
The Meeting

After spending the night at the Pokémon Center in Ecruteak City, Yuga freshened up in the morning before heading to the Bell Tower with his Chatot.

The Bell Tower was located to the east of Ecruteak City, and it stood in distant view of the Burned Tower to the northwest. The Ecruteak Gym was situated in between them.

Both the Bell Tower and the Burned Tower were iconic structures of Ecruteak City, visible easily from any part of the city. Yuga didn't need navigation or directions to find his way there.

The Bell Tower had a total of nine floors, with the first to the eighth floors open to regular visitors. Only the ninth floor was accessible to the internal personnel of the Bell Tower.

As Yuga and Chatot arrived at the entrance of the Bell Tower, many people were already visiting. Two monks in brown robes stood at the tower's entrance, indicating they were likely associated with the Bell Tower.

These Bell Tower monks were different from the ascetic monks Yuga knew from his previous life. They could marry and have children, and the ancestors of the Ecruteak Gym were among these monks.

Yuga didn't disturb the two monks guarding the entrance on the first floor and went directly inside with Chatot.

As he entered, the two monks bowed to him with joined hands.

Inside the Bell Tower, the interior resembled a typical temple, but what enshrined inside is not any Deities, Buddha, or Legendary Pokémon, it contained four Golden Bells.

Three hundred years ago, due to human conflict, the predecessor of the Bell Tower, which was now the Burned Tower, was set ablaze. This angered Ho-Oh, and it never appeared before humans again.

However, in the ruins of the burned Burned Tower, a miracle occurred. Four transparent bells and thirty-two golden bells, which could convey the will of Ho-Oh, were miraculously preserved.

Today, these thirty-two golden bells were enshrined in the newly constructed Bell Tower. Each of the first eight floors had four bells, but the most important transparent bell was on the ninth floor.

Yuga didn't linger on the first eight floors and proceeded directly with Chatot to the entrance leading from the eighth to the ninth floor.

At each floor's entrance, two monks in brown robes were stationed as guards. However, the monks guarding the entrance from the eighth to the ninth floor wore black robes instead of brown, and their attire was more complex, indicating a higher status.

As expected, as Yuga was about to step onto the staircase leading to the ninth floor, the two monks blocked his way.

"Sir, we apologize, but the ninth floor is not open to the public," one of the monks with joined hands bowed to Yuga and said.

"May I see your abbot for a moment?" Yuga asked.

"I'm sorry," the monk replied with a troubled expression.

It seemed that things weren't going to be so easy! Yuga had expected that meeting the abbot of the Bell Tower wouldn't be straightforward, but he just wanted to give it a try.

However, what surprised him was the impeccable manners of these monks. They treated guests with great humility.

It appeared that a direct visit wouldn't work!

Just as Yuga was preparing to leave, he suddenly saw a young novice monk, about eight or nine years old, coming down from the ninth floor.

The young novice monk whispered a few words to one of the monks guarding the entrance, and then, to Yuga's surprise, the monk looked astonished and turned to him.

"Sir, our abbot would like to meet with you."

Yuga was taken aback by this development. He was going to meet the abbot right away? Could it be that the abbot of the Bell Tower had some kind of relationship with his family?

Perplexed, Yuga followed the young novice monk, who led him up the mysterious ninth floor of the Bell Tower.

Upon reaching the ninth floor, Yuga saw more than ten monks sitting in rows on the floor, seemingly waiting for him.

As Yuga stepped onto the ninth floor, a dozen pairs of eyes immediately turned their gaze towards him.

These monks on the ninth floor were different from the younger guards below; they were all elderly. Except for the leader, even the youngest among them appeared to be in their forties.

The leading monk was dressed in pristine white robes, while the others wore uniform black robes with brown silk ribbons around their necks.

In contrast to the black robes of the guards at the entrance to the ninth floor, the black robes of the senior monks were more intricate and dignified. The style of their robes likely indicated their positions within the Bell Tower.

"Please, have a seat, sir," the white-robed leader of the monks gestured toward a cushion placed in front of them.

Honestly, Yuga was still unsure about the situation. Why were the monks of the Bell Tower assembling in such a grand manner to meet him?

With a heart full of questions, Yuga sat down across from the monks, and Chatot remained perched on his shoulder, now feeling a bit timid.

"I am Joe, the current abbot of the Bell Tower," the white-robed monk introduced himself with a smile and joined hands.

Upon hearing this introduction, Yuga was greatly surprised. He had expected the abbot of the Bell Tower to be an elderly, solemn figure. Instead, he was met with a young man who didn't look a day over thirty.

What was even more astonishing was that this abbot was exceptionally good-looking, with striking features and an attractive appearance, despite his bald head. Even the complete lack of hair couldn't diminish his extraordinary charm.

Seeing Yuga's surprised expression, Joe chuckled and said, "I can understand how my appearance might be misleading, but I am indeed the abbot of the Bell Tower."

Joe not only had good looks but also exuded a kind and gentle aura. It was as if he was blessed by a divine light, making people naturally fond of him.

Yuga couldn't help but marvel at how even becoming a monk required such an impressive appearance. This abbot of the Bell Tower was certainly not an ordinary person.

"Oh, um, hello, Abbot Joe!" Yuga quickly bowed in a gesture of respect, joining his hands together.

"I already know the purpose of your visit, but unfortunately, the Bell Tower cannot assist you," Joe said, his gaze briefly falling on Chatot perched on Yuga's shoulder.

Upon hearing Joe's words, Yuga couldn't help but sense a strong air of mysticism around the Bell Tower's monks. How did they know everything even before he had said a word?

Although he had expected this journey wouldn't be easy, Yuga couldn't help but feel disappointed. He asked, "Is there truly no information regarding Ho-Oh available at the Bell Tower?"

Joe shook his head with a regretful expression. "There is none. Since the events three hundred years ago, Ho-Oh severed all ties with the Bell Tower, and the transparent bells have not rung since."

Hearing Joe's words, Yuga and Chatot both sighed in disappointment. While they knew this journey might not yield results, they hadn't anticipated leaving the Bell Tower empty-handed.

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