
Chapter 1: Where am I?

"Uuuugh" I groaned in pain as it felt like my head is splitting. I stayed layed down trying to ease the pain. After the pain in my head lessened I looked around.

As I did I found that I was in some sort of forest.

"Strange, Last I remember I wasn't in any kind of forest" I remembered going to my room in chaldea to rest after a mission with master and mash. I laid in my bed at went to sleep, after that I don't remember anything else. getting up I begin surveying my area. 'This forest is thick and the feeling in it is strange' seeing the unfamiliar location I begin checking myself to see if there was something wrong with my body. Seeing that I was fine I breath out a breath of relief. Calming done I begin walking in an undetermined path while continuing to look around. continuing to walk around I soon found something.

What I saw was something I have never seen. It was a black creature with bone like armor and yellow and red eyes, it looked like a monstrous wolf, and the energy I feel from it is sinister.

It seems to be eating something, looking closer I saw what the creature was eating, it was a body. Looking at the scene I couldn't help but feel slightly disgusted at it.

Suddenly the creature stopped eating and turned to me. 'It seems to have noticed me' The creature seems to be preparing to attack.

Seeing this I prepared myself as well.

" *Deep breath* trace on" my magic circuits activated, but something feels strange. The energy circulating feels different. Looking at my body what I see weren't magic circuits but bluish luminiscient wave of energy covering my arm. A sword was then created. But for some reason the feeling of the structure feels more enlined with my being.

Unfortunately I couldn't continue my thoughts and processing, as the creature charges at me.

Getting into a stance I charge at it and delivered an upper strike.

When my strike hit the top half of the creature was obliterated.

Looking at the state of the creature I couldn't help but be suprise that it was too weak for its size. But what happened next further suprised me. What remains of the creature soon began turning into smoke and disappeared.

'What was that thing? And why did it turn to smoke?' trying to understand what just happened I begin hear rustling noises around me.

Looking at my surrounding more of those creatures begin coming out of the forest. More creatures similar to the one I killed begin appearing out of the forest.

But this time there were some that looked like bears. But there was one thing that caught my attention. They were smaller than the giant one earlier.

Never the less I took my stance. And hacked them all.


After killing every single one of them I begin to assess my situation.

Firstly I woke up in a forest and then I encountered creatures I have never seen before. And the energy I feel right now is different.

Trying to piece it together I begin to survey my surroundings again seeing that the surrounding was getting dark I looked at the sky. What I saw suprised and shocked me.

What I saw was the dark sky with the moon resting there. That scene would be pretty normal if it wasn't for one glaring detail. The moon right now was in remnants. Rubbing my eyes to see if my eyes were playing tricks on me. Looking at the moon again I didn't want to believe it but it was there.


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