
woman that can have a man

woman that can have a man.

The man is in love with the woman. The woman loves the man. The man and the woman are in love with each other. They are a couple.

They will get married and have kids together. They will fall in love forever and ever.

This is the story of a woman who can have a man, but she doesn't want him.

She has a job, a home, and friends. She has a life. It's not perfect, but it's good. She has everything she needs—and then some.

But one day, she meets someone new at work—someone who makes her feel like she wants more from life than what she already has. And so begins their journey together: a love story that'll make you laugh, cry, and think about love in ways you never thought possible.

A love story of a woman that can have a man

A woman is sitting on the bed and she is crying. She looks very sad and lonely. The room is dark, but there is still some light coming from outside. A man comes into the room and says "What's wrong?". The woman says "I'm sad because I can't find a man to love me". The man says "Do you want me to help you?" The woman says yes, so the man takes off his clothes and jumps into bed with her! They make love all night long, then they fall asleep together in each other's arms. The end!

When I was a kid, I thought that love was like having a pet dog. You take care of it and it takes care of you. But then I got older, and realized that sometimes, love is more like having a child: you're always taking care of it, but it doesn't always act the way you want it to. Sometimes it rolls in mud or barfs on your favorite shirt or eats all the expensive food in the refrigerator. And sometimes it surprises you with how much it can grow—and by grow, I mean emotionally and mentally as well as physically—into something better than what you ever imagined for yourself.