
Jura Tempest Federation

Clayman was relaxing in his chair he was looking through his window. Recently one of his servants, Gelmud, had somehow lost not only 10,000 orcs but also the entire ogre tribe.

Even worse he had nothing to show for it. So he had commanded him to give a recording orb to the orcs that would always be active. And instead of trusting him to manage the recording and save what was important, he had some of his subordinates do it.

He was getting regular reports on the progress of the orc lord and knew that the arrival of his puppet demon lord was close. If everything went according to his plan he would become the strongest member of the demon lords. Soon enough, with the help of the Moderate Jesters, he would bring his creator back to life. And, with him by his side, he would be unstoppable. He would finally take revenge on Leon for killing his master.

*knock knock*

"Come in"

"Lord Clayman, we have an urgent report about the Orc Lord..."

Appearing in front of the Lizardman Chieftan Souei and his two assistants, Kotaro and Hanzo, were quickly surrounded by the nearby lizardmen. But before the lizardmen could get too close they were stopped by the chieftain.

"Halt! To what do I owe your visit ogres?"

"We have come as envoys of our lord to deliver his invitation. My great lord Rimuru has graciously passed an invitation for the Lizardman tribe to become his subordinates. He promises to defeat the orc lord that is approaching your village as a show of his power. But don't think that you will not gain anything from becoming his subordinate. To you, he promises what he has promised us ogres. He promises to name all the members of your Tribe. He promises his defense in case of dangers. And he promises a free pass to join his growing village, a place which shall become the mightiest kingdom in due time. All he requires is your loyalty and servitude.

However, there is one thing you have wrong. I am no longer an ogre. Thanks to my lord I have evolved into a Kijin. And soon enough all of my village will be too."

The chieftain was shocked. He had expected the mention of the orc lord. After all, he was not only a threat to his village but for the rest of the Jura Forest. What he did not expect was an invitation to join someone's village as a subordinate. Not only that but he had been offered to have all of his people named. However, he couldn't take all that he said at face value. Before he could ask his next question one of his guards acted before him.

"Chief, you don't have to listen to them. I have never heard of a Rimuru in this forest. They must be trying to trick you-"

The guard attempted to approach the Kijins but the moment he took a step forward he found that he couldn't move.

"You are lucky that my Lord has asked to make this invitation peacefully. Otherwise, you would have lost your head at that very moment." Hanzo said.

"I thank you for your patience Kijins. And, though I know our tribe does not stand a chance against a fight with you three. How am I to trust that your lord Rimuru can provide what he says?"

At that moment A gust of wind flew in the middle of the room and a beautiful green-haired woman appeared.

"You may trust the words of the Kijin, Chieftan. I Trya have personally witnessed Sir Rimuru in action. Both in battle and in the naming of the ogres he has shown that he keeps his promise. I as a Dryad, protector of this forest can guarantee his word." Trya, Treyni's sister, had appeared to assist in the negotiations.


[You have obtained the Unique skill Starved]

[Combining Starved with Predator

Unique Skill Gluttony has been acquired.]

[The skill Gluttony contains all the abilities of the skill predator in addition to the skills of starved which are

Corrosion: The ability to decompose the target in conjunction with Predation. Also the ability to add the abnormal condition of decomposition. There is a chance of acquiring an ability after consuming only a part of a target's body. However, the chance of that happening is less than consuming the whole body.

Receive: It is possible to acquire skills from one's subordinates. However one must raise proficiency on one's own. Magic and Knowledge also cannot be transferred.

Supply: Whether a subordinate or not, the user can grant an ability unto a monster with whom he has a relationship. Limited by the target's inherent magical energy.]

Now that the Orc Disaster had been defeated the rest of the orcs had lost their will to fight. Recalling all that they had done while under the effect of starved was not a pleasant experience. They had even eaten their own comrades, and now, they were sure to all die by the hands of the mysterious "elf".

Seeing the defeated faces of the orcs I decided to speak up.

"Listen up everyone! I have no intention of killing any of you. You were all under the effect of a skill so in my eyes you are innocent. The Orc Disaster, though with good intentions, was the one who had commanded you with Starved so he is the one guilty of your crimes.

And don't worry about what you will have to eat. The dryads and I will help you to acquire a stable source of food. For now, chose a representative to join me and the lizardmen for a meeting where we shall discuss the details."

