
the land of waves arc begins.

" those kids are the really capable of defending themselves." Asked tazuna.

" Yes Sasuke was the top scorer in the written practical and field exams of the academy graduation exam while Naruto was personally trained by hayabusa himself and Hinata she happens to be a capable hand to hand combatanist and has the most talent when it comes to being a medic nin for her team mates." Said kakashi.

As we approached the edge of the country "

we noticed the puddles I decided to be a pain in the ass for our enemies.

"Sure has been hot lately there must be a drought going on?" I said to kakashi giving him a wink he took the bait and decided to play along.

" Did you know around this time of year it only rains for two days the first day of the year and the last?" Said kakashi

" Really that's peculiar." I said

At the moment the demon brothers attacked us kakashi used a substitution Jutsu to trick the kids into thinking he had fallen.

Naruto Sasuke you to handle the ugly one on the right I'll take the hideous one on the left.

The mezu laughed I won't fall to a Chunin.

" Well it's time to unveil my new technique." I said.

' oh I wuv dis technique.' said kodama the jirea using his child like manner of speech.

I smirked and made a hand seal.

" Toon force-no-jutsu!" I said and suddenly I began to bend the laws of reality my body became like a cartoon and I attacked the man I pulled a frying pan outta nowhere and I smacked thean in the face with it before I made boxing gloves appear in my hands and began jabbing away at his face then I wound up my fist like a cord and then let out the most beautiful right hook a person ever saw and knocked the nukenin's into a spinning tornado before ran in mid air and laughed like Woody Woodpecker.

Naruto and Sasuke both handled their enemy Naruto used a kagé būnshin no Jutsu and executed a souten-ryuuken fallowed by three separate flying smashes giving Sasuke enough time to use the great fireball technique and kill the man.

Fortunately I left my opponent alive.

Kakashi appeared out of nowhere and used a genjutsu to force his opponent into a state of honesty the man told us that he was hired by zabuza the demon of the mist.

" Okay kids this mission has now been upgraded into an A rank mission I've called for back up for this mission they'll meet us at tazuna's house in the meantime we'll take the ferry to the land of waves and tazuna tell us why you requested a C rank instead of an A rank.

" It's because I couldn't afford it." Said tazuna.

" Why is that." Kakashi asked.

" You have heard of gato industries right?" Asked tazuna.

" You mean the trading company that's known for using underhanded tactics to deal with their competition." Asked kakashi.

" As you know I'm building a bridge that connects the land of waves with the land of fire so you can see how it effects his business trade Right?" Asked tazuna.

" Yes I can see why that would be a problem for him." Said kakashi.

" Well anyways let's go deal with that bastard." I said.

We arrived in the land of waves and saw the bridge tazuna was building we then headed towards the bridge builders house as we passed through the murky marshlands.

Until a large sword came flying at us o got in its way and to the surprise of everyone it stopped before it even got near me.

" Don't you just love limitless." I asked kakashi.

" Show off." Said Sasuke.

" Hmm so kakashi the copy nin and Hayabusa the untouchable warrior this is an interesting duo and what's this an Uchiha a hyuga and a nobody." He said.

" Watch it I'm going to be the next hokage!" Said Naruto.

"Well then I guess I'll have to take my sword back from you then." Said zabuza who summoned a water clone to grab the sword.

I smirked.

" Kakashi let me handle this guy." I said.

" No I'll handle zabuza you Naruto Sasuke and Hinata fight his clones Hinata protect the bridge builder." He said.

" Right!" Said kakashi.

" Heh sui-bunshin-no-jutsu!" He announced.

( Water clone technique.)

I drew my sword and so did Naruto and Sasuke.

Smirking I called out my first technique

"water sword first form: water surface slash!" And I executed a arching vertical slash that cut through the enemy clones.

Naruto used a chakra enhanced slash that sent a force pressure blast into his opponent.

" Uzumaki-ryu kenjutsu: first form majin-ken!"

Sasuke used his sword and channeled fire Release into the blade and then executed a cut in the form of a Christian cross and cut the enemy as he called out " blazing Crucification!" The attacks were able to dispell six clones two however came near Hinata.

"Gentle fist: void step!" She called out and she created a void around herself by releasing her chakra the void also covered tazuna and the blast of force pressure blew the two clones back as the burst into a splash of water.

Kakashi dueled zabuza using his sharingan zabuza made hand seals and called out "sūiton:sūiryuu-Dan!" Then from the water a large water dragon came out and dove towards kakashi.

" Sūiton: sūiryuu-Dan!" Called out kakashi.

Kakashi blew them water dragon back with his own water dragon which was bigger than the enemies.

Zubiza made some seals but kakashi copied them even more so kakashi completed the before him then to zabuza's astonishment kakashi used the technique he was about to use sūiton:daibafuku-no-jutsu ( water release: great water fall technique.) the water behind zabuza roase up and smashed into zabuza with the force of a tsunami and knocked him down on the verge of unconscious.

Just then a senbin hit zabuza in the neck and he was put into a pseudo death like state.

A young boy in a green tunic with beige pants jumped down he had an anbu mask over his face and he said " I shall take this person in for his bounty." Said the boy.

After that he left the reason I didn't stop him was because I knew this would be a growing arc for Narutos team sasuke would especially need to grow stronger to survive against haku in a one via one fight.

Kakashi then collapsed due to chakra exhaustion.

I helped carry the sensei to the bridge builders home kakashi would rest there then we met up with our back up.

" Well if it isn't hayabusa-kun!" Asked a voice I turned and saw a young man with dragon pattern pants and a black shirt with a blue vest he was joined by a girl in a black keikogi and a white hakama I recognized them immediately.

" No way Hidzumé Hyuga and Talon Suzuki what're you doing here?" I asked.

" We've come to kick ass." Talon said.


" You just had to use my pressure points oh." Said zabuza.

" Don't worry zabuza-sama I will have you ready by the end of the week before that I have requested aid from a certain ninja who wishes to aid us." She said.

From behind a pillar stood a man dressed in a white tunic and black pants he had a rope belt tied at his back his long white hair was his most remarkable feature.

"This will be most interesting my master has a bone to pick with that Hayabusa boy." He said

To be continued.

Omake cuddles between two beautiful woman.

I lay in my bed trying to get some rest when I heard the door open up " Hayabusa sweetie I know that you think of me as your mother but I want you to know weather I'm your mother or your lover I love you truly said Tsunadé and she snuck into my bed.

The next moment I heard the door open.

" Hayabu-san I wanted to let you know I'll be going back to the land of waves soon so I wanted to spend one more night cuddling you." Said Mei and she snuck into my bed I found my head being sandwiched between two pairs of J cups at that point I couldn't fight my libido anymore and passed out that night in my dreams I became a mam with a woman i considered my mother amd a woman that will be my wife.

okay so this is going to be a three part chapter since it technically takes more than 1200 words to write and I'm limited myself somewhere between 1200 and 1400 words now in the next chapter the trio begins training to master the tree walking exercise although Naruto already knows it.

now I won't post a preview in this chapter due to the fact you already know what's going to happen anyway as you may know this will begin the story involving Naruto but the stories MC is hayabusa and will focus mainly on him byeee~

Ian_Brooks_6315creators' thoughts
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