

Marvin slowly open his eyes and was greeted by an unfamiliar ceiling, he look at his surrounding then found medical apparatuses inside the room. The smell of medicine linger in the air he then concluded that he is sleeping in a hospital room.

Then when he is about to question and recall what happened to him, a sudden gush of pain assaulted his whole being as if he was being electrocuted. He spasm for almost a minute before the pain go away.Still shock by pain and face white as sheet of paper Marvin heard ringing inside his ears.

Ding! System bound sucessfully! Congarulations on user in gaining the Supreme Genius System!'

What the fuck! Am I hearing things? I cant became mentally retarded am I?' Marvin question himself afraid that he is becoming schizophrenic.

Marvin remembered that after he found his long term girlfriend cheating on him he was extremely heartbroken that he speed is car up to maximum speed, and as expected without proper control he crash in a barrier under the speed of 140 km/hr. No human being can survive that crash so why he is still alive? It cant be that he is hallucinating because the pain and memories is still fresh.

Ding! User survive because of the energy of the System that is wandering in the Infinite Planes and Multiverse bound itself into your dying body, so be glad user as you will be the pinnacle existent that will shake the eons to come

As if answering all his queries the voice spoke again in his head its voice is mechanical like those A.I that can be accessed in apps, even if he want to be calm he cant be, What System? Multiverse and Planes? Shake eons to come? His brain is being overloaded as he process all this information.His mind is in disarray he just have a breakup after that he encounter a life and death accident then after that an alien parasite invaded his body. If a normal human can get calm after all this situation then he will bow down and kowtow 10 times.

Ding! Its rude for calling this System a Parasite, It is the accumulation of Power and Knowledge since the beginning of time so don't underestimate its power you should feel lucky for being fated with it.

Its seems that it also have sentient, Marvin is also a youth once so he read novels about this phenomena but those are fiction and what happening right now is absolutely real, testing if he is not dreaming he ask in his mind.

'System.. right I will call you like that you said that you are a Supreme Genius System then will you make me smarter? How will you do that?' Marvin ask in his head then instantly he heard the mechanical voice answer.

Ding! being Genius not only intellectually but also in all aspects the system can make any useless rock into diamond, for you to access its function you just need to think of it in your mind user.

Marvin think in his mind about the function then instantaneously, a game like window appear in front of him.

Name: Marvin Cale

Age: 26

Health: Normal

Energy point: 157

Skills: Martial Arts(Abysmal), Music(Abysmal), Engineering(Abysmal), Sports(Abysmal), Language(Low), Arithmetic(Low), Sciences(Low) Driving(Low), Cooking(Average), Programming(Average)

Gasp! Marvin exclaimed in surprise when the window appear but also was washed away instantly by truth when he see the figure about his Skills, so this is his expertise the hobby of cooking he was once proud of and his skill as programmer with almost six years of experience is only average! It can be said that in his company he is treated well by seniors because of his skills but he only was labelled average by the system? then wouldn't being Good means he is already in the Top of the world?

Ding! You are wrong in that user being Good is not the limit, the category is divided by Abysmal, Low, Average, Acceptable, Good, Expert, Master, Grandmaster then God. But if this one compare the standard of this tiny blue planet then you can say that being Good is enough for you to trash anyone in this tiny planet.

Marvin forgot to breath by the overbearing word of the System, then what happen when he gain God level skills will he ascend to immortal realm. Everything is surreal but Marvin have already been revive once from death so nothing can shake his heart and mind anymore, he look again in the window the ask about the important question.

'System what is this energy point what can it do and what is the meaning of the value? I didn't do anything' Marvin ask to the system in his mind

Ding! Glad the user ask energy points is something the user can use to buy and upgrade his skills, buying skills is cheap but upgrading skills will multiply twice every upgrade so be mindful in expending your energy points. Energy points can be earned through the emotions directed towards the user the purer the more energy you can accumulate. The value you have right now is because of the emotion of the people that save you and witness your accident.

So that's why, Marvin instantly understood he was mesmerize by the use of this system! he will his mind to look at the skills he can buy in the system and was shocked dumb by what he see from simple skills like cleaning and writing that cost 10 energy points to more complicated like one like photographic memory and enhance cell regeneration that value in thousands to fantasy one like Mana control and Qi control that have so many zeros in its value. This… I like this.

Then he begun to think about one important matter and that is how to earn energy, The system said he can earn it through Emotion. Its very vague as emotions is something even science and religion cant explain. He understand that when he got into the car accident those that witness it and those that save him have varying emotions like pity, shock, or sympathy all of those are emotions so that's how he earn his energy points even when unconcious.

But Marvin cant help but feel something is not right, he is not an idiot because he know that something that is using emotion as power is not a System that can be called Good at the least. He decisively gather his courage to ask he is not fearful as he already meet death once, making up his mind he mutter in thin air.

'Are you an evil System? You will not control my body right' He asked the system


The System pause for a moment then answer his worries.

Ding! User worries in understandable this System only function is to groom its host so you don't need to worry on being possessed, As for if this System is evil or not you can say user that you can compare this System when you carry a weapon like a gun.

Marvin fonder for a moment then was instantly enlighten so like a gun huh. Gun can be Good or evil so the system can also be Good and evil base on my actions.

Marvin is only a normal man that wish for peaceful and quiet life, in his youth he once dream of being popular and leading figure of society but that is when he was just a snotty child. Reality taught him that life is just about how you enjoy it, it can be in the form of power, position, money or relationship. For him he only want a normal and peaceful life but everything crumble down when the love of his life left him for another man which she deemed more superior than him.

Maybe its my fault, her fault or this is societies fault. Even if someone is at fault there is no more he can do as everything happen already. Words like knife have been spoken and trust have been broken. Marvin clench his fist as he decide on himself that he will not suffer again in his life, with the help of the system he will pave his name in history of this world.

Filled with motivation Marvin seems to transform into new man, while he is in his thoughts hurried footstep echoed outside then the door was flung open with hurriedness. When he look at the visitor he cant help but smile as he look at the fatty that enter with tears and snot in his face. He came with the nurses and doctor following him.

"Fatty Zhang whats the matter you look like a pig that is going to be butchered" Marvin joke to the fatty man

When Fatty Zhang see Marvin all fine and well he was shocked, didn't the doctor said that his brother is now in his last breath. What kind of hospital is this for having such a huge misdiagnosis? But still as he see his brother is fine he was at ease.

"Fuck you Marvin I thought we both said that we will die at the same time gloriously then here you are signing up before me, and who is the pig? You are the pig your whole family is a pig!" Fatty Zhang retort towards Marvin that laughing his heart out.

The doctor that diagnose Marvin was stupefied as the man that is in the brink of death just moment ago was now looking completely fine! He almost lost consciousness by the sudden event. The intern doctor and also the two nurses was dumbfounded because of the contrasting difference between the diagnosis and the man in front of them. They feel scared because this can be a big scandal in the hospital and in their careers!

Marvin is laughing loud because he was overwhemed by joy when he see points rising in thousands.

+700 energy point

+51 energy point

+167 energy point

+1567 energy point

+77 energy point

When he look at his energy points he cant help but let out a smirk. He is now getting familiar on how to use this system.

Energy points: 2719

With this maybe he can upgade a skill to Good or maybe Expert!

When Fatty Zhang, the doctors and nurses see that Marvin is laughing like and idiot and muttering something in thin air they felt sympathy as they thought that the damage happened in his brain.

Looking at the still rising points Marvin was shocked then when he look at their pitying eyes he understand. Fatty Zhang was so heartbroken as he look at him like his an idiot.

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