
Chapter 68: Ai's Identity

"Thank you..."

With a smile on her face, Freya sipped the wine that Lee handed to her. When the men saw her action, they were mesmerized by her all over again. As for Lee, he gave her a reply like nothing was out of the ordinary.

"The name is Sky... You're welcome."

When everyone heard his statement, people were speechless by his lack of antiques, but Loki and Hestia's laughter could be heard resounding throughout the hall again. After a few more pleasantries, with one last look at Bell, Freya took her leave without staying any longer.

After a while, Bell took his leave to get some fresh air while Hestia tried to feed herself with all the food in front of her. Lee stood there beside Hephaestus, who was trying out the wine with Loki, who seemed to not be drunk no matter who many times she was drinking. From time to time, she stared at Lee in a daze, but Lee didn't react to her action at all.

While they were standing around, the light dimmed down while music started playing as people walked toward the center, together with their partners.

Lee took Hephaestus's hand and walked toward the dance floor with her. Even though she was really happy, there was still a red-tinted mark on her face when Lee held her waist in front of people she knew. Bell, who was outside, managed to ask Aiz for a dance with the help of Hermes, but Hestia was furious when she saw both of her children were dancing with other women. Loki didn't say anything. She continued to drown herself in alcohol like it was her last day.

"This is your first time dancing?"

"... Yes..."

When Hephaestus heard Lee's statement, she chuckled and thought he was cute. Even though he didn't know how to dance, to invite her to things he doesn't even know, it meant a lot to her, and she was moved by his action.

"Follow my movement... "

With a smile on her face, Hephaestus moved one step after another for Lee to follow with him holding her waist while her arms around his neck. Lee was a quick learner, he picked up easily after following her. The same goes for Bell who seemed to struggle while dancing with Aiz, but they were able to keep their rhythm together.

The more they danced, the more they were getting good at their balance, before they knew it, both Lee and Bell who were dancing with their partners became the center of attention with their movements. It was like the work of arts in the eyes of people who were watching them.

Suddenly, the music stopped and a column of light shone on Bell and Aiz who was dancing.

"Everyone, I have something to announce!"

Apollo, who was the host of the party, finally showed the true color of the party he attempted for. With another column of light shone in the corner, another person showed up with bandages and wounds all over his body. It was Luan Espel who provoked Bell and others at the pub yesterday.

"Hestia, this is what your child has done to one of my children!"

When the audience heard his statement, they were gasping even though they knew it was fake.

"I... "

Bell didn't know what to say because he didn't beat him that badly, moreover, they were also beaten by the person named Hyakinthos Clio.

'He has fallen for his schemes...'

Hermes, Takemikazuchi, and Miach were shaking their heads when they saw the situation.

"What's the meaning of this, Apollo! Your children fought with mine, and he was also injured too!"

"Where is the injury on him?"

Since the bruise on Bell's face was healed by a magic potion, there wasn't any trace left. When Hestia heard Apollo's statement, there was nothing she could say.

"There you have it! I challenge you to Familia's war! If I win, I want that little rookie of yours!"

When gods and goddesses heard Apollo's announcement about his declaration of war, they all cheered for him because they were about to see the war between two familias.

"I wouldn't accept this!"

After Hestia gave her statement, she turned around and left with Bell. Others in her circle including Lee also turned and left.

"You will regret this, Hestia!"

Apollo shouted from behind with a disgusting expression that could be seen on his face. Hestia didn't respond to his statement.

After leaving the party, Lee didn't leave right away. He walked toward Hestia who was enraged and patted her on her head.


"Don't think too much... If they lay a hand on you, I will make them disappear from this world."

When Miach, Takemikazuchi, and Hermes heard his statement, they were shocked by the fact how he flawlessly flirts with the little girl without a change in his expression; maybe he has a mask on to hide his embarrassment, that was why he was able to shamelessly said those words. But what they didn't know was that he was one of her children.

Hephaestus, who was watching their interaction, was even more jealous of her friend when she heard Lee say those words to Hestia. Even though she had everything, whether wealth or status, she didn't have what Hestia had, the affection people show toward her.

Usually, when people tried to get close to her, it was all about gaining her favor or wanting something from her, that was why she didn't trust people as much as her friend before Lee came along. From what she noticed about Lee, he only looked at her for who she was and didn't seem to care about her wealth or status, that was why she wanted to keep him only for herself.

"Un... Don't say something so cheesy!"

Even though Hestia nodded her head, she was also embarrassed by Lee's statement. After that, she headed back with the others, while Lee and Hephaestus were also heading back in their carriage in a different direction from them.

"...it ended shortly..."

"It's alright, I had fun..."

Hephaestus placed her head on Lee's shoulder to rest while still hugging his arm. She was truly happy; she wished this would last forever, but she knows that everything will come to an end.

"I love you... "

With her clutching around his arm tighter, she whispered the word she always wanted to say to someone special to her. Without waiting for Lee to reply, Hephaestus continued.

"I know you already have someone in your heart, but please let me be by your side forever..."

