
Who the hell kidnapped me?

Never in his wildest dream had he thought he would be stuck in this situation.

A dark hole, damp to the core with no discerning light source, anyone would be frightened by just being here. Noah was no different; he felt despair.

He found himself locked inside a cage; he felt the bars to find out it was made of wood. It was rough, and there were no locks or door bolts. He tried several times but couldn't open the door at all.

"I don't know what these pieces of wood are made of, but they are cumbersome," He thought. He used all his strength to shake them, but it was useless.

" I will fucking find whoever put me in here. They don't know who they are messing with," he murmured.

Just then, he heard rustling from the front of the cage.

" Fuck, what is that?" He shouted.

He could barely make out the appearance, but whatever it was, it was tall. Much taller than anything he had seen before.

" You! Open the door, or I will shout so loud that the whole fucking neighbourhood will know I am here. You understand me!"

The person moved closer, but what came forward terrified him. A monster, a fucking monster, was standing in front of him, glaring at him while sticking his tongue out.

It had a giant pig's head while his body was enormous; Noah had never seen something like this before. A human-pig hybrid, fuck! Am I still dreaming? He thought to himself.

It had fangs sharp as steel, and his mouth opened to reveal his razor-sharp teeth. An abomination!

He had seen such creatures in movies and television and admired the special effects but seeing an actual life prototype was too scary for the kids! It was fucking terrifying.



It gave two low growls in response to his blabbering.

" D-do you think I am scared of you? Fight me, baldy!" He showed unexpected bravery, or was it foolishness, because the next moment, the creature slammed his cage, which made him yelp.

He saw the pig-headed monster outside the wooden cell with red eyes looking at him.

Fortunately, the pig-headed monster's gaze moved to the wooden cage next to him in just a moment. Only then Noah noticed that there were others beside him, several cages lined up against the wall with other humans trapped in them.

They had lifeless eyes like the prey who knew and accepted their fate.

The monster opened the case next to it and moved the heavy wooden door.

It glided its hand inside and fished a human wearing medieval clothing. The man tried to resist, but it was all in vain.

You could see how terrified he was. He was crying and screaming, struggling frantically, but the pig-headed monster grasped his neck with his thick arms. But everything came to a halt. The beast snapped his neck, instantly killing him.

There were several grasps from other prisoners, but they could only hold their breath; no one wanted to be next in line.

Then pig-headed monster stripped the man's clothes and threw his body into a pool in the cave. Just like we prepared the 'meat' by rinsing it off, it was doing the same to the man.

He picked up a colossal bone knife that was more than one meter long and dismounted the body directly. Such a scene would make anyone vomit, and Noah was feeling the same thing, but someone called him out from one of the other cages. The old man looked a little different from the other prisoners.

He had a complete set of armour and a broken sword lying beside him. He had darker skin and messy hair with some white tint.

" Young man, don't worry."

Noah looked at him with a suspicious gaze. Why was this old dude spouting nonsense while witnessing this gruesome scene?

The old man continued as the corners of his mouth moved slightly, "The pig head will sleep for a whole day after eating. Which means that he is done for the day."

"What?!" Noah was shocked; he felt the horror of his inevitable demise, "You mean I can only live for one more day?"

"I am not sure. I have been here almost a week; that beast eats every other day. But don't worry, he would definitely choose my old bones to gnaw upon if it is not very hungry." The old man replied in a faint tone, with a knowing smile. Looking at them, one could tell he had lived a long life.

He continued, " Since the island's breach, the humans living in this land are already snacks for these monsters. What difference does it make if we die now or later."

"One or two days?"

After listening to the old man, Noah was at a loss for words. He wanted to crawl to the deepest part of the cage to hide from it, but he knew it was his wishful thinking. Hoping to stay as far as possible from this hell of a place was a death sentence. He needs to do something!

" Fuck! How come this happens to me all the fucking time!" He thought in his mind.

He sat down with his back facing the cage wall while closing his eyes. People often say that your life flashes in front of your eyes when you are faced with death. The same thing was happening to him.

Only a few hours ago, he was staying at home well, watching some TV with a beer in his hand. Although he had some hardships, it was smooth sailing for the most part.

After falling asleep, he was stuck in this hell hole without any explanation. It was unfortunate that not many in his life would miss him if he vanished.

" I must stay strong, but I can't think of anything. Even if I somehow got out of this cage, how am I supposed to defeat it?" He kept thinking, but by now, the reality was slowly sinking in.

He kept thinking, but his mind was now exhausted; his eyelids were getting heavy, and before he knew it, he was already asleep.

But something strange happened; he found himself in an unknown environment. It was a dream as he never saw such a clean white room in his life. He looked around; there was nothing, the walls had nothing on them, and the ceiling was empty, but he looked down and saw his body was gone too.

He panicked and wanted to move around, but it was impossible. He was like a speck of dust suspended in the air; he could not speak or move but could see without a body.

[ Emergency! Emergency! Rogue System Detected!]

Suddenly he heard a loud voice blaring alarms across the room.

As a fan of kingdon building novel, I tried to write one myself.

It will be a little different but I hope to give the readers a vivid world with lots of fun characters.

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