160 [Event] [Enigma Red Dungeon] [21] Monarch



"W-What is that?!"

"Bruaaah! Cough! I can't-"

"Drink some water!"

The group's footsteps faltered as their ears caught the blood-curdling screams echoing through the desolate corridors of the 43rd floor. They hastened their pace, hearts pounding with a mixture of curiosity and dread, until they stumbled upon a macabre scene that would forever haunt their nightmares.

Spread out before them, like a tableau of horror, were the lifeless bodies of their fellow classmates. Each corpse bore the unmistakable signs of a violent demise, their once-vibrant faces etched with sheer terror. The group stood frozen in shock, their voices reduced to hushed whispers and gasps of disbelief.


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