Once the representative was chosen we led the way towards the lizardman territory. The location for the meeting.

Things went smoothly with the lizardmen, the dryads, and the orcs agreeing to join me. I gave the lizardman and the orc representative names on the spot. Abil and Geld. Just like that, the Jura Tempest Federation had been created. We led the orcs and lizardmen who would stay at Tempest back. The near future appeared to be filled with naming and building. After eating the Orc Disaster my magicules had increased which meant I could name more people per day.

Many things had happened this past two months. The construction of the city had increased tremendously. With the help of the newly named orcs we had started to develop the infrastructure needed for a good part of the city, with some buildings already in progress. With the help of the dwarves and the best architect and inventor I could think of, Great sage, we had planned out plumbing and many other necessities.

Whilst I hadn't finished naming all of the monsters in my village I had made good progress. But not only was I way behind on naming but I was also adding new monsters by the day. Zegion, a large beetle, and Apito who looked like a large bee. And during this past few months, other villages of monsters who lived in the forest had approached with wishes to join.

Thanks to the skills the ogres brought we had access to better clothes and fabrics, blacksmithing, cooking, and magic techniques. At this moment the citizens of Tempest had actual proper clothing and great tools to help with the manual labor. I had helped a lot in any way I could with the use of my clones with sage helping me manage them.

The personal strength of the citizens had also grown too. While not every single citizen was required to join in on the battle and fighting class Hakuro taught a good chunk of them did just to grow to be strong enough to protect themselves and help defend the city should they ever need to. The only thing required of the citizens was to study one of the following skills. Blacksmithing, taught by Kurobe and his assistant Kakuro. Farming, taught by the dryads. Construction, taught by Myrd. Weaving, taught by Shuna and her assistant Yua who also was a Kijin. And a few other jobs.

Benimaru had become the General of the current tempest army. I had expected his father Momomaru to take the role but then I was reminded that monsters lose strength when they become parents. And so, Benimaru was actually quite a bit stronger than his father.

Souei had started his own intelligence-gathering organization with many of his previous Kijin friends who had a similar skill set. A few of the Lizardman who had now evolved into dragonewts had joined too. And some of the hobgoblins who had learned shadow step decided to join too.

During this time I had gotten close to a few girls. Shion and Shuna had done their best to be the first to get close to me. It was fun to be around these two kijin. Shuna was very sweet and kind, and she would always bring snacks she had made. Something I found out about her was how good she was at giving massages. While I technically may not have muscles I could still feel the relaxation that came with massages.

Shion was determined to become my secretary. And not just any secretary but the Number 1 in the whole world. She did try her hand and cooking me meals like Shuna but… you know how they ended up. It was quite endearing to see her work so hard as my secretary even if sometimes she woke up and chose violence. Teaching her that just because a problem could be solved with violence it didn't mean that it should.

Trya had started hanging out with me every time she wasn't busy helping out on the farms. Apparently, she had been the one to witness my fight against the 10,000 orcs and she had thought I was really cool. She kept talking about how she was frustrated that she had been sent to the lizardman by Treynin instead of being able to see the fight against the Orc disaster.

Souka was someone I hadn't expected to become my fan. I guess in the end this time she hadn't been rescued by Souei from the jail since we had taken care of the orc lord while Gabil was still out trying to get goblins to join him. When I went to help Souei with his class to explain the usage of shadow magic I had gone a bit overboard and ended up catching her attention.

Talking about Gabil, he had tried to pull the coup stunt but ended up getting his ass kicked and getting "grounded" and sent to tempest to work by the evolved Abil.

Now there were only a few preparations left to do before the arrival of Gazel and Millim.

The next chapter should be r18, if you feel like skipping it you probably could as it won't contain much story other than a bit of development of the relationship with Rimuru and the girls. I think I am going to do write all the girls in that chapter so it should be semi-long.

I was planning on having Lina's on this chapter but the chapter both took too long to write and is already long enough. 5 hours on and off thinking about how to deal with the 2-month time skip, making some editing here and there, making research about what jobs were important in medieval times, and getting the plans ready for the next story chapter.

Toto is still at the vet. They decided to keep him in for one more day to make sure he was back to 100% since Urinary tract blockage can kill a cat in just a few days. Drove up to it to drop off his favorite food since he wasn't eating what they tried to give him at the vet and only then did he start eating.

I already said what I would have put here on the actual chapter itself so see ya.

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