
I am the Big Boss in my life

Prologue Andra has been a good person all throughout her life. She was an adopted daughter of a kind family so to give them back the kindness she felt, she worked a lot in order to give them a good life. However, due to an accident she lost her life when she saved a young boy crossing the street and was hit by a delivery truck. Upon waking up, she realized she is given one more chance to life. But then when she found out about her situation, she felt like going crazy as she became a villian of a love story where the definition of obsession is strongly attached to her for the male lead. (Cover not mine) "Are you crazy? I'm not going to be the person chasing some clown in this life. If my stepsister likes him, let her have him. I'll make lots and lots of money instead, tour around this world, and be a rich auntie like they say." Ironically, the current family she has is the one that neglects someone who they believe to be a bastard. Therefore, they made her a bride to a man who hated her as he is more interested to his sister.

BlessedMe · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3- The meal II

When the Emperor heard about the rumor, he immediately sent an order that Mafila will marry the Grand Duke, to tie the two families since their family is more loyal to the royal family than the Grand Duke's.

Their family believes in having more benefit while for the family of the Grand Duke, they are in the same level with the emperor so they pose more threat and the imperial family was only able to bind them because of the curse they are bound by centuries ago.

Anyway, we know Mafila will never ever marry him and wanted the Crown Prince instead, who bedazzled young ladies in the empire.

"Quiet!" Father made a firm and upset sound. I can see my step-siblings unsatisfied looks but also fear of Father's wrath.

"We can not go against the emperor so we are here today to discuss this and that is why we have to agree to his request no matter what. I have already asked him if he can benevolently allow my other daughter, Safira, take your place since she likes him from the beginning."

Yes, it may sound like he cares but I know father. His other agenda is for Mafila to marry the Crown Prince and I with the Grand Duke so he can control both powers.

In addition, rumors spread that women associated with the Grand Duke perish with a cursed-like death. For my step-sister to be alive until now, everyone considers her special.

'Forgive me previous owner of the body. Though you like this guy, I just can't imagine being tied with him for life. Well, if I survive anyway. I hope and pray that you will be able to find love and happiness wherever you are.'

I kept my mouth closed all throughout the conversation. I have no right to refuse in this household They keep repeating the words, "I feed you, I clothed you, I gave you a house, I gave you money, I gave you everything a noble has so we own you." And they remind me of it all the time.

If I refuse now, seeing the glints of my family giving me pressure not to say no, I will be out in the streets. I'll be homeless and penniless. They will justify their actions by informing other nobles and the emperor that I am unfilial and have been a shame in the family.

With the absurdity of the law and how the nobles treat those they deem lower than them, I am pretty sure they will support whatever nonsense this family will say.

This should never happen until I have achieved my plans. I need to be obedient for now so I can get the inheritance, expand them, and leave everything beyond. They already abused the previous Safira Andra so this will be retaliation for her.

"Yes, Father." Comes a meek voice.

"Good. You are always the best daughter in helping this family." Says my stepmother.

'Wow! How far can their hypocrisy go?' But instead of saying those words, I just nodded and smiled.

They still think with a simple praise, I will ran to them like an abused animal waiting for little bones. Safira always look for their approval so they are using it to their advantage, not really caring if she gets trampled in the process. Since I have taken over this body, I don't really care about their deceptive appreciation anymore.