
I am Issei Hyoudou!

I was an introverted guy, choosing to focus on my studies and my work, also consuming some books and movies on the side. That all changed after the night that I first laid with a woman... And man! What a night! Anyways, here I am, probably kidnaped by her, in this unknown room. (SI)

GusAReader · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 1

'Ha~ What a night, who could've thought that losing your virginity would be this good. I hope she liked it as much as I did, that way we could do it again... Now let's start this day right, make some breakfast, bring it to her and gain some more points.'

Those were my thoughts as I woke up, quite telling. When I opened my eyes I expected to see an incredible view in front of me, I remember that we slept together. So you could foresee my confusion as I didn't see her, heck I didn't see my room.

It was all different, the computer table was located on another wall, the wardrobe wasn't even remotely like that, and the wall color was different.

There was only one reason for that, I was played. That woman no, that bitch, she made me a fool and then kidnaped me... I just can't think why.

I wasn't rich, didn't know anyone important, I won't even try to think that she liked it so much that she decided to take me for herself. Maybe she's in a gang and I'm just some unlucky guy, that's the most likely one.

Looking at myself, I noticed some perturbing things, I was smaller. That wasn't normal, heck it wasn't even possible.

This discovery woke me up for real, I didn't even bother to change from the pajamas that I was wearing, I just bolted out of the room and went to look for a mirror.

I found it in the bathroom of the house, it wasn't hard to find, it was the room beside mine. And boy, oh boy. Who the fuck are you?

Short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind my head, and light brown eyes, nothing like I remember when I made myself presentable yesterday.

So what now? Maybe if I stare hard enough I'll get my appearance back... I tried that, and it failed.

I only broke eye contact with myself when I heard a female's voice coming from the corridor outside.

"Ise, are you up yet? You're going to be late for school."

Well, I'm not alone in this house. Should I go have a look or not? She might be part of the kidnapping plan, but why would she say that?

"Fuck it!" I murmured and peaked out to see this woman.

There I saw her, middle-aged with dark brown hair tied into a ponytail and what looked to be hazel eyes. Damn, my eyes got better… Wait, I'm not using glasses. These people did surgery on me, didn't they?

I had no time to think anymore about that, as the woman spotted me.

"Oh, there you are. Come on, you can clean yourself after breakfast. Your father is waiting, he's going to leave soon."

Umm… What now? Is she confusing me with someone else? Ise was the guy she's looking for, that's not my name. I'm…

My name is… What was it again?

Now that I think about it, what was my parents' name? How did I look like? I just remember that I looked different, right?

"Ise? Are you okay? You didn't spend the whole night watching those pornos again, did you?"

Huh? No, I was having sex woman. But, what did she look like? What is going on? Why can't I remember anything?

The woman didn't care about my inner turmoil, she just went and grabbed me by the arm.

"Ise, look at me! What is up with you? Even when you don't sleep enough you're not like this."

That I did, looked right at her hazel eyes.

And memories came crushing in. This woman, Miki Hyoudou, was my mother, she and her husband Gorou, both spoiled me so much that I don't think rich kids got as easy as me.

Hold on, Hyoudou… And I'm Ise, brown hair… Fuck!

I'm Issei Hyoudou, that perv dude that has a red gauntlet on his left arm.

How is this even possible? Am I dreaming? This doesn't feel like a dream. What now?

In my panic, my brain decided that it had enough and decided to just shut down, all I saw was black, I caught a glimpse of my 'mother' hugging me so I wouldn't fall.


When I woke up, I found myself in the same situation as I was before, the same room, the same bed, only now both of my 'parents' were there.

"Ise! How are you feeling? Do you feel anything hurting? We should take him to the hospital." Well, mom was panicking. Dad looked worried too.

"I'm fine!" I said, trying to calm them down. I even sat up on my bed, they didn't wait and started to see if I had a fever.

By their relieved faces, I didn't.

I can't deny it now, this is either a really strong dream, or somehow I've become a protagonist of an anime.

I'm even starting to see these two as my parents. All thanks to these memories that keep popping up whenever I see something that triggers them.

I can also feel that the ones that I had before I was Issei are starting to fade away, weirdly enough, only the memories of my family and friends are leaving.

I still remember all that I learned at college, all the things I watched or read, even last night, or the night I slept with a woman, I don't know if the dates changed.

Those two are still worried, I should try and calm them down.

"Don't worry mom, dad. I just had a bad night's sleep, maybe because I'm hungry my body just decided to go back to sleep." I hope they buy that, I don't know what else to say.

Mom did, dad wasn't as convinced. "Oh thank God!" Ouch! "Let's go down and have breakfast, I don't want you passing out again."

I took notice of the pain when she mentioned him, so that means that I'm not fully human anymore.

