so well for Blue Rose, they had created a rather impressive plan to crush the eight fingers once and for all, and yet, things would always go wrong.

They successfully managed to burn down a village producing the drugs the eight fingers loved to abuse so much, and now, they were meant to capture one of their executives, but that's where things went wrong.

A strange bug creature in a maid suit intervened, nearly killing two of her friends before she managed to intervene and send her flying, which is when something far worse showed itself.

The new arrival checked up on Entoma, the strange bug creature as Evileye, an adamantine ranked adventurer with a white mask and a large red cloak, referred to her.

The new arrival known as Demiurge by his official name could be seen wearing his everyday red-striped suit, however, a blue and golden mask covered his face.

After he checked up on his fellow creation, he restricted the burning rage within.

The fact these lesser beings dared to hurt a creation of the Supreme Ones shall be dealt with later, instead, he turned to them and bowed slightly as the Eight Edge assassins, large ant-like creatures about a meter long and half a meter tall, retrieved Entoma and took her to safety.

As Demiurge bowed, Evileye felt a shiver go up her spine, whatever this guy is, he is bad news.

"You two run." Evileye spoke to her two friends who went with her on this mission, An incredibly muscular and tall blond woman with blue eyes named Gagaran and a slender blond assassin named Tia.

(Insert pictures here)

"He's that strong?" Gargaran questioned, her usually confident and loud self quiet now that even Evileye seemed scared.

"Yes, now go!"

"Bu-" Tia spoke, Evileye knew all too well what she was about to say, so she interrupted her.

"You don't stand a chance, now go!" Evileye shouted, now desperate to make her friends run, which to her relief she did.

Both of them turned to run, and Demiurge couldn't help but smile beneath his mask, he could have killed them instantly if he so desired, but he had far better plans.

With a single swing of his hands, a wave of fire washed over the adventurers, their group known as Blue Rose, though their captain isn't present here, cooperating with Her Highness herself at the palace.

Evileye ducked, but her friends weren't so lucky, Gagaran's purple armor became charged as she fell to the ground, Tia didn't escape her fate either, smoke rose out of her body as she collapsed onto the ground next to Gagaran.

"YOU-!" Evileye shouted, interrupted by the demon's bow and sincere apology.

"I apologize, I took you as the standard and assumed they would survive such a hit, but they were too weak to handle even that much..." His voice sounded disappointed as it trailed off at the end, enraging Evileye further.

Still, she is a trained and capable woman, so she immediately considered running, but how could she drag her friends while having any hopes of escaping?

So, she accepted the fact she would have to fight, hopefully, their attacks would draw attention and reinforcements would arrive soon.

She rushed at the demon, however, the second she did, a large object suddenly fell onto the ground, causing a storm of dust to get knocked up into the air.

Both sides jumped back, looking upon the dispersing dust cloud with vigilance in their eyes, in front of them stood a mighty warrior.

His dark armor glimmered under the moonlight, and his two massive swords, seemingly made of pure darkness, seemed to further instill just how powerful this man was.

Evileye froze, unable to breathe as her cold vampiric heart felt warmth for the first time in ages.

The warrior pointed his blades at the both of them, his deep voice echoing through the dead silent area.

"So, which one of you is my enemy?"

Evileye immediately questioned if it wasn't obvious, but then she realized that from his perspective, the two were simply fighting, determining good and evil in a fight one just joined would be difficult.

"Sir Momon!" Evileye had heard of him and his group, which she could see floating above on a floating platform, including the well-known "blessed child."

She continued as the legendary adventurer turned to her, making her unbeating heart somehow skip a beat, "I am Evileye, an adamantine ranked adventurer! Join me in defeating this demon!" She shouted with energy, desperately hoping this would be enough to get Momon on her side.

"Very well!" Momon spoke as he turned to the demon, causing Evileye to let out a sigh of relief.

The demon seemed stunned for a second, causing Evileye to give a cocky smile, indeed, even he must be scared now that Sir Momon had arrived to aid her!

The demon then bowed politely as he spoke, "I believe introductions are in order?"

Evileye stood stunned as Sir Momon lowered his blade, "Indeed, that much is only to be expected."

'Why would he do that??' Evileye wondered, yet she quickly realized why Sir Momon was doing this, 'He's trying to get information! As expected of Sir Momon!' 

"I am the great demon Jaldabaoth!" The demon spoke in a triumphant tone as he revealed his name, spreading his hands outwards to further show just how grand this reveal was.

"I see, I am known as Momon! The adamantine ranked adventurer who shall cause your demise!" Momon suddenly charged forward, knocking up dust as he moved so fast that even Evileye struggled to keep up with his speed.

