
I Ask You To Manage The Gaming Company, But You Make Me The Richest Person?

# SUPER RICH # NEW DAD Xu Zhi was transmigrated to planet Bluestar and became the stay-at-home husband of the President of a gaming company. When his wife got pregnant, his mother-in-law demanded that she return home to rest. Before heading back, his wife left the company in Xu Zhi's care, asking him to keep the company stable until she returned. However, ten months later, his wife, who had just given birth, learned that she became the richest woman in the country. Xu Zhi looked at his twin babies and silently promised, "I'm going to make your mother the richest person on this planet in a year!" ... When Xu Zhi took over the position of chairman, the first thing he did was cancel the development plan of a game with large investment and started to focus on a new game, Jumping the Line of Fire. "Sir! As someone who holds a Master's Degree in Mathematics, I don't agree with turning a small handgun that can only hold 4 bullets into one that can fire 18 bullets!" the Director of the planning team said. "Sir! 999 is just too expensive for this gun! No one would buy it!" the Director of another team said. No matter how much his employees were against his decision, Xu Zhi insisted on making the new game his way. A month later, the game's open beta was launched. On the first day, the game had earned the company ten million. In ten days, the earning from the game had reached three hundred million. In just a month, the company had earned more than a billion from that game alone. "You guys need to understand that the role of a gaming company is to provide their players with the best entertainment. What's the point of making something realistic in a virtual world? That's like adding salt to a dessert," Xu Zhi said. "Oh, right! Everyone will get a 10 thousand yuan bonus this month." "Long live the President!" all the employees cheered.

Pretty Apricot Tree · Games
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40 Chs

Wang Dalong’s First Experience of Jumping the Line of Fire

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After a simple registration, he logged into the game.

"Seth? Olmo? Swart?"

Entering the game, he saw the character options that appeared in front of him, Wang Dalong suddenly fell into a dilemma of choice.

Wang Dalong had never come into contact with this kind of game before. He only went online to play some web page games like Saber 777, the choice of character was very important for that kind of game. Each character represented a different career direction.

At this time, his mouse kept clicking on the three characters. Wang Dalong squinted his eyes to see if there was any difference.

However, these three characters were the initial characters of the game. In fact, apart from their looks, there was no difference.

After looking at them for a long while, Wang Dalong finally made up his mind and chose Swart.

This character's name was the longest... So it should be the right choice.

Nodding his head, Wang Dalong had always believed in his own judgment.

Entering the game, it was first a beginner's tutorial. Wang Dalong spent more than ten minutes completing it, and then he received a permanent rifle, M16.

"What next?"

Wang Dalong looked at the screen filled with rooms flashing. He was at a loss. It was already past 11 o'clock in the afternoon, and there were more than a million people in the game. There was no lack of rooms in all channels.

Wang Dalong tapped left and right, but he did not enter the room. Instead, he entered the game mall.

Once he entered the mall, the background music instantly changed. The dazzling variety of firearms in the mall instantly attracted Wang Dalong's attention.

"AK Kirin? M4 Thor? RPK Coiling Dragon?"

The three hero weapons that were released at this stage firmly occupied the front page of the mall. The golden glow on the guns, coupled with the hero level logo, made Wang Dalong instantly understand what these things were.

He could not help but complain, "This game company is too greedy. They are even selling these ultimate weapons."

Although he said so, Wang Dalong looked at the M16 in his backpack and could not help but look at the price of the hero weapons.

"F*ck, 99,999??"

Wang Dalong was scared out of his wits. He had played some other expensive games, and the ultimate equipment was only 8,888. This game was too much.

He continued to scroll down. The M4, AK, and other guns were all worth a lot of money.

He had been in the game for almost half an hour, but he had not played a single game. Wang Dalong first looked through every gun in the mall. He could not explain why, but it was probably the same as a woman shopping in a mall, guns were a fatal attraction to men.

However, after looking through everything, he pressed the 'top-up' button again. Top-up means depositing money into the game in order to purchase items. Wang Dalong seemed to have understood something. He should have miscalculated before.

The hero weapon in the mall had to be divided by 100 to be the real price.

"In other words, this ultimate weapon is selling for 999. It doesn't seem that expensive."

Feeling a little hungry, Wang Dalong tore open the pack of 50-cent Spicy Sticks that he had bought and ate it. He now had a trace of interest in Jumping the Line of Fire.

