
199. Free From Our Relationship

We came out of his office. I hide my face in his neck. I don't want anyone to saw me like this.

I thought we will take the lift but it passed by us. He's taking me to the opposite wing. His office was on the opposite side of him.

He carried me to his office room then laid me carefully on the bed. I don't understand why they need room in their office but its their choice. He tucked me under the comforter.

He asked me -" Should I call the doctor sis...."

He's going to call me sister-in-law but stopped himself. I smiled slightly and said -" I am fine.... " I trails off then said again -" You did it intentionally right."

" What are you saying .I don't understand." He pretended like he don't know what I am talking about .

" You know Drek very well what I am saying."

He rolled his eyes and said -" Whatever.... I just want him to make angry and it worked by calling you by your name."

I shook my head and said -" He don't care and you are his brother."

He said seriously this time -" I know my brother very well sister-in-law. He's a possessive man and when its come to you no one .....mark my words..... no one allowed to touch you including me. He's way beyond possessive of you."

I know his possessiveness for me. But its all feel fake now. I didn't say it loudly. I looked at him and said genuinely -" Thank you so much Drek."

" Anything for you sister-in-law."

I smile and said -" You know , you can continue to call me Alexa."

He shook his head and said -" no no no....I can't take murderous look of my brother."

I laughed to saw his reaction. He said again -" But honestly I don't want to. you are my sister-in-law . I like to call that."

I avert my eyes and said -" But I am not going to be your sister-in-law. In a few days we will be free from our relationship."

He didn't say anything and leave me alone in the room. I closed my eyes to calm myself. I can't hold of my emotions at bay these days.

I took short nap in his room then told him to drop me at the apartment. He dropped me in front of the building then left.


My lawyer prepared the documents and send it directly to her. I trust my lawyer. He's working with me for years.

Now I am waiting for her reply. I didn't sign the papers. I tried to sign them but I can't. My hands were shivering for the first time. That's why I told my lawyer to send them to her. If she sign them then may I can also sign them.

The next day I can't concentrate on my work. I was looking at my files but my mind drifting away again and again. I was thinking the all possibilities , may be she sign them immediately or may be not.

Honestly I don't want divorce. I know she betrayed me and I feel angry about that. Then again I punishment her in a very cruel way. I don't want our relationship to break in this way.

I was lost in my thoughts then suddenly my office door's opened and the clicking sounds coming from the floor. I looked forward and got shocked.

There's the woman standing in front of me who occupied my whole mind.

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