"Do allow me to resist then." The demon spoke as he extended his razor-sharp claws from his wicked hands.

The following battle was one she struggled to describe, it was incredibly impressive, to say the least, yet Sir Momon managed to push the demon back on all fronts through his raw strength.

'His muscles must be so big beneath all of that armor- Wait! What am I thinking about?!'

Indeed, this wasn't the only time Evileye caught herself lacking, but after a minute or so of intense combat, the demon struck out toward her, and while she was half-invested in her fantasy, she noticed all too late.

As the claws of the demon neared her mask, its sharp points ready to pierce her mask, eye, and then brain, suddenly, the large back of Sir Momon was all she could see.

In one mighty swing, he forced the demon back, turning around, he looked at her and spoke with his majestic voice echoing unimpeded through the air, "Are you alright?"

Evileye took a second or two and she then nodded, if Momon could see her face, he could only describe her as a tomato in appearance, "Y-Yes! I'm just fine." She calmed down significantly at the end, and she cringed inside at her awkward "Y-Yes!"

Jaldabaoth then spoke, interrupting the moment between the two.

"I see you have proven too powerful for me to handle as of now, so I shall retreat if you allow me to."

Evileye immediately felt a vein grow in anger, this ass just killed her two friends, she can't let him get away!

"Very well, you may go," Momon spoke without hesitation, Jaldabaoth bowed in gratitude and disappeared into a gate behind him.

Evileye turned to Momon, her feelings of totally not adoration were suppressed by a bit of anger and indignity.

"Why did you let him go?!" She bellowed angrily, causing Aura, Nabe, and "Thoth" to change their expressions slightly as they floated down toward Momon.

"Because he might have killed you if I didn't, this way, your safety is guaranteed." Sir Momon spoke to Evileye, causing her anger to disappear in an instant as she felt ecstatic knowing he cared so much.

"Ah-I-I see... Then it's okay I guess..." Her voice trailed off towards the end, her fingers twirling her hair as she lowered her gaze.

"Shouldn't we go over and look at your friends?" Sir Momon pointed out, making Evileye remember that two of her comrades had just been killed not long ago.

She rushed to their side, checking for any signs of life, but there was none to be found.

Devastated by this, she sat on her knees in front of them and shook her head slightly.

"Do you know anyone who can cast revival magic?" Sir Momon questioned from behind her, making her sight slightly.

To think he was trying to alleviate her mood, could he be more obvious? Kukuku...

"I know someone, though they will be very weak when they are revived, they should quickly gain back their strength with some help and training."

"That is a relief then, also, were you fighting someone before Jaldabaoth intervened?" Sir Momon questioned, and Evileye didn't bother to ask herself why he asked that question.

"Ah, there was a strange bug creature in a maid outfit. I couldn't kill her like the disgusting creature she is sadly."

The air grew tense the second Evileye mentioned the fact she sadly couldn't kill Entoma, and it made her flinch and turn around.

Ah! Sir Momon must be disappointed she didn't kill such a weak opponent. Oh no, she couldn't disappoint him!

"Ah, but, next time I will kill her for sure! I learned much from our battle!"

The air only grew tenser as she continued to speak until Sir Momon intervened to de-escalate the situation.

"I see, good luck to you with that." He turned to his companions, "Allow me to introduce you to my companions, Nabe, Aura, and Thoth."

"It is nice to meet you all." Evileye greeted them politely, but not too politely so as not to make them potentially uncomfortable.

Before any of the others could act, "Thoth" ran up and vigorously shook Evileye's hand, "Hi! You are really strong, right? You looked super cool!" His eyes shone with child-like wonder as he energetically shook her hand with strength she found surprising but manageable.

Maybe she should exercise her muscles more if a child is strong enough to shake her up.

Though to be fair, the child was taller than her.

...And Nabe had bigger boobs too... And her lower half was more plump...

As Evileye found herself in immense emotional turmoil, she turned to the other child of the group, this one with heteromorphic eyes and a small grin on her face.

Evileye shook her hand, and Aura returned the gesture with a lot more self-control than "Thoth."

"It's nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too." The two spoke simply as Aura restrained the urge to rip the vampire's arm off for insulting Entoma.

Nabe quietly shook Evileye's hand and simply nodded to acknowledge her while Evileye did the same.

As the group exchanged greetings and helped Evileye wrap her comrades up in an enchanted material that would prevent her ally's bodies from decomposing, the city in the distance suddenly lit up as a wall of fire seemed to cut straight through it.

"T-That must be..." Evileye muttered, shocked at the sight.

"Jaldabaoth." Momon finished, his eye glowing red beneath his helmet.


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