
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

CHAPTER 51.5 - First Day of School.

CHAPTER 51.5 - First Day of School.

Kei's life has been full of clichés. The main culprit is the Supreme God, who uses his power to help him when he can, but Kei's original world also has a lot to do with the fact that he's a cliché guy.

He suffered from the cliché of the fat boy. He was fat and became handsome when he lost weight.

He never considered himself handsome, but he was.

The cliché of the childhood friend.

The cliché of many girls falling in love with him.

The cliché of even falling in love with his cousin.

Kei's life has been full of clichés, because of his original world: the world of clichés, the world designed by Crisfa, the former God of games.

But Kei, in particular, is much more cliché than expected.

"First day of school! Cris, are you ready?!"

Fifteen-year-old Kei and Cris were walking together, heading to school, quite excited. Why? Because both had different goals they wanted to achieve at school. Kei's goal was to get a girlfriend, and Cris wanted to spend more time with Kei.

"Of course! I'll beat you this time!"

"Hehe. Are you still mad because you lost at the gym?"

Cris took that opportunity and began to caress Kei's arm, pretending to feel his muscles.

"It's not fair, you're stronger. That weight was too heavy."

"But you came up with that challenge."

Cris pouted and looked away.

"Y-yeah, I forgot."

Seeing that made Kei find it adorable, but he looked away so Cris wouldn't notice that he found it cute.

Cris and Kei had a good friends' relationship, but there were some quite dubious moments that anyone would think they were a couple if they saw them.

But Kei never really minded those awkward moments with Cris because deep down, he enjoyed them, and the same goes for Cris.

Cris and Kei would make a good couple, but Cris made two big mistakes. Number 1, he never told Kei how he felt. And the most serious one, number 2, he tried to kill him, thinking he was an ally of the demons.

"Ugh... Can you smell that, Cris? Girls, school trips, new friends, girls, sports festivals, and most importantly, girls. Ahhhhhh! God, why did you make me so ugly?! I better focus on getting good grades."

"There you go with your low self-esteem again. Come on, Kei, be positive! Girls don't like guys with low self-esteem. Let's go!"

"Yeah, yeah, handsome. It's easy for you to say, but I'll try! Let's go!"

They entered the school, and as soon as they set foot on the school grounds, as if people had a handsome boys' radar, the girls immediately looked away to glance at them, winning the hearts of more than one in the place.

The cliché became more than evident.

"T-They're very handsome."

"Are they first-year students?"

"They're younger."

"Tsk. What bad luck."

"I don't care, I'll talk to them."

Cris noticed they were being watched, but Kei was an idiot who didn't understand hints, and being a shy boy, he didn't notice the women's glances because he avoided looking at them.

He continued walking as if nothing happened because he thought he should avoid eye contact with women to avoid disgusting them... Yes, a complete idiot.

"Hey, Kei..."

And when Cris was about to mention the glances, Kei interrupted him.


Kei ignored Cris and approached a girl handing out flyers.

"Can I join?"

"Y-yes, of course!"

Cris stood beside Kei and looked at the flyers the girl was handing out.

The flyers contained information about the school's swimming club.

"Swimming club? Are you interested?"

"I love swimming."

That was one of the reasons. The other reason was that he wanted to see girls in swimsuits.

Kei was a shy guy, but he was a bit perverted. And since the club was co-ed, he could join. Kei thought that if he couldn't get a girlfriend, at least he would enjoy the beauty of women from a distance.

It was a somewhat disgusting thought, as it sounded like a perverted stalker, and that didn't match his shy personality.

"I guess I'll join too. I'm interested."

While Kei fantasized about girls in swimsuits, Cris imagined Kei in a swimsuit, and they both got an erection.

Embarrassed, they quickly ran away to avoid being seen.

"I need to go to the bathroom!"

"M-me too!"

"That welcome was long," Kei said.

"The principal talks too much."

"Should I give you a summary of what she said? 'Study and you'll get a job.' That's basically it. Blah, blah, blah."

"At least we're in the same classroom. I hope we get to sit together."

"For you to copy my homework? I warn you, I'll give you one assignment, and you'll give me another. One for one. An equivalent exchange. Deal?"

"I like that reference. Sure, that's fine."

Both entered a classroom. Upon entering, Kei recognized some people, which made him uncomfortable because they were people Kei hated.

"Damn it."

He knew two girls. They were the ones who caused Kei's trauma.

"Hey, Cris, remember what I told you? The prank with the letter," he said in a low voice.

"Yes, why?"

"It's them. Please, help me if they make fun of me. If you do, I'll help you with your homework whenever you want."

"It's a deal."

Kei sighed and approached an empty desk.

He sat in a corner of the classroom, and Cris sat next to him.

"How much time is left until the first class?"

"5 minutes."

"Wake me up."