After exiting the mall and looking at the game room, Wang Dalong randomly chose one to enter.

Biochemical mode -- Biochemical Pyramid.

Looking at the text when the game was loaded, Wang Dalong was dumbfounded. What was Biochemical mode?

However, without waiting for him to think too much, he quickly entered the game map. This game had just started not too long ago, and Wang Dalong was standing in front of a staircase as a human.

He held an M16 in his hand.

He turned the mouse and tried to control his character to move around. Wang Dalong's character walked aimlessly in the Biochemical Pyramid.

Suddenly, Wang Dalong noticed a line of words above his character.

"Biochemical Ghost appeared 5 seconds ago."

"Biochemical Ghost? What is this?" Wang Dalong was like a curious baby, curious about everything.

"Three seconds before the appearance of the Biochemical Ghost."

"What do you mean, there are only three seconds left?"

"One second before the appearance of the Biochemical Ghost."

"What the hell!" Dalong Wang did not control his character anymore. He just stared at the words on the screen. He wanted to know what would happen after this second was up.

"The Biochemical Ghost has appeared. You have been selected."

"F*ck! Why me?!"

Looking at the screen, Swart, who was holding an M16 a moment ago, had turned into a little zombie that was glowing red. Wang Dalong was so scared that he jumped on his seat. The unfinished Spicy Sticks in his hand spilled all over the floor.

"What... What is this?"

Before Wang Dalong could do more research on the little zombie that he had turned into, several guns were pointed at him. The little zombie's initial 2,000 HP was not able to take any hits, and its HP bar was instantly emptied.

Just when Wang Dalong thought his character was dead, in less than a second, his little zombie resurrected in the open space of the Biochemical Pyramid.

This time, there were even more guns in the surroundings. In less than two seconds after resurrecting, the little zombie died again.

"Why can they hit me? Where's my gun? Where's my M16?" After being killed a few times, Wang Dalong could not help but mutter to himself.

"Brother, you're new, right?" On the computer beside him, a player who was also playing Jumping the Line of Fire saw Wang Dalong's predicament.

"Yeah, brother, how... How do you play this game?"

Wang Dalong looked at the brother sitting beside him. He was holding an M60 in his hand and standing on high ground, firing his gun. Wang Dalong could not help but ask curiously and enviously.

"Come, I'll teach you."

"You've turned into a zombie or a kind of ghost. You have to capture these humans and infect them. Do you know how to 'walk'?"

"Yes, I do." Wang Dalong pressed the W button, and the resurrected little zombie started to walk on the map.

"That's easy then. Try to capture them first."

The player beside him had only played for less than an hour, but unlike Wang Dalong, he quickly grasped the way to play this Biochemical mode.

Although this Biochemical mode had never appeared in any games on Bluestar, Xu Zhi had already lowered the threshold for Jumping the Line of Fire to an extremely low level. It could be said that as long as a player tried it for one or two rounds, he would be able to grasp the concept of the game mode.

Wang Dalong, who had received pointers from the players next to him, had also quickly mastered the way to play. He was gradually attracted by Jumping the Line of Fire and was having a great time playing.

Especially after catching the first person, he felt especially good. And in the next round, when Wang Dalong used the M16 to defeat a small zombie, he felt as if he had been injected with a tube of adrenaline. A warm current surged through his entire body.

The more he played, the more familiar Wang Dalong became. He also learned more high-level controls, such as using jumping to the small platform of the Biochemical Pyramid.



When jumping, every time he pressed the space bar button, Wang Dalong would stand up a little from the chair in the internet cafe. When his character jumped to the small platform, Wang Dalong let out a long sigh of relief and sat back down.

Wang Dalong's actions made the players beside him dumbfounded. He was actually so immersed in the game.

After finishing a 17-round round of Biochemical mode, Wang Dalong thought about the player beside him who had given him pointers earlier. He turned to look at his side.

After taking a look, Wang Dalong said in a puzzled voice, "Hey, brother, what are you playing now?"

Turning his head, the player next to him said to Wang Dalong, "This is the Team Competition mode. If you want to play, choose a team competition room."

"Okay, I got it. Thank you, brother."

After Wang Dalong thanked him, he began to move the mouse to choose a room. While he was choosing a room, he did not forget to tear open a pack of new Spicy Sticks and handed it to the brother next to him.