"... As long as you want to... "

Lee responded to her statement, before removing his mask to kiss her on her forehead right above the eyepatch.

After a while, they arrived at Hephaestus's mansion, Lee decided to leave because he had business to attend to. When Hephaestus saw him about to leave, her eyebrows arch down a little but didn't say anything.

"I'll be back..."

After embracing her, Lee disappeared from her sight leaving the warmth that was hugging her, only then, Hephaestus knew that everything wasn't a dream.


Loki and Aiz arrived at their mansion, but it seemed like Loki was too drunk to be able to walk on her own even though she was known to have the highest tolerance toward wines and alcohols.

"Are you alright?..."

Aiz supported her with her shoulder while Loki's arm was touching her chest, but there wasn't any reaction from her. Usually, when something like that happened, Loki would try to take advantage of her, but this time, it was like she wasn't the usual Loki that she knew of.

Suddenly Aiz felt a presence appear behind her so faint that she almost missed it if she didn't put up her guard all the time.


A man's voice could be heard from behind. Aiz thought the individual was calling her, then she noticed that the goddess who was deadly drunk a minute ago trembling like she was scared of something. When Aiz turned around, it was the mysterious man who they met at the party, but this time, he was in his black leather hoodie that hid his silver mask under.

When she saw her goddess's reaction, she had no choice but to draw her sword to protect themselves from him. With her sword that came from nowhere pointed at Lee who changed his suit back to his assassin gown appeared behind them.

"Lee!... "

With tears in her eyes, Loki leaped into Lee's chest and hugged him. Lee didn't say anything and only continued to look at her like it has nothing to do with him. As for Aiz, she lowers her sword but wasn't surprised by Loki's action since she had been staring at Lee the whole time during the party. She only raised her sword because she misunderstood Lee's attention.

'... Lover?'

Aiz tilted her head because she was clueless about their relationship. Then, she concluded that Loki was also his lover because there were many women around him.

Instead of saying extra words, Loki bit his neck like a vampire and sucked in his blood. The moment she did, the short red hair that she had turned black while it drew longer, the shape of her face changed while the eyes always closed open, and at the same time, Lee could feel the softness pressing against his chest that was nonexistent before.

At first, Lee was shocked by her action, but when he saw the transformation within her, he didn't stop her. After her transformation was completed, she murmured something, and with black shadow surrounded them, they disappeared from Aiz's sight.

Aiz was shocked by her goddess transformation, but after they disappeared, she walked back toward the mansion like it had nothing to do with her.


Inside the dark place where Lee was locked inside, Ai who transformed from Loki appeared with Lee still hugging him. When Lee saw his surroundings full of darkness with a small bed, he felt a chill run down his spine because he was trapped in this place for a long time.

He didn't expect her to suddenly take him here when he thought her power was sealed when he didn't feel any magical energy from her at the beginning.

"Are you going to trap me here again?"

Lee stated calmly while removing the mask from his face. Ai inspected his face that looked the same as the image in her memories, there were tears in her eyes as she reached up with her shaking hand to touch his round face like he was going to disappear again.

"I... I am sorry... I am so sorry Lee."

Ai apologized while crying in his chest, repeating she was sorry. After a while, Lee noticed she was calming down, he responded to her.

"Don't think I forgive you that easily!"

When Ai heard that, her eyes were wide open with sadness that could be seen within. Before she could say anything, Lee flipped her over while lying on his lap after he knees down, then removed the pants of her.

"Kyaaa!!! What are you trying to do!? You can't do this yet, I am not ready!!! This is called R@pe!!!"

Ignoring her remark, Lee who removed her pants started slapping her asses very hard with his hand just like he promised himself he would do when he finds her again.

"Ah!!! It hurts, stops! stop! stop! Ah!!!... Please stop!!!, I beg you!!! Stop!!!"

Even though She was begging with tears in her eyes, Lee didn't stop what he was doing and continued to slap her white asses until it completely turned red.

When he was satisfied with what he was doing, Lee released her while pulling up her pants over her round butt that seemed to be unbalanced right now.

"You are so mean! he~"

She was still crying trying to feel her butt, but she didn't let go of hugging Lee. Before long, she stopped crying and used Lee's clothes to wipe her tears and snot to clean herself. When Lee saw her action, he was speechless.

"I missed you so much, Lee!!!"

After she spoke those words, she pushed him over and mounted on top of him. She bent down to kiss him, but Lee didn't say anything because he didn't believe a single thing she said so far.

With her lips coming into contact with him, Lee suddenly saw a flash of Ai's memories.

"It can't be!..."

"Yes, son, I am your real mother!"

When Lee heard her saying those words out loud from her mouth, he suddenly had a strong migraine, like blood was breaking out from his valves.

"That was all a dream!..."

After telling himself that before he passed out.

Volume 3: End...

Note: Thank you everyone for reading so far. I appreciate all of you for reading this fan-fic. I promised that the next arc will focus entirely on the One Piece world, after Danmachi. As all of you might have noticed, I like to twist and turn within my story, so wait to find out if what Ai said was the truth or not. For now, enjoy this chapter, Cheer!

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