
I Became a Predator in a World of Systems

In a world where every citizen died and was resurrected with a system that bestowed upon them different races and abilities, society is now divided into two distinct categories: Predators and Preys. Predators are the higher-ranked, evil-generating individuals, feared and respected for their power and malevolence. Preys, on the other hand, generate good, often finding themselves at the mercy of the ruthless Predators. Aiden, a calm, collected, and law-abiding citizen of Canada, lived in this new world as an Incubus—a mild evil-generating system tasked with awakening the deepest lusts in others. Though his life took a dark turn with the world purge, Aiden managed to maintain his moral compass, balancing the demands of his system with his inherent sense of justice. But fate had other plans. After a horrific accident left his body brutally destroyed, Aiden's soul was unexpectedly transferred into the body of a wealthy young conglomerate—one who bore an Extreme Evil System. Suddenly, Aiden found himself in the shoes of a high-ranking Predator, a Demon, a race that transcends all others, a direct descendant of the Devil himself. Now, Aiden must navigate the treacherous world of Predators, wielding the overwhelming power of a Demon while grappling with the moral conflicts of his former life. As he adapts to his new identity, Aiden must decide whether to embrace the darkness within or find a way to survive without losing his soul.

Unique_Ideas_ · Urban
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75 Chs

_21 days earlier.

"Mum, I love you. I'm off to school," Aiden announced as he climbed the stairs down to the sitting room where his mum was seated.

"You are quite early today," Juliana said as she ruffled his hair when he finally got to her front.

"Well…my friends and I got something up so I got to quickly hit them up at school. Now don't keep me waiting," he said, letting her know the reasons for behaving like the good child she assumed her to be. A little joy breaker he was.

"I'd love it if you'd go to school early this way," Juliana said with a sigh but she also knew that her son wouldn't do that.

Aiden nodded his head and gave her a quick hug before walking towards the door. As he placed his hand on the handle, his mother's voice sounded again.

"You should take the new car your dad just bought. You'll love it."

"Sure," Aiden noted before finally leaving the room.

As he stepped foot out of the house, a thunder rumbled in the sky and he could only shake his head. The car his dad just bought was a convertible Bentley continental gt and he planned to leave the roof open but now, he wouldn't be able to do it with the change of weather.

He rushed to the brand new car waiting under the shade in its full glory.

"This is gonna be a nice ride," he commented as his bum met the silky and cool driver's seat. He comfortably rested his back and played his favorite playlist after connecting his phone before driving off.

Aiden's high school, Everwood Academy, was a beautiful and impressive building. The front entrance had big stone columns, wide arches, and large windows that shone like diamonds in the sun.

The lawns were green and well-manicured, giving the place a peaceful and exclusive feel. The big bronze gate at the entrance seemed to say, "Only special people can come in." And indeed, only those with a lot of money or exceptional talent could attend Everwood Academy. The tuition fee was very high, like the cost of a luxury home.

As Aiden entered the gate, he was let in without any trouble, thanks to his father's influence. He could do what he wanted at school without worrying about the rules.

"Where are the rest of the guys?" Aiden asked one of his friends who had been waiting for him.

Kyle was spotting a baggy jeans and a POD top with a design that read, "I'll fuck your bitches - they're mine."

Aiden always founded the particular outfit hilarious, as he knew Kyle didn't mean it seriously.

"Let's get going, Matthew will meet us there. I'll be damned if I wait for him, he's probably with some girl." Aiden said, and Kyle just nodded in agreement.

Today was a big day for them, and they didn't want to miss it. Aiden hadn't woken up early to go to school; instead, there was a party in the underworld, and that was where he was headed.

He didn't know how he'd become one of the trusted aides of a mafia lord, but he had. His dad would wonder how he was doing so well in the business world, unaware of his son's secret life.

Aiden got into his new car, which Kyle had complimented him on when he arrived. As they drove, they noticed something strange. The world suddenly turned dark, and then red. It was frightening, and that was the last thing Aiden remembered before blacking out.


Aiden woke up to find himself floating in mid-air, surrounded by an inky darkness so thick he couldn't see his own hand in front of his face.

As he struggled to comprehend his surroundings, a bright light suddenly illuminated the space, accompanied by a being clad in a vibrant, multicolored attire, whose presence only added to Aiden's confusion.

As his eyes adjusted to the light, he scrambled to check his watch for the time, only to find it wasn't working.

Everything felt off, and with this realization, his earlier excitement and anticipation dissipated. He had envisioned a day filled with triumph, surprising his boss and earning a promotion.

He was the heir to his father's vast assets and had been preparing to take the reins, embracing his mafia connections with confidence. But now, all of that seemed to be slipping away. His primary concern, however, was the underworld party – what was happening, and how could he regain control?

"It seems like you haven't understood what's happening here but you are distressed. Distressed for an entirely different thing." He heard a voice in the strange place and that managed to put his mind at ease for a while as he believed he could find answers to what the fucking stuff was wrong with the time.

"Who the fuck are you? What the fuck is wrong with the time?! I seriously need to be at that party!" Aiden shouted, his face grim at the thought of not making it.

"Seems you don't understand… you are dead!"

But as the mysterious figure's words sank in, Aiden was perplexed or rather annoyed. He had thought about that but he didn't want to believe that he had an accident or what exactly happened?!

"Don't brood too much. Not only you but all of you, it's the whole world that died," the unknown being said and then moved to his front but followed by a floating chair which he sat down on.

"Now, what you should worry about is how you'll get that life back."

Aiden's confused brain lit up as he heard his words but also still tinted with a little bit of confusion. He asked, with a thin line already forming between his brows, "You mean there's life after death? Afterlife!"

"No, there's not. Rather I'm giving you a chance to live again because I killed you all."

"Who are you, again?" Aiden asked a question he had been itching to ask but didn't because he was first bothered about his party but now that he was dead or rather they were all dead. There was no party to worry about!

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