
I am a protagonist?

Ye Fan reincarnated in a parallel world but He awakened his memory 11 years later . And awakening his memory unexpectedly he found himself got kidnapped and foced to participate in killing game . so what will happen to him? . . After some years looking at the situation in front Ye Fan, He couldn't help ask " System come out i wont beat you just tell me am i protagonist of a novel ?" "_"

Mobo_Droid · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


After waking up Ye Fan found himself in a white room on a hospital like bed . His hands are tightly attached with the bed he can't even move.

Without waiting for his thinkng of the situation a person wearing lab coat came inside the room .

the person has syringe gun with liquid on it .

Ye Fan looked the doctor with questioning look.

Doctor understand form the expression of Ye Fan .

"This is gene optimization liquid , this will help you awakening your gene power "

"what if it fails to awakening ?"

Ye Fan couldn't help but ask

"After taking gene optimization liquid either they are awakened or they were dead"

the person said.

Ye Fan couldn't help but worry

Without waiting for reply the doctor inject the liquid in Ye Fan's body .

After for while The pain was like nothing he had ever experienced before. It was a deep, intense ache that seemed to radiate through every fiber of his being. It felt as though someone had reached inside his chest and was squeezing his heart with a vice grip.

He tried to take deep breaths to calm him self down, but the pain only seemed to intensify. It was like a tidal wave crashing over him, leaving him gasping for air and struggling to hold on.

He clenched His fists, gritting his teeth as the pain continued to grip his body. It was a heart-wrenching sensation, and He felt as though he might collapse under its weight.

The world around him seemed to blur and fade away as the pain consumed him. he could hear the sound of his own heartbeat pounding in his ears, a constant reminder of the agony he was experiencing.

Despite the overwhelming pain, he refused to give up. he knew that he had to keep fighting, to push through the pain and find a way to overcome it. otherwise he will be just cold corpse . He refused give after getting reincarnated in this world . He want to slaughter this organization that forced him to this agony.

Slowly, the pain began to recede, and he felt a sense of relief wash over him. His blurred and he lost consciousness.

A blue electric arc flickering throughout his body can be seen.

"I didn't expect awaken rare lightning ability , we must brain wash him thoroughly, he will great weapon to our organization.."

doctor said excitedly.

3 days later Ye Fan wake up find himself in a room .

'system show me status '

[ Name: Ye Fan

Strength : 20

Agility : 20


Mind : 13

Cultivation : Peak E 0/50000

Breathing technique : level 1 (0/10000)

Fighting mastery : proficient (0/5000]

Thunder power :level 0 (0/10000)

EXP : 8200 ]

' system use 15 atribute on strength 15 on Agility, 15 on const and use remaining on mind'

a cool sensations flow though head his mind becam more clear . he fell strenght increased more .

According to system 1 atribute in strength equals to 10 kg now he 350 kg boxing power.

'status '

[ Name: Ye Fan

Strength : 35

Agility : 35


Mind : 50

Cultivation : Peak E 0/50000

Breathing technique : level 1 (0/10000)

Fighting mastery : proficient (0/5000]

Thunder power :level 0 (0/10000)

EXP : 0 ]

Ye Fan tried use thunder power but he couldn't use it.

'may be i need more training '

Ye Fan thought

when he was in his thoughts m a man came to room.

The man stood tall and imposing, his chiseled features set in a cold, emotionless expression. His eyes were dark and intense, seeming to bore into the soul of anyone who dared to meet his gaze.

He wore a perfectly tailored suit, the fine fabric hugging his broad shoulders and emphasizing his powerful build. The suit was adorned with gold cufflinks and a silk tie, a testament to his wealth and status within the organization.

Despite his calm and collected demeanor, there was an underlying current of danger and violence that seemed to emanate from him. His every movement was calculated and precise, his muscles coiled like a predator ready to pounce.

the man spoke in deep voice

"Congratulation for your awakening my name is K , will be your superior in future "

"Be prepared from next day your true training will be start "

Without giving Ye Fan to chance say anything the man or K strode out his room.