
I am secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God

Well, this is something I write on a whim. To relax from my main fic. If you have problems with that? Don't read and save me the trouble and stress from reading your hate comments about why low quality? why no effort? why lolis? why this why that. I just wanna relax and write what I want damnit. Is it that hard to ask for? There is no clear path where it go and a wish fulfilment type of fic? MC not human obviously. But super OP and can stomp anyone because he is after all secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God. Schedule is 3 chapters per week. Every Mon, Wed and Fri, GMT +8. But I will keep at minimum 10 advance chapters in Patreon. If I have 10 or less advanced chapters, I will not post any until next one are posted there. If you enjoy my fic and wanted me to continue writing more or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip or support me here. https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

Daoist_KittyKat · Anime & Comics
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139 Chs

Chapter 80 - To Battle

"Huh? We are going to lead the expedition?" Sirin is shocked along with Sakura and Abby when Morgan suddenly says it.

"Since your father wouldn't accept any Prince. It falls to you to be groomed as a proper . Thus, it's your responsibility to lead this expedition and learn from the more experienced generals and vassals how to lead the people." Morgan said in a lecturing tone and saw the reluctant face of Sirin. "By the way, your father also agreed to this. So, don't think about persuading your father out of this."

Ray turns his head away when Sirin glared at him. He had been bribed by Morgan. So, he will follow her request this time.

Sirin couldn't believe that Ray would turn away to ignore her plea, leaving her feeling betrayed while she looked back at her second mother who was eager to groom her as her heir because of how Sirin always claimed and wanted to be the eldest and leader amongst her siblings.

"Why is it that you feel dissatisfied, Dear Sirin? Isn't this what you wished for? To hold power, authority, influence and fame? This is your opportunity." Morgan said, caressing Sirin's head with a smile that made Baobhan Sith on the side look jealous.

"Right… This is what I wanted." Sirin mumbles before she regains her confidence and lifts her head up. "I do it. To become a proper heiress." She said as if she finally found her true calling. To be a queen admired and envied by many like her second mother are.

"Good. As for Sakura, your father advised me against sending you to the frontline with your sister without consulting to you first." Morgan shifts her attention to the absentminded Sakura next. Sakura jolted awake and immediately looked at her mother who was asking about her opinion.

Sakura is grateful that she isn't sent to the frontline like Sirin. But she didn't want to be useless either. She wanted to at least be able to help her sister. However, Angra wanted to fight in the frontline.

When she conveyed her thoughts to Morgan, she suggested she learn the ropes in logistical division instead.

When it's Abby's turn. She is exempted like Melusine and Baobhan Sith were because they are Servants that are more suited for battle and they do not require the kind of training like Sirin and Sakura does.


Roughly half a day after the announcement at the Akiba Station's plaza, the players gathered once again. This time to be mobilized into battle.

"Let's begin the briefing." Shiroe said as he pointed at the map of Eastal territories while the players cross-reference on their own map and jolted down notes.

"First and foremost, let's address the main objective that we have."

"Eastal League is requesting our aid to protect their land and frankly, our numbers are too small to protect all objectives. Thus, we will only be focusing on a few of them that are crucial. Mainly the Fortress City Mogami, Owly City, Fourbridge City, Urumiya City, Oou City and Lawaroll City that will serve as the bulwark against the monster horde since they are fortified cities suitable to lay down siege."

"All players aside from D.D.D., Black Sword Knight and West Wind Brigand will be assigned to each of these cities. Your task is to stall as much time as possible for the unlisted Guilds to first cripple the enemy's logistics and supply chain to weaken them. But don't worry, you are not expected to fight alone as we will have reinforcement from the Fairy Queen and other reinforcement."

The moment reinforcement were mentioned, a large group of knights enter the scene, lead by Artoria decked out in her battle dress along with the other knights of the Round Table that Ray summoned for this occasion and along with the Camelot knights and soldiers brought into existence by Ray to spice up the game.

Those knights and soldiers alone amounted to almost four hundred thousand mens. They will be officially under the Crown Princess, Sirin's command but in reality, it's Artoria calling most shots while Sirin learns and assists.

But what came next caused all players to lose their collective shits.

"Oi! Is that what I think it is?" A player asked in disbelief while staring at the object in the sky casting massive shadow to the ground.

"I thought the secret project was the steam ship, Ocypete, Developed jointly by the Round Table Council. Since when did they secretly develop a flying WW2 battleship?"

"Bro, I swear on my future wife that we have no plan on secretly creating Yamato. Bro. Muchless a flying one and I'm part of the Marine Organization guild."

"Then explain who created that thing?"

"Lol. Who cares! Do you think we will be allowed to board it?"

Eventually the crowd gets too rowdy and Shiroe needs help silencing them to finish the briefing.

Once finished, the players are assigned to the two ships. Those that are assigned to the territories up north and east from Akiba will board the flying warship along with the main attacking force led by Sirin. Those assigned to territory down south will board Ocyupete to Maihama and travel to those territories on foot since the southern area is much smaller and closer compared to the vast northern area up to the coastline.

Of course, most of the Chat Group members and their companions also join the main force. Especially Ainz and Rimuru since their goal is the Goblin King and Generals.

On board the Wind Emperor, Morgan stood on the front deck of the warship with most of the important people standing next to her.

"It's time to set the sails. Let us depart to the battlefield!" She ordered as a loud thrumming noise followed by some faint shake as the warship slowly rose up from the ground and floated up to the sky.

The ordinary people gasped in excitement as the tens of thousands of tons of steel warship defy gravity and float up magically as it sails on the wind like it's water.


If you enjoy my fic and wanted me to support my work and effort, feel free to support me on Patreon. Advance chapters available starting from $1.