My musings were interrupted when dad put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me with worry.

"Son, are you alright? You don't have to hide it from me."

Ah… This felt nice, to know that someone truly cares for you.

"Yeah, dad. I'm okay. We should go or mom will get worried about us."

And we went to have breakfast, it was a traditional Japanese one, it was pretty good, a bit different from what I used to have, but still delicious.

After breakfast was school, honestly I didn't know if I should or shouldn't go. This would be the beginning of an anime, did I want to get involved in that? Did I have a choice?

Best get this over with, if I didn't go today, I'd have to go tomorrow, if not tomorrow, the day after, and so on. So with that mindset, I changed to my uniform, grabbed my stuff, and left for school. I only hope that I remember the way.


I did remember the way, thankfully. Looking at some other teens wearing similar uniforms helped.

Speaking of those teens, I discovered how bad it was to be looked at with disgust, all of the girls, without exception, looked at me as if they were looking at really nasty garbage.

I don't get how this guy managed to deal with this, damn!

Getting to the school was easy, along with those glares came their ignorance, no one tried to start a conversation with me, not even the few boys that I spotted.

This changed when I got to the school's gate when a duo of boys greeted me excitedly.

"Yo, Issei. How's it going?" The bald one said. Matsuda was his name.

"Hey, guys, nothing much, just a bad night's sleep." I had to play the part, these guys were my friends, as perverted as they were, I could feel why Issei would stick around them, it was very comforting to receive a genuine smile amidst all the disgusted glares.

Our greetings out of the way, the other one, Motohama, the one with the glasses, put his arm around my shoulders and we walked in.

Man, these glares don't stop. How are they ignoring it? Do they even realize how others look at us?

Once we got in and the number of students diminished I turned to my friends and started questioning them.

"Hey, you two see how everyone looks at us?"

Their dumb look gave away their answer before they could even begin speaking, "Huh? I don't know what you're talking about Ise." That was what Motohama said, Matsuda only nodded in agreement.

"Well, take a look at the girls when we pass by them, and I mean at their faces, not at their breasts."

They seemed confused, but they did it nonetheless. Surprisingly, even though the girls made a disgusted face, they didn't notice it.

"Really? Nothing? You guys didn't see how their nose changed, their eyes?"

Once again, dumb faces.

This is making it very difficult to stay with these guys, should I? I don't feel the same as I did with my parents, so I won't feel bad if we drift apart. They were Issei's friends, not mine.

"You know what guys. I'm tired of this!"

"Wha..." Matsuda started, but I didn't let him finish.

"I mean all the girl-staring, porn sharing stuff."

They didn't receive that well, Matsuda was wide-eyed, Motohama had his glasses fall off, a similar expression on his face.

I tried to go to my class, but one of them held me.

"What do you mean you're done? What happened Ise? Are you feeling well?" It was Matsuda, Motohama was worried about his glasses.

"It means what I said, I can't keep doing this anymore, I have to think about my future, and out of the three of us I'm the one that is in the worst situation, Matsuda can run well, and Motohama doesn't need to study that much to go well on exams. What about me? I have nothing."

They were still shocked, but they seemed to understand my position.

"If it's about studying, I can help you, I don't mind." My glass-wearing friend said.

"And I can give you some tips on getting in better shape." My bald friend added.

They were good friends, too bad they were such a nuisance around girls, they'd probably be able to get with some if they managed to dial down on their perversion.

"It is not just that, I don't feel comfortable being an open pervert anymore."

They were silent until they had a resigned look on their faces.

"You were like that in the beginning, we had to pull you with us so you could enter this wonderful world."

"We always knew that you'd get back to before, it looks like we were right."

So it was like that, hum. These two corrupted Issei, maybe this was a different reality, and whoever put me here made it easier for me to change my old life to one that I would like to live.

"Yeah, but you two are great, I don't want our friendship to end just because I won't go peeking with you two, or I won't share or talk about porn anymore."

They smiled at me, this wasn't normal.

"Don't worry about it Issei, you have started to cut down on those in the last few days, we understand."

"And you're a good friend too, besides, now that you're not with us anymore, there will be more for us individually. Hehe~"

I don't think that's how it works, but I won't complain. After our exchange, the two of them left before me. I guess this is them showing me that they meant it.

Classes passed slowly, which tends to happen when you already know what they are teaching, I was doomed to this boring hell, there wasn't anything I could do to make time pass faster, I just had to endure it.

At the end of it all, the plot continued and Kiba Yuuto asked me to follow him because his president wanted to talk with me.

My ex-best friends were the only ones that gave me some encouragement to go, the rest of the class only looked, mouth open, without knowing what was going on.


Our walk was peaceful, he didn't start a conversation and neither did I, we went to the abandoned building and old construction that seemed to need some repairs.