Kei rested his arms on the desk and tried to sleep a little while whispering a song. Why was he singing? To distract himself and not think about those girls.

His heart was racing too fast, and he was on the verge of having an anxiety attack because the presence of those girls only reminded him of his past self, and that made him feel even uglier than he already thought he was.

Singing helped him relax and not think about them.

"🎶 People, sometimes, feel superior, but we are human beings, equal in values. We are part of nature, an animal, and we all deserve the same respect, without racial distinction. We should not judge or boast, humility and love should guide us. Let's learn to contribute, to build a better world, without selfishness or malice. If they were to disappear, something would change, but every life has its worth. We can still come together, create harmony, and make the world a place of joy. We are all links in this chain, no matter if we are different, in race or language. Ants and bees, an example of cooperation, we are all important, every heart. Let's learn to value our existence, contribute with love and patience. Together, let's build a world of abundance, where every person finds their transcendence...🎶"

"Wow. Hey, you sing beautifully. What's the name of the song? The rhythm is good, but the lyrics are a bit off."

A shiver of fear ran through Kei's body as he heard that girl's voice so close to him.

Kei looked up and blushed a little in embarrassment because he wasn't used to having girls so close to his face. That girl was practically inches away from him, looking at him with a smile on her face.

One of the girls who used to tease him was too close, smiling at him. Kei should feel disgusted by that girl, but after all, she was cute. Kei couldn't help his shy side from activating and feeling only embarrassment and shyness.

"Izune?! You're...too close!" Kei said in a trembling voice.

Seeing that girl's surprise upon hearing that, Cris smiled because he knew perfectly well what would happen next.

"Eh? Do you know me?"

"Oh, right... I lost weight during the vacation... I'm Kei, the fat, ugly, disgusting, useless, virgin, smelly, otaku... By the way, I'm not an otaku. Yes, I read manga and light novels, but I'm not that into anime. Too much censorship."

"Eh?! You're Kei?!"

"Y-yes... I'm just skinny now... By the way, the song I was singing, I wrote it. It doesn't have a name. I'm terrible at writing, but my cousin told me I sing well... By the way, what are you doing here? I remember when I used to enter the classroom, you would say, 'The stinky one arrived. Don't get close to him.' I never understood why they called me stinky. I used to bathe every day before going to school, and I used scented shampoo and soap. I bathed the same way today too."

Kei got too close to Izune, and she blushed.

Their noses touched as if they were about to kiss, and that girl's heart seemed about to explode.

Cris watched them, feeling jealous.

"Do I stink? Cris told me I smell good."

"Y-you smell delicious!"

"So, you said that to make fun of me... It's a huge weight off my shoulders... Although I already knew... Wait..."

Kei realized he was too close to her and turned completely red.

He had forgotten about his shyness for a moment and quickly moved away from her.

"I-I'm sorry, I was too close!"

Cris started laughing at Kei.

"That's what you get for trying to act cool!"

"I-I wasn't trying to act cool!"

"Yes, you were! Besides, that way you don't have to seek revenge! The first thing you have to do is make her fall in love and then break her heart."

"I would never break a girl's heart! My knight's code forbids it! I would never hurt a woman."

"Eh? But you hit the girl who kicked that dog. Don't you remember? A girl kicked a dog, laughed, and you kicked her back."

"Remember, you have to act like a gentleman with the girls who deserve it. I support gender equality. If a girl tries to hit me, I would hit her. And if I saw a guy kicking a dog, I would hit him. She was a girl, but she deserved that kick."

"I agree with that."

Kei was a shy boy, but when necessary, his shyness completely disappeared, and he acted like a completely different person, a confident person.

"Hey, Izune, do you think I did the right thing? That girl called the police, and I almost got arrested. Fortunately, there were witnesses, and they said the girl kicked the dog, and she got arrested. Do you think I'm a disgusting man for doing that? Cris and I agree that I did the right thing."

"Of course, you did the right thing! She was crazy! Only crazy and sick people would hit a poor dog!"

"And what about people who make fun of others based on their appearance?"

"They are also horrible and crazy people!"

"Does that mean you're crazy?"

"... Eh?"

Kei stroked Izune's head, and she turned completely red again.

"You used to say horrible things to me. Your insults hurt me. Please, stay away from me. Adiós (Goodbye)... Wait..."

Kei realized what he was doing and turned completely red again.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say those horrible things! I- I just want you to stay away from me, please."

Cris laughed again.

"Are you bipolar?! You're so funny, Kei. First, you act cool, and then you act shy. Your personality is very interesting."

Kei sighed and lowered his gaze.

"Damn, I'm dying of embarrassment."

And that's how Kei became popular. Everyone heard when Kei said he hit a girl and they called him a hero for defending a dog.

The girls in his class fell in love with him because he was handsome, and they found it adorable how much he loved animals. Another cliché fulfilled.

