
I became a werewolf

I am not the savior, I am the god of murder! "I have left the king silent, the gods dispersed, and chaos engulfed the earth!"! My roar signifies war and death, survival or death, domination or slavery! "My power will surely manifest, I am the giant wolf sweeping the universe, I am the war."

xinchao_zhang · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Chapter 036 Night Attack on the Tar Orc Base

Wang Ming and 500 werewolf soldiers started off at night, leaving only over 10 werewolf soldiers to guard the camp.

Late at night, the wolves arrived at their destination and all fell into the grass by the river.

This time, Wang Ming brought 20 guns and selected 20 prominent werewolf soldiers with guns, led by Fei.

The main task is to shield the wolf people from crossing the river.

In fact, the wolf people are very intelligent, almost knowing everything at once. Wang Ming originally thought it would take a lot of effort and time to get them to accept their ideas and technologies.

However, the results greatly exceeded Wang Ming's initial expectations, and the werewolf soldiers surprisingly trusted Wang Ming.

This may be due to Wang Ming's innate leadership.

The crossbow carriage was carried over by eight werewolf soldiers, each equipped with 10 javelins.

The barrel of this javelin is made of a kind of hard wood through simple processing, with only a triangular pointed head made of steel and quite sharp.

The javelin is two meters long and has a diameter of 4 centimeters. A rough rope is tied to the javelin.

Now, the werewolf soldiers are poised to go, quietly waiting for Wang Ming's order.

"Mark, mount the crossbow carriage and prepare for action."

After repeated observation, Wang Ming found no abnormality, and then said to the scar beside him.

Upon receiving Wang Ming's command, Scar nodded his wolf's head and whispered to the crossbow operator behind him, "Bow and crossbow, go!"

The order has been issued, and the werewolf soldiers have begun to calmly respond, without a hint of panic or unnecessary noise.

However, for a moment, three crossbow vehicles were side by side by the river, each equipped with four strong werewolf soldiers, who began to pull strings all over their bodies after the order was given.

Everything is all set.

Now all the werewolves are quietly watching Wang Ming's raised right hand, fearing not to relax a bit, lest in the blink of an eye, they miss Wang Ming's command.

After a moment, Wang Ming's raised right hand suddenly waved in the eyes of the wolves.

"Deng Deng!"

Three javelins were fired.

A javelin with a cable shot straight across the river, with three muffled, accurate bangs, each piercing a tree across the river.

"Pull up the cable!"

After observing for a while, it was found that the Tar Orcs were not alarmed. Wang Ming quickly issued an order.

Three cables were tightened and one end was firmly tied to the tree.

"Follow me! Fly, watch all around, and don't fire until you have to."

Wang Ming stood up and said to Fei, then jumped onto the rope ahead of him.

This cable is only as thick as two fingers, and can only pass one werewolf at a time. It looks very dangerous, and there is a feeling that if you are not careful, you will fall into the river.

However, this did not deter the wolves, who were as light as swallows, when Wang Ming had already stood on one of the cables and started running.

His movements were very fast, and although the two ends of the cable were shaking, they could not affect his speed of crossing the river in any way.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Wang Ming followed the cable to the other side of the river.

There was no abnormality on the other side of the river, and it was very quiet. However, not far ahead, brightly lit houses were found, illuminating the night sky.

If not unexpected, it is the target of the werewolf soldiers tonight, the base of the Tar Orcs.

After observing, Wang Ming waved his hand to the werewolves on the other side of the river.


The werewolf soldiers saw Wang Ming's warrant, and then a 20-person firearms team led by Fei began to quickly cross the river one by one along the cable.

But for a long time, all 500 werewolves crossed the river.

"Boss, everything has come over. It's going well."

Fei crept up to report to Wang Minghui.

"No, fly, you have 10 guys with guns back on the other side in case something unexpected happens."

"There can't be half a difference in the back road, otherwise a slight carelessness will result in a complete defeat."

Wang Ming thought for a moment and then said to Fei. Fei nodded to receive, then turned and left.

"Don't act rashly until later. We need to be patient enough for the enemy to relax their vigilance. The time is 1:30 in the morning, and we will start to act at 3:30."

Wang Ming explained it again as he prepared to launch the operation.

"Do you see the lights over there? When you get closer, whether it's the base of the Tar Orcs or not, as long as it's the Tar Orcs, take out all of them."

Wang Ming confirmed the target again to the werewolf soldier, then turned around and said, "Go ahead, try to find cover and slowly approach it without saying anything."

At 3 am MJ time, in the Tar Orc Base.

"Ah, it's really boring. It's better to go out with the army. At least it's not like now, you and you, I and my team are staring at each other."

At the outpost at the gate of the base, two Tal orc soldiers guard a heavy machine gun.

Their task is to watch the door.

But it's simply not too easy for them.

"Bastard, how many times has this been? Brown, if you leave me like this next time, I will report it. It's not fair."

One of the orc soldiers was indignant and had a broken heart.

The highest glory of the Tar Orcs is to go to battle and kill the enemy. Their inability to follow the large army is called a disgrace.

"It's okay to do it twice at a time, but if you get too many times, everyone will have their opinions.".

"This makes it clear that I am not a lightning thrower to be taken seriously." The orc soldiers have a tendency to become more and more talkative.

"All right, all right, just admit it. Maybe next time you hit the Westerners, you'll be used, my buddy."

The orc soldier comforted him.

"Oh my God, Westminster, I hate it. Those creatures with four arms are disgusting."

"Yes, that's right. It's even more annoying than the hairy half beasts of the Kapang tribe. They're cunning and arrogant. I really want to smash their smug faces."

Hearing that his companion had mentioned the Westerners, the orc soldier looked disgusted.

"Alright, buddy, I think you need to relax and wait for me here. I'll go down and get two bottles of wine. Wine is a good thing, and it may make you happier."

Another orc turned and walked down the steps, saying so.

"Yes, I need it, especially on this extremely boring night, where there is not even a ghost in sight, and my mood is simply terrible."

Upon hearing the wine, the orc soldier's face improved, which was much better than the previous complaint.

"Wait for me, it won't be long."

The orc soldier who had descended the steps responded, and then he helplessly shook his head.

Within a moment, the orc soldiers descended the steps.

Suddenly, a dark shadow came upon me, and three cold lights pierced the stillness of the night, only to flash away in the blink of an eye.

"The orc soldier was horrified and wanted to open his mouth and shout, but found it impossible to do so, 'Gulu Gulu~'"

He wanted to speak, but his throat, which had been cut with a sharp blade, no longer allowed him to do so, and blood flowed out like an unstoppable flood.

"Uh, uh, uh..."

He struggled desperately to escape the black god of death in the dark night.

Wang Ming attacked from the dark again, and the dark shadow flashed through the frightened eyes of the orc soldiers again.

This time, he saw his own body with its head lost, and his distorted expression was frozen in this moment forever.

Wang Ming walked out of the darkness, looking relentlessly at the orc corpse at his feet, and looked up at the checkpoint.

Suddenly, he turned sideways and looked into a dark place, with two pairs of green eyes quietly appearing.

Then Wang Ming's wolf head suddenly looked at the orc soldier on the sentry post.

The two pairs of green eyes in the darkness had already understood, and then the two petite figures quickly flew over the eaves and walls, leaping all the way towards the orc soldiers on the checkpoint.

Death began to envelop the base of the Tar Orcs in the dark.