
One Psycho Down

"Jesus! What kind of demon did Zsasz piss off for it to crawl out of hell and go after him?" an officer asked when they saw the video from the street cameras. Even though the image was low quality,, each one of them could recognize a flaming skull inside the car.

"All witnesses say the same thing; a burning skeleton. With this video, we can conclude that this is not mass hallucinations. Now, we need to be vigilant and try to apprehend it,"

"Apprehend it? This thing literary just transformed a four seater saloon car to a two seater turbo charged race car! What if it just transforms the bars into a gun and started killing us?" an officer cried out, making the rest to look at the deputy captain with burning eyes. They had vowed to protect the public, but there were things that can be summed up as suicide with no reward. They clearly saw it been shot at yet it didn't even budge!

"What about Batman, sir? Can't he just go after it?" an officer asked.

"We could let him go after it, but this sends a wrong message to the public and soon, we will be called incompetent by the media. If any of you find it, radio it in and wait for backup!"

Daniel was released the following day for he was checked out with miraculous healing. The wound on his chest and arm was gone and he was indeed feeling better. Patients just finding themselves healed was common in Gotham so after a few hours of physical checkup and therapy, he was released. He went to his apartment and immediately locked himself in. He then went to the mirror, closed his eyes and groaned in effort. A second later, his flesh was gone and he was standing in front of the mirror in his Ghost Rider form.

"I can call it at will! That's not like the others that hosted it. My clothes didn't burn too! I actually look kinda cool with a flaming skull," he told himself. Then, the fire died and he was back to being his fleshy self. "It is instant too, no pain like before!" He then switched back to Ghost Rider then back a couple of times. He then went to his laptop and got into the GCPD database.

"Let's look for the scums in society the police can't put in. Hmm, scarecrow is still at large. Last known sighting, the harbour. This will do," he told himself before going to his wardrobe to get new clothes, or as he would name them, Ghost Rider clothes. He found a black t-shirt, a black leather jacket, black Levi's and black pair of heavy boots. He wore them then turned to the Ghost Rider in front of the mirror.

"I look bitchin!" he growled in his demonic voice before changing back. He then snuck out of his apartment to the alleyway near the building, out of the cameras' sight before he changed back to Ghost Rider. That done, he whistled out loudly and from the ground rose his hell mount, his race car fueled by hell fire. He got into it and drove towards the harbour in moderate speed. In the speedometer, he could see it could go up to Mach 1! This car was every race driver's wet dream with a bj on top.

Arriving at the harbour, he immediately started feeling his lust for vengeance rising, making him start becoming impatient and drove through the gate, towards the place he felt it come from. That's how he found himself in the midst of a gun trade. Everyone of the crooks stopped what they were doing and looked at him with frowns, until he got out of the car with a demonic shrill. Everyone of them cursed out in fear, quickly arming themselves and aiming at him. Daniel cocked his head to one side and like this was the agreed signal, they all opened fire at him for two whole minutes, yet he was still standing.

"Plenty of evil, plenty of souls!" Daniel growled and made towards the first man who was frantically trying to reload but his fear got the better of him, making him miss the chamber continuously. Daniel touched his shoulder and the man was turned to ashes immediately. The others immediately started panicking and everything fell off the rails after that. Some started shooting at him while the others took off with no clear destination. Daniel was having the time of his life with this as everyone he touched turned to ashes, their souls immediately fed to him, making him even more powerful.

Soon, only one of them was left and the man was paralysed in fear seeing what happened to everyone here. Daniel growled as he came closer to him, their faces almost touching.

"I want to know where Scarecrow is!" he growled in a gluttaral voice that shakes the man to his boots.

"The old Arkham Asylum. He's been seeking refuge in there for a while. Please, don't kill me," the man begged.

"That depends, have you been a good boy? Let us put your soul to the test," Daniel said and looked into the man's eyes. He was pretty unlucky for he immediately died, his soul nourishing Daniel who just walked away, unconcerned. The only body left in one piece was the man's, everything else was ashes.

Daniel got into his hell mount and drove towards the old Arkham Asylum, his speed faster for he was not using public road. After half an hour, he reached the building and he could see Scare Crow's lackeys in the signature Scare Crow outfit guarding the building. Daniel smashed into them, reducing them to road kill before he stopped at the front door of the building. Smoothly, he got out of the car and entered the building. He felt like an action hero about to start a bunch of murders to please the audience.

"A burning skeleton! This is at first. But, everything that breaths will still fall pry to my toxic. In hale as much as you want and spare yourself an agonizing pain!" a raspy voice from the PA said. Daniel looked around, shrugged and continued on, trusting his list for vengeance lead him. The deeper he went, the heavy the toxic in the air became till he could not see what was ahead of him by one meter. Good thing he had arrived though. Scare Crow was holding inside one of the sectors of the Asylum, smart for it was the solitary of this Asylum. But, Daniel tore the door down easily and walked in, scaring Scarecrow shitless.

"What are you?" the villian asked, trying to distance himself from Daniel.

"Vengeance," Daniel answered before getting hold of him by his collar and pinned him to the wall. "Look into my eyes and suffer." Scarecrow looked into his eyes but what Daniel expected to happen didn't.

"No guilt? Good to know your kind exist here," Daniel said before picking him up over his head with both hands before he proceeded to tear him into half, each of them engulfed in hell fire, reducing them to ashes. A wispy smoke flew from the ashes and into his mouth, making Daniel growl in pleasure.

"One freak down, many more to follow," he said to himself then walked away from the scene.

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