1 I Got Resurrected, But in other World

"I am Miyamura Kawasaki, 16 years old, a normal highschool guy that wants to get transferred into another world." Well he did always thinks about it in school, at home, everywhere because he has a unpleasant life and he always getting bullied for being gloomy and boring at school. One day on his way home, Truck-kun did his job and then bang! He got hit by a truck then suddenly lost consciousness, when he wakes up he feels this soft sensation of thighs and saw a girl up him. "Who are you?" "Where am I?" "What am I doing here?". His questions. "You're in Dakusu Inn, I saw you under a tree that you looks like in pain." " Umm....Sorry for the late introduction, I am Nakiri Elisse. I am staying at this Inn and I am a student at Magic Academy". She said. "Magic...Academy? When did it happen to have magic here?". Miyamura adds. Nakiri says "Huh? 317 years ago when the first mage has appear." Miyamura shocks and tremble that he didn't know what's happening and where he is. "Well I am wishing to be here so that's why? I think so." "Nakiri, could you show me around this town? And teach me about things here?" Her response: " I don't mind if you don't mind it"

To be Continued.
