
Chapter 12. Skills

Looking at the message that popped up in front of him, he guessed that it is an order passed down to him by his God, "my God is watching over me, you filthy swine's your time has come" he silently intoned. Feeling elated he took out his sword from its scabbard and snuck up to the fat mercenary that was busy laughing and silently slit his throat, while covering his mouth so he won't make any sounds, but due to the surprise and the pain he felt, the fat mercenary trashed about kicking the things around him.

"What's your hurry, calm down, I will soon be done then you can have your turn with her, hehe" the slim mercenary laughed while licking his lips.

Feeling disgusted after hearing what the mercenary said, he let the body drop to the ground inducing a loud thud. Hearing the loud sound the slim mercenary turned to look at the cause of it, only to be met with an iron grip hand latched onto his mouth preventing him from making any noise.

"A weak bodybuilding scum like you thinks he can go around doing anything he likes huh, well too bad you met me hehe," Peter says with rage visible on his face.

Dragging him down from the lady who scampered to a corner using what piece of clothes was left on her to cover her body, looking at the slim mercenary in his grasp, "your not gonna get off easy like your friend over there" he says while pointing to his dead companion lying on the floor, looking at the body, the mercenary eyes widened in horror.

Taking out his sword and raising it high, he swung it down on the mercenary left hand and without much resistance, the sword cleanly separated his arm from his shoulder causing the mercenary to scream, cry and lash out violently in Peter's hand, but Peter still held his mouth in an iron grip letting only whimpers come out.

Raising his sword again he proceeded to cut off his remaining limbs all the while looking at the man dead in the eye "if you manage to reincarnate then try not to be a mercenary, or I will still come for you" Peter says before cutting off his head with one swing.

Looking at the gruesome scene he had committed, it finally clicked he was not alone in this room, lifting his head to look at the corner where the woman was, "huh, she left already guess she could not handle blood, it's good that I don't have to console her or anything"

Looking around he found a bag of gold on the body of the slim mercenary and four daggers but only a sword on the fat one, taking the gold and dagger, he left the cottage, stealthily moving to the town square, he still finds the mercenary leader and his two lackeys standing there and the scared villagers crying, going closer to them while making sure he is not seen, he took out the daggers he got from the mercenary he killed earlier, three daggers in hand, he quickly throws it towards the mercenaries, not expecting anything to attack them, caused they thought that the young man they were hunting should be injured and not offer much resistance.

The first dagger straight up killed the mercenary on the right, stabbing him directly in his throat and killing him on the spot. the second one was deflected by the leader with his sword, while the third one stabbed the mercenary on the left on the shoulder, making him drop the sword he was holding while screaming.

Looking at the mercenaries, the villagers were dumbfounded, a few minutes ago they thought they were going to die, but now one of the mercenaries just dropped dead and the other one is screaming while holding his shoulder.

"Tch" looking at the only person left unscathed, Peter clicked his tongue and walked out, "so you finally decided to show yourself," the mercenary leader said with a smirk.

But Peter did not say anything to him, seeing that he was not replying to him the mercenary leader got angry and decided to mock him, "I thought you were going to let me kill all the villagers here before you come out, how does it feel anyways being dragged into something you know nothing about and having your entire family killed"

Snapping his eyes to look at the man who just mentioned his family, he felt that he should tear him limb from limb, but he managed to control himself, taking a deep breath he focused on himself, mostly on the gift he got from his God, feeling something swirl within him, he snapped his eyes open with his hand on his sword, he muttered under his breath Thunder acceleration.

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