
I am a protagonist?

Ye Fan reincarnated in a parallel world but He awakened his memory 11 years later . And awakening his memory unexpectedly he found himself got kidnapped and foced to participate in killing game . so what will happen to him? . . After some years looking at the situation in front Ye Fan, He couldn't help ask " System come out i wont beat you just tell me am i protagonist of a novel ?" "_"

Mobo_Droid · Urban
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11 Chs


A 13-year-old blonde girl stood in the center of the white room, her eyes closed in deep concentration as she practiced telekinesis.

Her beauty was striking - her long, golden hair cascaded down her back in soft waves, framing her delicate features. Her skin was porcelain white, flawless and unblemished, with a slight flush on her cheeks from the exertion of her training.

Despite her youth, she exuded a quiet confidence and grace, moving with fluidity and precision as she manipulated the metal ball with her mind. There was a certain air of mystery about her, as if she held secrets and knowledge beyond her years. Her temperament was otherworldly.

POV Anna

I can't believe it's been a few month since I was abducted by the organization.

Time flies when you're practicing same drills combat practice, shooting practice and my personal practice telekinesis with a small metal ball every day.

But today, something amazing happened.

I've been working on this one trick for weeks now, and I was starting to lose hope. But then, as I focused on the ball in front of me, something clicked. It was like a rush of energy flowed through me, and I could feel my telekinetic abilities growing stronger.

And then, it happened. The ball lifted off the table and hovered in mid-air, responding to my thoughts and movements. I couldn't believe it - I had finally mastered the trick.

As I moved the ball around the room, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over me. All of the hard work and practice had paid off, and I was a step closer to mastering my telekinetic powers.

But as excited as I was, I knew that I still had a lot to learn. The organization was full of people with incredible abilities, and I wanted to be the best.

So I continued to practice and train, pushing myself to new heights and mastering new skills.

Although i know organization tried make us cold bloodied killing machine, they everyday tried to brainwashed us but because of my telekinesis or something else there hypnosis brainwashing have no effect on me .

But the fact that brainwashing have no effect i have tried to hide as much i could.

In my intuition may be The Ye Fan guy also have no effect of brainwashing.

I don't care about any other thing I just wanted use this organization as springboard to search for reasons of my parents death.

Thinking of parents my expression couldn't help but became complicated .

I still remember that day vividly, even though it was years ago. I was only 10 years old, but it was one of the happiest days of my life.

My father and I were playing with toy cars in the living room while my mother was busy in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. The smells of garlic and spices wafted through the air, and my stomach growled in anticipation.

Finally, my mother called us to the table, and we eagerly dug into the delicious meal she had prepared. My father and I laughed and joked around, savoring each and every bite.

As we finished eating, I remember feeling so content and happy. It was a perfect moment, we are like a perfect example of a happy family enjoying a wonderful meal together.

But i didn't see terrible sadness hidden under my parents smiley face .

What i can see i was just a 10 year ignorent little girl .

Little did I know that it would be one of the last times we would be together as a family.

My parents were archeologists they just said that they are going a historical place will be back in a week.

But after 1 week they didn't come and i was taken care by nanny.

After 1 month news came from parents colleague that they were died in accident they didn't mention what kind accident happen.

One day when i was searching my parents old stuff i found a box in that box there is ring with silver color and unknown text written on it giving a eerie feeling.

There is also a old sound recorder.

i turned on recorder and its sounded my parents voice that i wanted every minute , i really miss them.

"My dear daughter, when you hear this recording we won't be with you anymore .

We are making this recording for you because we want to give you our last wish and motivation to carry forward in this world without us.

We know that we won't be here with you physically, but we will always be with you in spirit. We want you to know that you are loved and you have always been a source of pride and joy for us.

Our wish for you is to live a life full of happiness, love, and fulfillment. We want you to pursue your dreams with all your heart and soul. Don't ever give up, no matter what challenges come your way. Remember that you are strong and capable, and you have the power to overcome anything.

Most importantly, know that we will always be proud of you. We may not be here physically, but our love for you will never die. You are our precious daughter, and we will always be by your side."

As I listened to the audio recording of my parents, tears streamed down my face.

Their words of love and encouragement touched my heart and I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion.

It was a moment that I would never forget.

At last my mother voice again sounded

"And please remember honey always wear the ring in box and it has special function as long you want it will be invincible .

always wear it no matter what happens.

We love you, and we will always be with you"

Think my parents my emotions become more turbulent, But suddenly a familiar warm current flow from her finger and her agitated emotions calm down.

In my finger there is invincible ring that my parents left for me .

Everytime i feels emotionally unstable this ring will always help me to calm my emotion.

Even I was able to survive first game and second game because of this ring.

May be the reason I was able awaken telekinesis power is this ring.

Stroking ring in my finger couldn't help remember my mother and father happy face as we eating together.

After calming my emotion and removing distracting thoughts i started practice telekinesis again .