
Chapter 20: Unfamiliar face

Murrloth took another step back; " How did you dispell my energy! ", the wyvern roared. Sion was standing still, one of his arms were gone while other was pointing at Murrloth.

" You've made one mistake Murrloth, Master of Shapeshifters.. You've threatened my friends-.. " his eyes were glowing green.

" Agh-! " Murrloth roared; " I. Don't. Fear you! " he dashed at him, he was running on all four with his wings scratching the ceiling of the cave.

Sion stood still; " I've.. absorbed most of your energy.. give up ", he opened his palm wide. Like a wave, aura flew at Murrloth, it crashed into Murrloth and knocked him on his back.

" AGHH-! " he was angry. His entire being cracked as a human walked out of the dust, it was Sion/Rune.

" This trick again, it's pointless. " Sion's right arm was bleeding out quickly, but he seemed to ignore it. He dashed at Murrloth.

[ Runes voice: Remember Sion, you're ONLY stronger than him because you now have most of his energy, once you expend it, you will grow weaker. You have no ability that allows you to permanently store that energy, at least not now! Use this time to defeat him ]

~I know!

Murrloth blocked the punch with his elbow. Sion crouched down and sweeped his leg on the ground trying to knock Murrloth down. Murrloth jumped over it and kicked Sion in the face.

Sion got slammed in the wall, but he quickly dashed away. His right hand was missing, but he didn't want to use <Devil's Contract> since he might suffer a more lethal injury. Both of them got into a hand-to-hand combat, ironically, Sion was missing a hand. Sion was mostly using legs to preform kicks on Murrloth. They were fighting equally at one point. Fierce kicks made Murrloth crash into floor and wall, but none really made him bleed. Sion on the other hand, was bleeding from his nose and arm, he had several bruises as well, but nothing that would make him die.

" Did you really steal that much of my energy?! " Murrloth was roaring.

" Your fault you used so much of it in your aura, you dumbass " Sion jumped and kicked him, sending him flying into the wall.

Murrloth created an ice spear in his hand. With a spin, he threw it at Sion.

" Woah- " Sion leaned backwards, his back almost reached the ground. He dodged it. He crouched down and pointed one hand at Murrloth; " My turn-.. ".

Murrloth stepped back, but Sion was already in front of him. He grabbed the dagger that was in his stomach and pulled it out, Murrloth flinched.

" Changing forms won't save you, Nemma is far away from here, Sons of Freedom are as well.. And I have no one else.. " he raised his dagger, he was planning to cut of Murrloth's head. Murrloth made a strange face, a face of relief; " Oh, is that so-? ". Murrloth's skin started to fall off and in middle of transformation, he kicked Sion away.

Sion didn't fly far away, he looked back at Murrloth. But...

" Don't you remember me, Sion? "

" W-what are you? " Sion stood shocked.

It was a lady with long black hair. She looked as if she was in her early 40s. She was wearing a black robe that served as dress. It was not dirty, but it definitely looked old. Her face had some wrinkles. Her eyes were black and she had a mole beneath left eye. Sion found her really beautiful, yet unfamiliar.

" It's me Sion... your-... "

His world.. crashed.. what the hell was he talking about.

" W-what? " he dropped his dagger. He knew very well not to drop his guard, but it happened again.

" Repeat that.. what the hell have you just said? " Sion looked confused, but angry as well.

" I am.. your mother.. " the lady smiled.

His head felt so empty, but so full at the same time. He shook his head; " No no no, don't even try it again.. I told you Murrloth, it's pointless. ", he picked up his dagger and pointed at him.

Lady made a step forward and opened her arms; " Y-you really don't remember me. ", she looked sad.

" Murrloth I swear to God-! " he gripped the handle tighter.

[ Runes voice: Sion.. I hate to say it but, while that might be Murrloth.. possibility that he ACTUALLY took the form of your mother isn't excluded. That might be why you still haven't killed him, maybe deep inside, you know it as well.. ]

~W-what, you for real?

[ Runes voice: Don't let him trick you though. You've just spent 3 months building up your energy control, you can sense it. Ignore his appearance, cut him down. It's now or never Sion, in few seconds you will stop being stronger than him, his energy is leaving your body quickly. Do it now. ]

" Shit-! " he squeezed his teeth.

His vision was slowly getting blurry, he was losing too much blood. He took a step forward. It was decided, he has to kill Murrloth, no matter what.

" Sion.. don't you care about me? I thought you wanted to know what happened to me.. " she said.

Sion's eyes twitched, he continued walking; " Get out of my head Murrloth. "

" I'm still waiting for you.. just as I promised. Won't you save me? " she looked sad.

[ Ability Devil's Contract activated ]

He healed himself. He continued walking forwards; " Shut up.. "

" I don't have much time, pleas- "

" I SAID SHUT UP! " Sion hit his head few times; " Get out of my head! ". He was several meters away, with his eyes closed he failed to notice ominous smile the lady had.

" Will you.. really kill me? " she wept.

Sion opened his eyes and aura increased again; " You can bet on it! ". He was now standing a mere meter away.

They stood in silence.

" Sion I-.. "

Cold blade was on her neck in a moment. Sion was looking really angry; " I told you to stay quiet. "

On ladies forehead, sweat drops started to appear.

" You will now-.. "

Murrloth was done for, Sion's energy exceeded his own. That meant with a slash over his neck, Murrloth should die.

" -..answer all my questions. " Sion looked cold.

Murrloth flinched a bit.

[ Runes voice: Sion no! In mere seconds you will lost the bonus his energy is giving you! ]

" I'll.. what? " lady asked.

