
Chapter 20: Prevent Sarutobi Hiruzen

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Now in the third year of Konoha, all the clans that were meant to be part of the village have joined under the leadership of Senju Hashirama.

In the past years, there were small conflicts, but they were easily handled. Tobirama still remained wary of Setsuna, as he believed Setsuna to be more dangerous than Madara. Setsuna's moves were not driven by emotion but by his high intelligence. Ever since Setsuna suggested building Konoha Hospital, Tobirama suspected that Setsuna had a grand plan for the Uchiha to become stronger.

One day, during a Konoha meeting, Setsuna once again put forth his proposal.

1. Limit on Hokage Terms: Setsuna suggested that the position of Hokage should have a term limit of 20 years for each person. Once this limit is reached, an individual cannot hold the position of Hokage again.

2. Rotation of Hokage from Different Clans: He proposed that the Hokage should be selected from different clans in rotation. For example, if the first Hokage is from the Senju clan, then the second Hokage must come from a different clan. If the second Hokage is from the Uchiha clan, then the third Hokage must be selected from yet another clan.

These proposals aimed to establish a system that prevented a single clan from monopolizing power for an extended period and encouraged a diverse leadership within Konoha. However, the reactions to these suggestions varied among the clans, setting the stage for a heated debate.

The reaction to Setsuna's proposals was intense, particularly from the Senju clan, with Tobirama expressing vehement opposition. The Senju believed that the Uchiha were attempting to weaken the position of their leader, Senju Hashirama, using these proposals as a tool.

On the contrary, other clans, having recently joined Konoha, saw potential benefits in limiting the power of the Hokage. They agreed that this approach would prevent any single clan from dominating the leadership for an extended period, fostering a more inclusive and collaborative village.

However, due to the strong resistance from the Senju clan, Setsuna's proposals were ultimately rejected. The dream of implementing term limits and a rotational system for the Hokage position seemed elusive at this point.

Setsuna couldn't help but curse in his mind. His intentions were to prevent the emergence of warlords like Sarutobi Hiruzen, who might abuse power for personal gain. He vividly remembered the events surrounding Hatake Sakumo's tragic end, and the theories suggesting that Danzo and Sarutobi were involved in manipulating the circumstances for their own ambitions.

The struggle for a balanced and just leadership continued within Konoha, as Setsuna grappled with the challenges of steering the village toward a path that transcended the shadows of its past.


In a dimly lit room hidden within the heart of Konoha, Tobirama Senju gathered with key members of the Senju clan. The atmosphere was tense, and the faces of those present carried a mixture of concern and determination. Hashirama was notably absent from this clandestine meeting, as the members believed he wouldn't align with their sentiments.

Tobirama, his sharp eyes reflecting the flickering candlelight, addressed the assembly. "We cannot underestimate the potential threat Setsuna poses to the future of Konoha. His intellect and unconventional ideas make him a wildcard, and we cannot afford to let him shape the village according to his vision."

Several members nodded in agreement, their expressions revealing shared worries about Setsuna's influence on the village's trajectory. One of the senior clan members spoke up, "We need to devise a plan to keep him away from the political affairs of Konoha. His proposal for the academy could serve as the perfect distraction."

Tobirama, always pragmatic and strategic, considered the suggestion. "Indeed, the academy proposal is from Setsuna himself. If we focus on that project, we can keep him occupied and away from the matters that concern us."

The discussion continued as they outlined the details of their plan. The academy would become a tool not only for training young shinobi but also for shaping their beliefs and values. It was a subtle strategy to control the narrative within Konoha, ensuring that the future generations would uphold the traditions and ideals preferred by the Senju clan.

As the meeting concluded, Tobirama's piercing gaze lingered on the plans spread across the table. The Senju were ready to set their plan in motion, confident that this subtle approach would safeguard their vision for Konoha's future. The stage was now set for a carefully orchestrated series of events that would unfold within the walls of the hidden village.

In the following days, the plan to keep Setsuna away from the political landscape of Konoha began to take shape. The decision to focus on establishing a shinobi academy aligned with Setsuna's proposal, and the Senju members believed it would serve as a distraction for him.

Without involving Hashirama in the plan, Tobirama and the Senju clan started working on the academy project. They enlisted the help of skilled educators and experienced ninja to create a curriculum that would instill loyalty to Konoha and its traditions. The aim was to shape the minds of the next generation in a way that would benefit the Senju's vision for the village.

Tobirama, although still wary of Setsuna, saw the academy as a means to control the narrative and influence the future leadership of Konoha. The academy would be a tool to mold young minds in a way that aligned with the Senju clan's ideals, ensuring the village's stability and longevity.

Meanwhile, Setsuna, unaware of the discussions taking place among the Senju, continued to focus on his own initiatives. Little did he know that the foundation of the academy, a concept he proposed, would soon become a platform for the Senju to shape the destiny of Konoha without his direct involvement.

As the construction of the academy progressed, the stage was set for a subtle power struggle within Konoha—one that would unfold in the classrooms and training grounds, shaping the village's future from behind the scenes. The Senju's plan to guide Konoha's trajectory was in motion, and Setsuna's absence from the political arena would play a crucial role in their strategy.

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