
Chapter 0 / Xiu Mu'er, Goddess of the Qingyun Holy Land

In the deep forest, far from the cities

A young woman with a beautiful face, gray hair, red eyes, she had a very high status in the Qing Yun Holy Land, her name was Xiu Mu'er.

She had a Heavenly Fire Phoenix Ancient Body.

'I'm seriously injured. It will definitely have an impact on the future.'

'I must find a cure first.'

Not long after, Xiu Mu'er came across an ordinary house. It was like a high-class house for Mortal.

'That's a house? Who would live in such a dangerous place?'

'Too bad I'm going to faint'

At this moment, Xiu Mu'er was extremely exhausted. But still try to move forward.

...don't know when she began to crawl and keep moving until reaching the front of the house

Xiu Mu'er tried to push the door with his hand. But suddenly the door opened

when the door opened Xiu Mu'er encountered an endless amount of energy. which healed her immediately

Wounds heal at the speed that the eye can see.

"What is this place?"

'As if it was a real heaven with unlimited power.'

Xiu Mu'er started to stand up and walked inside the house. But at that time

An enormous pressure that she had never experienced before suddenly erupted. causing her to bow down

Those pressures came from his chickens, fish, trees and dogs, and the whole house. and all appliances

"You have no right to enter the house."

"Until permission of the owner"

A voice appeared in Xiu Mu'er's mind. making her pale all over Sounds like Heavenly Law or God, no, it's beyond that.

But as soon as she heard footsteps,

All the pressure disappeared as if it had never existed.

Xiu Mu'er was stunned. The person who made all the pressure disappear was undoubtedly the young man in front of her.

'So young'

White hair and red eyes, it's a villain for girls to go crazy with. and the man in front of me is perfection

"Hello, visitor."

Xiu Mu'er regained consciousness after being captivated by Luo Fan's beauty.

"Would you like some tea?"

Luofan asked and looked at Xiu Mu'er unpredictably.

Mu Er thought and guessed whether this was a test or not.

Mu Er agreed to drink tea.

The great power in that tea caused her to break through the level ridiculously. The spirit root trembled and became even more wonderful. Many talents have been developed.

With just one sip, she could definitely say that there was no one she couldn't fight with if they were at the same level.

Luo Fan looked satisfied. and invited Mu'er into the house.

While Mu Er followed Luo Fan She saw something that shocked her all over.

A peach tree with unlimited power A single grass contained incomparable spirit energy.

Even the mud on the ground had a dazzling power that seemed to be limitless.

It's unbelievable that there are so many limitless things in this world.

The inside of the house is even bigger. It was filled with equipment that was so powerful that no words could describe it. And they had high spirits everywhere.

Even the seated chair may still be called The oldest elder in the world

"I thank you very much for helping me.."

"...and still give me such a blessing."

"..I don't know...how to repay you."

Luo Fan didn't care. and looked at Mu'er's body.

At that moment, the observing Mu'er thought that Luo Fan wanted a body in return and shyly said.

"If you want..."

"I will give my body to you."

Luo Fan heard it, stopped. and realizing that he was looking at her body, which misunderstood her, was about to speak. But Mu Er interrupted.

"I'm still a virgin."

"If you want to know"

Luo Fan was speechless. Cultivators these days use their bodies to repay their gratitude?

'Nowadays it's really weird'

"I only suspect that someone with an ancient physique like Celestial Fire Phoenix Body Why are you being chased?"

Mu'er was shocked but showed no expression. While wondering what magic Luo Fan used to know about it.

"Mu family young master, Mu Guan, he tried to hurt me and rape me. So I killed him."

Actually, Luo Fan already knew but wanted to ask because he wanted to know Xiu Mu'er's sincerity.

"I want to know. What will you do if your body awakens?"


"Let it pass??"

Mu'er answered honestly and full of confidence.


Luo Fan laughed at this little girl's expression.

Mu Er, seeing Luo Fan laughing, became embarrassed again. Just then I remembered what Luo Fan had asked.

"Or do you have a way to awaken my body?"

Luo Fan heard this and smiled in response. And thought it would be fun to help this little girl get her revenge.

'I think I'm tired of being a normal person.'

'Try playing as an invincible person.'

Even though Luo Fan was so powerful But there are many things others have done that he has not. And one of them is having thousands of wives and concubines.

'After this, live like an invincible but approachable emperor.'

Mu'er bowed down and said the Heavenly Dao oath.

"If you can awaken my body. I swear by the Heavenly Dao, I will be a servant who will not refuse every request, a concubine, a slave, or even a cattle. to serve you for the rest of eternity"

Hearing Luo Fan was satisfied. If he could combine all the talents of the world into his hands It would be easy to rule this world and live like an emperor. Because he can let these people deal with various problems.

"OK, I'll help you awaken your body."

Luo Fan had many ways to awaken his body. But the most likely way, other than using his own power, would be…

"Follow me, I will lead you to your ancestors."

Mu'er obeyed unconditionally to show his sincerity.



Luo Fan led Mu Er to the back of the house. with many chickens These chickens are different from the front ones. After all, it was an ancient phoenix which was the origin bloodline of Chaos.

Or to put it simply. Pedigree of the First Phoenix

People with any physical or phoenix descent If you meet with a Phoenix, even a normal one, you will feel the resonance of your body. and spirits of ancestors

These phoenixes were phoenixes born from ancient bloodlines in the early days. In other words, it was born as the first phoenix.

Mu'er looked suspicious because what she saw was only a chicken.

She had no idea what she thought those chickens would hear and think of each other.

'This ungrateful human is really our bloodline?'

Luo Fan was not surprised and said.

"Look with your heart Not by sight."

Mu Er quickly followed. and she could feel


"This is Phoenix."

Luo Fan wasn't too surprised by the reaction. In this world, no one can defeat the Phoenix.

"You guys teach her, do you understand?"

All the chickens began to transform. And the pressure that had been blocking it came out. It distorts everything and makes it seem worthless.

"Take command of the lord."

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