

A pair of eyes widened and pondered over the mysteries of living as the same head sticks out of it's mothers cave.

The baby realized it's own sentience as it reacted to everything around him.

The mother that was cursing heaven, hell and everything in between, the father which was reassuring the mother with hushed phrases while holding her hand, and the village apothecary that carefully delivered him.

Spirit Qi flourished at the birth of a new life, but the baby didn't continue to look around nor cry, it closed it's eyes and sought out that enlightenment.

The couple stared with worry at the seemingly ordinary baby.

"Is it alright?" Asked the Li Yue. As the mother that just gave birth, she was plagued with fatigue from the hours spent delivering the baby. And now that it was done, seeing it filled her with new found strength so she reached for it.

The apothecary was confused, but after confirming the babies normal vitals with her Spirit Qi, she took a breath of relief and smiled at Li Yue, "It's a boy!"

As soon as Li Yue held her son, tears filled her eyes. She looked at her husband who was smiling down on the baby with a grin on his face and said "His name will be Li Huan."

The father, Li Qianfan chuckled at her wife's naming sense, "Indeed, I wish for our son to be the happiest boy there is."

As the couple basked in the new feeling of being parents, Li Huan himself is still in a state of enlightenment, with the rules of the universe at his own reach. His own sheer talent at birth was so immense that he immediately achieved enlightenment most Daoists can only dream of. He gained nothing too powerful but this can only mean a smoother road if he decides to cultivate in the future. He gained control of all his senses so he can see, hear, taste, feel, and smell better than normal people at his first day of living.