By the way, one week after that day, Izune told Kei that she liked him. Kei thought it was another joke and immediately rejected her, unknowingly breaking her heart mercilessly.

Kei loved animals too much... But in this world, that meaning changed too much.

"E-Eris, not here!"

Eris and Kei were in a secluded alley, hiding behind some wooden crates, like a pair of perverted exhibitionist hot lovers, without any morals.

Kei was lying on the ground, and Eris was licking his chest while her hand stroked Kei's crotch.

Kei tried to resist and convince Eris not to do it in that place, but it didn't work, and the fact that they could be discovered at any moment only excited Eris even more.

"They won't see us with the crates. And with the soundproofing field you set up, we're safe, nya."

"I-thought you wanted to ask me for advice!"

"It was an excuse to see each other, nya. I'm leaving for a few days. I want some Kei before I go, nya."

"At least let me use my adult form!"

"Just this once... I want to do it with your normal form just this once, nya!"


Eris took off her bra and began to caress her breasts in front of Kei, trying to arouse him completely and get his approval.

She played with her nipples in front of him, capturing his full attention.

"I know you prefer them smaller, but you like mine, don't you?"

Eris's ears started moving rapidly, eagerly waiting for Kei's response, and he found it adorable.

"You're adorable..."

Kei stroked Eris's ears, and she smiled, having achieved what she wanted.

"Just 5 minutes. I told Seiya I was going to the bathroom."

"It's enough time, nya!"

Taking advantage of Eris's small stature, Kei pushed Eris against the wall while penetrating her brutally and not ceasing the effects of his [Seduce Women] ability. Kei knew that speed wasn't important in sex, but rather stimulation, but his ability allowed him to fully stimulate Eris with a single penetration. That's why Kei penetrated her quickly, to exhaust Eris's energy as fast as possible.

The only thing heard in the place were Eris's screams of pleasure, which made Kei smile, as those screams confirmed that his ability was working.





With each thrust, Eris writhed in pleasure, and his vision filled with notifications about every orgasm she experienced with each of Kei's thrusts, something impossible to believe, but achievable with his ability.

Seeing Eris biting her tail to endure for a longer time, Kei decided to get serious.

He began giving her strong spanks that initially hurt Eris, but with each received spank, the pain turned into pleasure.


Eris changed positions and embraced Kei with her arms and legs. Kei didn't allow her to dominate and quickly embraced her, continuing to penetrate her while their tongues intertwined and shared a deep kiss full of lust, momentarily silencing their moans of forbidden pleasure.

Kei kissed and sucked on Eris's neck, leaving red marks as if marking his territory.

[Warning: Approaching the limit.]

Kei was startled to see that notification because as a precaution, he never reached that limit. He didn't know what would happen to the girls, and he preferred not to take any risks.

He stopped his thrusts, and Eris gasped, trying to catch her breath.

"K-Kei, I don't feel anything inside me. Did I fail?"

"I'm sorry."

"Hehe. I won't let you leave without giving it to me."

Eris tried to stand up but couldn't.

After a minute, Eris's legs couldn't support her anymore, and she fell to her knees on the ground.

Just one minute was enough to drain her energy.

Eris lay naked on the floor, resting, as she had mercilessly received the effects of the [Seduce Women: Sexual Mode] ability. Kei wanted to finish quickly because he really didn't want to leave Seiya alone for any longer.

"K-Kei... You never cease to amaze me," Eris sighed, still panting from the physical exertion of their encounter.

"P-put on your clothes, please."

"No, no, no. I won't leave without my reward," Eris said, sticking out her tongue and licking her thumb.

"But, if someone sees us..."

"Kei, I found you!"

Hearing that made him extremely nervous, and his heart almost exploded, as Seiya was approaching, and if she discovered Eris naked, his reputation would definitely be affected.

"Damn it."

Seiya entered the alley and walked towards him.

"What are you doing here?"

"S-Seiya, look behind you!"


Seiya averted her gaze.

"I don't see anything."

"I was peeing, don't turn around!"


Kei took advantage of that and created earthen walls around Eris. The crates prevented Seiya from seeing Eris, but it was just a precaution.

He zipped up his pants, and his eyes became teary as, in his haste, he caught his skin with the zipper.

"Puta madre (fuck)," he said, complaining in Spanish.

He lowered it again and zipped it back up. He tore off that part of his skin but regenerated it with magic, although it didn't negate the fact that it was painful to experience.

"Eris, I'm going to distract her."

Kei approached Seiya and sighed.

"Sorry, I really needed to pee."

"Hehe. The great Kei Molfer peeing in an alley. You really are a rebellious boy."

"L-let's not talk about that. Do you want to visit an orphanage? Once a month, I go there to play with the kids and donate money."

"Sure, let's go!"

Seiya hugged Kei's arm, and he became nervous.

"She's a guy, Kei! She's adorable, but she's a guy!" he thought nervously.