
Audition Part 1

"Am I going to make it? What if I mess up? What if I choke? What if I don't get in? What will I do?" Jeon jungkook was muttering to himself as he panicked while waiting in-line for his que. He was joining a singing competition for the first time.

Luckily, he was the no. 71 in the line. Enough time to make himself calm down and prepare.

Nervousness travelled around his body. His feet won't stop moving and his hands keep getting sweaty every minute he wipes it off. He tries to focus in his piece with an earphones on and the song being played over and over again in his head.

He tries to blend in not getting attention sitting at the corner of the waiting room. He purposely used his black sweater to cover his head. He lowers his gaze not wanting to look at anyone.

People passing by wasn't even aware that he was there. He was just too timid and shy to be noticed. People just kept walking past him not minding who he is. They didn't even care.

Who would? This was a competition. Everybody is your enemy. Every one thinks that making friends in a competition is a delusional dream.

Everyone was trying to outshone everyone. They exude the embodiment of confidence. Trying to intimidate the other competitors.

Jungkook got the full effect of their intimidation. He was at the peak of having a nervous breakdown. He just didnt show it in his poker face but his body betrayed him.

He tries to looks at the lyrics in his hands trying to sing them silently avoiding any attention getting to him. He tries to memorize the lines taking every word to heart. Forgetting the lyrics from time to time.

As he was going over the lyrics, he can't help but scan the room for the nth time even though he told himself not to.

Automatically all the other boys were singing. Some were singing on top of their lungs. This didn't make him feel better. Worst, it made him want to quit.

He felt so small now more than ever.

But singing was his dream. It has always been. It took him a lot of courage to join this one and he still wants to try it out.

"If not now, I won't be able to do this again" he tries to convince himself not letting his self-doubt creep in.

He close his eyes and tries to calm himself. He takes three big deep breathes as if wanting to wash away all his nervousness. Words of anxiety keep playing in his head. Words from people back in his home.

"You have a solemn voice but I dont think that will be enough to make it. I think you should just focus on your studies."

"Son, I don't want you to get hurt. I know you want this but what makes you think that you will get chosen from all those other great singers? Just understand that I just want the best for you. I don't want to see you getting hurt."

"Why don't you just focus in your studies?"

"Try it. There's no harm in trying. We will wait for you in here."

As he replayed the words of his parents and his friends in his head. He cant help but feel a sting in his heart. He knows that the people around him are just worried about the path he chose.

Being a singer was not a smooth career. Not everybody can make it and even if you do it would be a long, steep and dark road full of trials and difficulties.

He understands that the words were coming from love and worry but he still can help but feel sad and disheartened.

He was taking this road alone. Nobody was supporting his dream not even his family. As loneliness seeped in he tries to remember why he is doing this in the first place

He kept thinking in his head as he pictures himself on the stage singing to his heart content and the crowd cheering for him. His heart would pound with excitement with just the thought that his voice would be heard and his singing will be recognized.

With this thought in his mind, he felt more determined to try. He started to regather his mind and focus on the present.

Just as he was going back to his piece, he jolted as a man shouted, "No. 71 please standby, I repeat No. 71 pleass standby."

He took his black backpack and throw it at his shoulder as he tried to calm himself with every step he took towards the line.

"This is it." He said to himself.

Just as he was at the back of the line he lowered his gaze as he tries to get over the song again when a man tapped his shoulder. He looks up mesmerized by the beauty of the boy who tapped him.

He took one piece of his earphones as he wondered what this stranger wants. The stranger suddenly spoke with a formal tone, "You're making me more nervous with your jittering." The stranger chuckled. Amusement coming from his eyes.

"S-sorry." Jungkook replied stuttering since he was too embarrassed about his behavior.

The stranger was more amused on his timid attitude.

He flashed a smile then continued to say, "I can help you with your nervousness. What do you call someone with no body and no nose?

Nobody knows." And the stranger laughed to his own dad joke.

Jungkook just looked at him with a pan and odd expression thinking why this eccentric stranger is even talking to him.