
I Became a Predator in a World of Systems

In a world where every citizen died and was resurrected with a system that bestowed upon them different races and abilities, society is now divided into two distinct categories: Predators and Preys. Predators are the higher-ranked, evil-generating individuals, feared and respected for their power and malevolence. Preys, on the other hand, generate good, often finding themselves at the mercy of the ruthless Predators. Aiden, a calm, collected, and law-abiding citizen of Canada, lived in this new world as an Incubus—a mild evil-generating system tasked with awakening the deepest lusts in others. Though his life took a dark turn with the world purge, Aiden managed to maintain his moral compass, balancing the demands of his system with his inherent sense of justice. But fate had other plans. After a horrific accident left his body brutally destroyed, Aiden's soul was unexpectedly transferred into the body of a wealthy young conglomerate—one who bore an Extreme Evil System. Suddenly, Aiden found himself in the shoes of a high-ranking Predator, a Demon, a race that transcends all others, a direct descendant of the Devil himself. Now, Aiden must navigate the treacherous world of Predators, wielding the overwhelming power of a Demon while grappling with the moral conflicts of his former life. As he adapts to his new identity, Aiden must decide whether to embrace the darkness within or find a way to survive without losing his soul.

Unique_Ideas_ · Urban
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75 Chs

What the fuck did we do last night?!


The blaring sound of an alarm yanked Aiden from a deep, dreamless sleep. His throat felt like sandpaper, and his eyes were still closed as he shot up in bed, disoriented.

"What the hell is happening now?!" he hissed, frustration lacing his voice as he fumbled for his phone.

It was only 6 a.m. After the grueling ordeal of the second test, Aiden had hoped for at least a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. But apparently, even that was too much to ask.

He squinted at the screen, his groggy mind struggling to process the notification from the witches' group. As the words sank in, a familiar sense of unease gripped him.

The last time they'd been summoned like this, it had been due to the deaths of several witches—deaths he had a direct hand in orchestrating.

So what could it be this time? Another death? But he hadn't done anything recently...