Sion pressed his dagger on her neck, blood started leaking; " I said no questions.. I am the one asking. "

" You have 2 seconds to answer each question, otherwise I'll cut your head off. We start immediately. Since you can access memories of my early childhood that even I don't remember, where was I born? "

Murrloth gulped.

" Two.. on- "

" In Nellān! 17 years ago! In a small village that's wiped off the maps after your birth. "

Sion had a cold look in his eyes; " Next question; " You're an SS Class monster, by accessing people's memories you gain knowledge of their lives.. From all memories you accessed, did anyone know anything about Royals and how to defeat any of them? "

Murrloth squeezed his teeth for a moment; " N-no! They all worked under someone of a higher hierarchy rank, but not a Royal! The name I've heard the most was <Theo, the Master of Hunters> in <Ibotha Heavenly Empire>... "

" Good. Now where is my mother? " he pressed the blade on his neck with more power.

Lady looked aside.

" Two... one-.. "

" No... your mother is-... "

Blood leaked out of the wound on neck that Sion made; " Where!? ", but the sound was healing with time. Each time Sion pressed into it, the cut he made was shallower.

Murrloth closed his eyes for a second... and opened them along with a crocked smile; " Roaming as a soul in Hell alongside Dev- "


Sion pulled the blade across monsters neck. And Rune was right, Murrloth now had enough time to overpower Sion with energy, the blade failed to cut off the neck completely, which resulted in Murrloth regenerating before blessing out.

" You fool! " Murrloth laughed; " Are you that dumb?! ". He punched Sion that flew few meters away.

" Now I have more energy then you! Your only chance was waisted by your stupidity! I can only be defeated by someone with more energy than myself!! I now posses just slightly more energy then you which means even with your <Justice Grounds> best you can do is equal it out! Indeed, you CAN hurt me.. but my reaction speed and power are too great for you to battle me! "

[ Runes voice: Only reason you had a upper hand was because Murrloth's energy dropped to approximately 20%, you've absorbed the rest and boosted your power, but now you've ran out of absorbed energy. This being is now stronger than you tens of times! ]

Sion stood up, his facial expressions was still calm and cold.


[ Runes voice: Huh? ]

~He now posseses more energy than me but he's no longer focused.. he is completely underestimating me, and that's what I planned all along.

Murrloth took a step forward and laughed; " You human, you have my respect. No one ever gotten so close to killing me! if only you weren't so dumb! It appears that, without possessing my energy, only thing special about you is your current speed! "

Sion coughed; " Yeah well.. you see.. you've been tricked.. I have fooled you.. now, since all your focus is on me-... " he pointed behind him.

Murrloth widened his eyes, he was shaking; " No that's impossible ", he completely forgot Sion came here with a partner. He quickly turned around already preparing for Santiago's slash.


But no one was behind him. Santiago was nowhere to be seen. " W-wait what? " Murrloth turned around in confusion.


Sion was standing in front of him, as dagger in his hands pierced through his stomach.

" Now that you.. see me as nothing but a dumb, spoiled brat.. you couldn't even imagine I would develop a plan, could you? "

Murrloth spit out blood; " You... you could've.. cut off my head... sooner.. why this? "

" No.. no I couldn't have. I've recently learned things about energy, I can also sense it more easily now. I've sensed your energy concentrated in your neck. If I would've slashed your neck that time, result would be the same no matter my power, you would have heal. Not to mention... a friend of mine said your weak spot was your stomach, so I had no reason to attack any other part of your body. " he pushed his dagger further inside of his stomach.

" Egh-! But your questions! The timer... "

" A bluff.. I was only interested in the 2nd answer anyway.. " Sion pulled out the dagger and pushed him on the ground.

Coldness slowly started going away, temperature in the cave was rising. Monsters aura was fading away.

" By a Xioerttem... if this isn't... interesting.. " Murrloth's skin fell of again and his muscles were cramping. He was now a 2 meter tall man with no hair on his body. His eyes were completely blue as well as his lips, his skin colour was pale cyan as well. He was wearing a long white robe without any decorations.

Sion grabbed his own right shoulder in pain he once again started feeling. He was watching the pale being slowly bleed out on the ground. His stomach was indeed his weak spot, by anatomy of Shapeshifters, their most vital organ was there, the one that allowed them to transform and more importantly, keep their soul in their bodies.

" This was nothing like the battle I imagined. I am not even hurt... " Sion was looking at his hands.

" Kinda' disappointed ya' know... " he said.

" I-... " Murrloth was still speaking.

Sion looked around; " You still alive huh? ", he prepared his dagger to finish him off.

" I won't be... LOOKED DOWN BY A HUMAN! " his skin turned to a mixture of black and red, pattern was similar to that of <Devil's Contract>. His body started massively expanding. Red bubbles and pockets of air started to appear on his body as the body started engulfing the cave.

" Get engulfed by my death. I shall send you down to Father along with me! " his voice was distorted and deep.

" Oh hell no " Sion turned around and ran. Behind him greenish sparks were left. The mass of energy, muscles and blood and... God knows what else.... was still behind him, it was even catching up to him. Sion was surprised.


Santiago finally managed to stood up. his body was full of holes from the spikes he got thrown onto. His body was healing many places at once, so it was slow.

" Damnit.. that kid. I hope these don't leave another scar. " he was mumbling to himself.

" If he causes one more problem to me I swear I will kill hiiiIIIIIIIIIII~! " his voice was echoing.

Sion was sprinting and slammed into him while running. He was holding him over his shoulder. As Sion ran into him, he broke Santiago's ribs.

" AAAH! You damn kid, put me down I can move slowly on my own. Stop runnin-! " he raised his head, behind them a massive blob of flesh was following them. Occasionally an giant eye or mouth would be visible.

" .... "


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