
woke up and now a vampire

        One morning I woke up and looked in a mirror and I could not see my reflection. I was tried so I did not pay much attention to it. As I was stretching, I placed my hands on my neck and I felt two holes on it. I quickly rushed over to the mirror but still no reflection. I yelled down stairs mom something wrong with me come quickly!

I heard nothing from down below so I rushed down stairs and what I saw made me drop down to my knees and start to cry. In front of me was a murder scene my mom was lying on the floor surrounded by ruby red blood. As I stared at this scene, I started to recall what happened last night.

Someone broke in to the house that night and had bitten my neck then left. I started to get really perched latter on but no matter how much I drank it was still not enough. My mom worried came and gave me a hug. Well, she gave me a hug I felt something changing in my mouth and then without control I bit down on my mom's neck.

Scarily it quenched my perched throat and I stopped and went upstairs. When I woke up, I was just thinking it was a dream but no it was real I was the one that killed my mom. I ran upstairs still crying and went to my computers and looked up blood drinking creatures. The top result was a vampire so I kept on reading about vampires.

As I kept reading it all sounded like what is happening to me currently.

The important thing was that it said they are weak to sunlight. So, I decided to step outside for a while and if something happened, I would decide if I am a vampire or not.

As I walked into the sunlight felt like my skin was burning from the inside out. The pain was extremely enterable if I had to compare it to something, I would compare it to being on fire that will not go out. Almost screaming in pain, I quickly ran inside.

Ok I am a vampire what do I do now? He decided to call the school to inform them he was not going to be there. Trying to copying his mom voice as best as possible when they picked up, he said "Hello Yes Christopher won't be coming into school today he is very sick." They responded "ok we will inform there teaches."

As I hung up and puit the phone down a sighed a sigh of relief. Ok now to deal with the big problem. As he said that he looked down at his mother body. Taking a step forward I accidentally stepped in the puddle of blood.

As it made ripple, I took out my foot now covered in blood. And said first thing first thing I need to deal with the blood. I went and grabbed the mop and some towels. As I put the towels down, they started to absorb the blood up.

I then started to mop were the blood was absorbed. After I was done cleaning up the blood, I started to think of how to deal with body. I could cut up the body and hide it but I quickly got rid of that idea because I would not be able to do that. Thinking through my options I decided to wait until night time and then burn the house down. While waiting for night a heard a car door being closed outside. Quickly I ran to the door and looked out of it.

What I saw made me worried it was my mom's boyfriend that was never fond of me. Thinking of what to do I looked down and noticed the door was unlocked so I locked it. Not knowing if he had a key or not, I quickly ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Going through the possible scenarios.  I decided if he can get in, I would stab him because I already killed my mom so what is one more murder.

I heard knocking on the door after a while of hearing nothing. I heard him mumble most not be home while I well just come again later.  After he drove a I dropped the knife. Breathing heavy letting the tension leave my body.  I then proceeded to sit down and thinking about what to do now. I decide to wait until night time and then go outside. I played video games until noon and then started to feel sleepy.

So, I went to my bed and tried to go asleep. I fell asleep really fast. As I slowly opened my eyes, I noticed it was dark outside. I went to check what time it is and the clock said 9 pm. As I read it my eyes went wide. I spelt through half the day jeez. After seeing the time, I decided it is time to figure out what to do?

I decided that I would go outside and if I was not affected by the moon light I would sneak away and go from there.

I then started to pack the necessity's like food, clothing, water and sleeping supplies. I then I saw the car keys and decided to take them. I then went outside and unlocked the car. As I sat down, I realized I did not know how to drive so I decided it would be better to walk that way I don't get pulled over for reckless driving if I could even figure out how to get it on the road. So, I started to head out. With that his adventure begins.