
The wedding

"Ma'am, they're here,"

It was late in the evening when Aurora's maid arrived in her room, telling her the news which since the first day her uncle informed her, wished to never happen, not now not ever....

Aurora lived with her uncle after her father, Lord James, died in a war defending his empire. her mother, after the declaration of her husband's death, she decided to go back to her hometown and left her child with her husband's brother, Lord Samuel. since then, Aurora has been living with her uncle under his care, it has been five years now since that incident happened and now, she was 17 years old, she couldn't believe in her wildest dreams that her uncle would do something like this to her, how could he, how could he do this to her? if he was tired of taking care of her, that it would have been way better to be just sent back to her mother's old home town and stay there with her, thought their life would be different, she was sure that she'd get used to it just like how her mother did, yes her mother wasn't that rich as her uncle but still, that doesn't mean that her uncle would do whatever he wants with her, like getting her, a 17 year old girl married to a lord of a kingdom which she herself has never heard of...

the day she heard this news from her maid she couldn't believe it, yes her uncle wasn't that fond of her but, that doesn't mean that he should get her married at such a young age, but when her uncle called for her and told her about this news himself, that's when her heart broke, her legs weaken and felt speechless, her heart pounded and tears wouldn't stop falling beneath her eyes, she planned to ran away from that place but she knew that would be all useless as the whole mansion is surrounded by guards and maids.. there was no way she would be able to escape this, so all she had was no other options but to give in to her uncle's plans...

and now the day has come, the guests are already here, waiting for her, down the large staircases of their home....

Aurora, though she was only 17 years old, she was a truly beautiful masterpiece, her hairs dark as the night with her skin bright and white as the snow, her silver orbs truly bring out her eyes to the picture, matching the white colour of her wedding gown, dressed up ready for the marriage ceremony..

though she was seventeen, her body figure was well curved up, enough to make a man swallow a gulp of saliva, and for some reason, she felt this same thing happening to the group of men that were sitting at the dining room aware of her presence, as she descended the stairs..

Aurora's heart was pounding as if she could hear the base drums hitting in her ears, her legs were shaking, and tears were threatening to fall beneath her eyes, ready to ruin her simple wedding make up. but with all her might, she stopped herself from shedding out years as she knew even if she'd cry now, nothing will Change, so all she had to do was to stay strong and wait for what will happen next..

Aurora, as every girl in the world, wish she would have a marvelous, enchanted wedding in a large ball room,with the large chandelier hanging below herself as she's dancing with her prince charming, a wedding filled with music, dance and laughter's as the guests would say how beautiful she looked with her beautiful wedding gown,dancing with her husband,with a mile brighter than the sun, but today, as she was descending the stairs, she raised her eyes, she knew this wasn't her dream wedding, looked more than. a funeral than a weeding.. 5 men sitting on the couch in the living room dressed well enough to represent them that they're of higher ranks, and the sixth of them sat alone next to them staring at her as she descended the stairs, suddenly, her beautiful silver eyes met his dark orbs which felt like they were manipulating her to come close to him, calling her to his world and be trapped in his orbs forever, but before she could drawn in them, she looked down quickly, avoiding the eye contact between them.

her uncle, upon seeing her, he smiled and went to her, raised his right hand to her as she put her hand on top of his. A huge smile curved up on her uncle's face was seen clearly upon turning to the guests in front of them. he looked at them with a huge smile and approached them, introducing the beautiful bride to one of the men who seemed to. be the groom....

"My lord, meet my niece, Aurora Keys, Your soon to be wife.."

Her uncle said proudly as Aurora's hands became cold. her body shivering as if she was frozen in the freezing nights beneath the falling hail of snow.

The man took the hand from her uncle and brought it closer to his lips, she felt his warm breath getting closer to her hand as his face approached her hand, then, she felt it, his soft, warm lips on top of her skin.. the man smiled as he raised up and looked at Aurora's uncle..

"Then I believe she's no longer yours, but rather my own..."

"Oh, not so fast, my lord.. the wedding hasn't even started yet, and you're already declaring her as your own? "

" Then what are we waiting for? "

Lord Samuel was pleased by Lord Sebastian's impatience, and thus, without further delays, Lord Sebastian's men brought out a plum coloured box and approached them, standing beside them while. facing them, he opened the box and a beautiful silver ring with a white crystal stone appeared in everyone's eyes....

Lord Sebastian didn't even wait for another minute. He took the ring, raised her hand, and put the silver ring on her ring finger. As soon as it was fit, lord Samuel took out a box as Well and a silver ring was seen as well, she took the silver ring, as soon as she took it, the lord's arm raised gracefully and without touching it, Aurora put the finger on his ring finger, as soon as this was done, all clapped for them, congratulating them, Aurora her eyes still facing the ground since from the very beginning til now, said nothing to non of them nor showed no affection... and surprisingly, this bothered no one at all.

Then papers were brought forward, Aurora didn't know what they were, but she saw him signing them, And then, the pen was passed to her and she signed them too.... she didn't know what she was signing, but she hoped that what she was signing wouldn't bring her any effect in the mere future.... right after the files were closed, she had the declaration from her uncle, followed by a large piece of laughter

"I now pronounce you husband and wife..."

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I've posted the characters of Sebastian and aurora, wanna check them out?

just click on about this book, scroll down and you'll find them..

hope you'll like it

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