Our destination, once inside the building, was the last floor, the only one that was used, and in it, we stood, in front of the door to his club, the Occult Research Club.

Kiba knocked on the door and opened it, inviting me to get in with him. I knew what was supposed to happen, so I just followed his lead and entered the room.

Once inside I could see a wood-paneled room with Victorian-style couches and chairs along the walls. Before I could admire some more, Kiba told me that he was going to get some tea, leaving me alone in the main space of the room.

Quickly I heard a noise coming from one of the sides of the room, looking towards it I saw it. The shower, with curtains that allowed the outline of the one using it to show.

She had an incredible body, it wasn't a surprise that she was as desired as she seemed to be in all those works of fiction that I had read before becoming Issei.

The President of the club took her time, using this as an opportunity to show off her body, it was clear that this was a tactic to win over the pervert that was Issei.

And this made me think, should I go with the plot? It is some sort of comfort, for now, knowing what would happen.

I think I'll go with it, at least until I'm strong enough that I can just guarantee that I won't die by changing something, although I'll make some minor changes, I can't act like a perverted idiot.

With my musings over, I continued to look around the room, on the other side from the bath was the door that led to what should be the kitchen, and on the wall that faced the entrance door stood a table with a chair, probably the President's place of work, on the wall behind it was a crest, I'd guess that this was the Gremory Family's crest.

"Ara, welcome to the Occult Research Club, I'm sorry to make you wait... I can't help but have a shower after school." The redhead's voice took my attention away from the decor of the room.

"It's fine, I didn't wait too long," I replied with a small smile, that wasn't in her plans, I guess she thought I'd be a blushing mess after her show. Heh, point for me.

"So, what is it that you wish to discuss with me, Ms. President?" My indifference toward her attempt to tempt me was made evident by the frustrated look on her face.

"How about we discuss it while appreciating some tea? I'm sure Akeno is finishing it right now." This time she tried an honest smile, still, I held on.

I didn't have time to acknowledge her desire, because another beauty walked in holding a tray with a teapot and some cups.

She put one of the cups in front of me and very deliberately bent over to pour the tea, she made sure that her ample breasts were touching my arm, which automatically went to hold the cup.

I wasn't phased by that either, only taking my cup and giving it a sip, it was really good tea and tasted expensive.

"Now that we have our refreshment, shall we begin?" The redhead said.

"Since I'm the one that invited you here, I'll go first. I am Rias Gremory, President of the Occult Research Club."

I put my cup down and gave her a bow, it was a tradition that my body did on its own.

"I am Issei Hyoudou, second year at Kuoh Academy. A pleasure to meet you."

My formal introduction seemed to not be what she wanted if the fake smile on her face was to be considered.

"This is my Vice-President, Akeno Himejima." She pointed at the other occupant of the room.

"Nice to meet you Issei-kun~" She was already starting with her attempts to flirt with me.

"Now then, what do you need me for?" I chose to ignore the black-haired girl and get to the point.

"Well, I called you here to invite you to join my club, what do you say? Are you interested?"

I did my best to look surprised, and it looked like my best was enough to fool them.

"However, before you accept, you have to know something about us… We are Devils!" As she revealed her species, she and all other three members of the club released their wings.

I didn't even notice the other two getting in, and those wings looked strange, mostly because I've never seen something like this before, it was different from looking at it from an anime after all.

Rias took my staring at the wings like some sort of amazement since she decided to continue talking, "And there is one more thing you should know, you're also a Devil, that is why I want you to join my club."

Well, there it is, the big reveal, once again my surprised face went to work, and once again they were fooled by it.

"W-What? No, I'm not!" I started getting a little bit more in character.

Rias liked this reaction, she walked out from behind her desk and stood right in front of me, she put her hand over my heart and said, "Yes you are, you became one when you died yesterday and you wished to live again."

Seeing my confused face, she explained better, "We devils have an artifact that can turn other beings into our species, I used them on you, and they brought you back to life, but you did it by becoming one of us."

Her fingers trailed down my chest, in what I believed to be an attempt to seduce me, it did work a bit, but I didn't show it to her.

With this last attempt failing as well, she backed off.

"Go home and think about it, give me your answer tomorrow. And before you ask, I can't turn you back into a human, if I tried I'd only kill you."

Those were her final words because she sat down in her chair and began working on some papers, it ended up becoming Akeno's job to 'escort' me out of there, she only led me to the room's door, but by her looks, I could feel that they'd know if I didn't leave the building immediately.

I started this story a few months back, today I decided to post it here, currently, it isn't finished, but I plan on finishing it.

I don't know with what frequency I'll post here, one thing's for sure, once it gets bought up with the other places I've already posted on, I'll release new chapters on all sites.

GusAReadercreators' thoughts