
Waking up

Mahesh a genius in science and business and a life full of experience to help him. He climbed the ladder of success, but that success was short lived.

On his biggest day of life, when he was going to receive his Nobel prize and make his biggest business deal up until now.

He too became one of the sacrifices of seven sins of humanity, pride of those who are already bigger them him, envy of those who who couldn't watch his success, greed of those who wanted his work for themselves and wrath of those who he had wronged unknowingly I.e. four of seven sins working together took his life which in view of others was deemed as an accident caused by brake failure.

In his final moments he made a vow to himself

'If there is a next life I won't fall call these hypocritical beliefs and will be the one in control. And nothing may stand in my way.'

And just like that darkness took over him.

From the darkness a muffled voice resounded.

"It## co###ng, t## b##y #s comi## out"

After which a dot of light sparked, which brightened up and only in few moments it reached to the point to cause blindness, pain took over his whole body and a cry resounded.

"Uaah uH UH Uaahhhhhh Uu uanannnananna uaahhhh"

Even with his strong will he could not stop crying.


In a really large luxurious room cries of a woman is echoing, lying on a luxurious bed is a woman with a swollen stomach and surrounding her are many maids which are helping her in her delivery.

The women in question is extremely beautiful with long violet hair, pearly white skin. She is Velora Bael, second wife of Lord Bael of Bael family of 72 pillars of underworld, a great king family.

"Aha ahaaaaah"

Echoed the cries of Velora, just outside the door sitting there is Lord Bael waiting for the news.

Time passed but is seemed like eternity for everyone involved in helping with child birth.

Few moments later with final cry from Velora, cry of a baby echoed

"Uaah uH UH Uaahhhhhh Uu uanannnananna uaahhhh"

Holding the baby in her hand maid spoke,

"Congratulation Lady Velora, a healthy boy has born."

Saying that she gave the boy his first bath and layed him beside Velora.

Meanwhile another maid went out to inform Lord Bael of the good news.

Few moments later Lord Bael entered the room and saw the sleeping baby sleeping beside his wife.

Picking up the baby he give a rarely seen smile not a smirk or fake business smile but a real smile.

"Well its look like you are a strong boy, still just a kid and still possessing so much demonic power you will really take our family to new heights. And we've got to think a name for you, hm Magdaran yes from today onward your name shall be,

Magdaran Bael."