
The set-up: SkittleRayne has to enter the tournament 2

Sharon and her assistant Nicole traveled to her private jet in JFK international airport. The pilot and crew hastily greeted Sharon and began to ready the plane for whatever destination their boss instructed. Once she was seated in her jet Sharon instructed them to fly her to the gaming convention in Los Angeles, California. The pilot confirmed the destination with air traffic control and slowly began taxing the plane down the runway.

There is a call for you ma'am, its your husband. Sharon smiled and took the phone from Nicole's hand. "Hello hun, I assume you've seen the notifications" her calm voice brought a smile to Tyrell's face, of course she could be so calm with him knowing that he'd plan for every eventuality. This knowledge made him want to hug her badly. He laid out the details for her security as well as how they were going to keep her hidden from the scrutiny of the public. Sharon was to arrive at Los Angeles International airport in five and a half hours time to be received by The rogue knights. They would secure her car for transport to the Los Angeles convention center, along with a disguise which included a voice modifier. The first match-up was at six she would have two hours refresh time before she had her first singles match.

The flight was relatively quiet except the sounds from the matches of mobile legends. Sharon was perfecting her Nana mage build while getting up to speed on the new tactics some of the elite players were using. She decided to go top lane with the tank character Gatotkaca, they clear out the minions and head towards the first turret however Layla pops out of the brush for a surprise attack! Gatotkaca casts 'blast iron fist' and launches a soft offense while Nana backs away and throws her 'magic boomerang'. The pair back off of the turret and fight minions until reaching level two gaining their second spells. Layla focused her attacks on Nana trying to force her to retreat but leaving herself open to Gatokaca's attacks. After repelling Layla the pair take down the first turret.

Nicole watched her boss intently the match progress was displayed on her face, it seemed while her boss was playing well some of her teammates were feeding the opposite team. Their capabilities seemed sub par but however it wasn't totally crippling to the game because during the team battles they were able to kill off the enemy team and gain ground towards winning the match. The flight attendants served a light lunch to Nicole and Sharon, deli cut sandwiches and club sodas were placed on the folding tables. Nicole shrugged off her suit jacket and ate her sandwich while listening to her boss communicate with the other players. "I need someone for the gank!" Alucard decided to ignore the request and continue to farm the jungle monsters in the opposing teams jungle. Sharon growled and huffed in frustration. Nana continued to push mid-lane throwing down her 'Molina's smooch' behind her, she reached the inhibitor turret and began to chip away at it's health when another player tried to sneak up behind her getting transformed by Molina's smooch. Nana turns around and quickly follows up with a Boomerang toss and Molina blitz freezing the character. Alucard makes an appearance and finishes off the player. "Nice of you to show up!" Nana and Alucard push through the inhibitor turret spawning super minions for the middle lane.

The opposing team makes a final push for the bottom lane's inhibitor turret causing Nana and Alucard to rush towards the forming team battle. "I've got ten seconds 'til my ult is ready" Alucard sprints past Nana to engage in the battle while Nana waits out her timer. The battle is intense the marksman Layla is laying on heavy damage from the fringes of the battle while Johnson is absorbing damage. Nana throws her Molina's smooch on Layla stopping the damage per second while also casting her ultimate move Molina's blitz dealing heavy damage and sleeping the enemy team for a few precious seconds allowing her team to eliminate them.

The match ended and with a sigh of relief Sharon puts down her phone and reaches for her sandwich. How was your game Nicole asks with slight apprehension. Well I was an excellent support mage for my team and we won though I am worried that I won't be able to use her one hundred percent of the tournament. I need to get familiar with my other heroes and their builds correct for the future matches. Sharon knew she needed a good five to six hero rotation to confuse the opponents and make sure she was still a viable asset to any team that she was placed on.

Wow! That was fun to write. I wonder if I explained the game mechanics well and captured the game play well enough to create excitement. Enjoy! comment and let me know!

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