
Chapter 8

Xavier and Dexter, after their exhausting battle with the formidable Queen, found themselves perched atop the deceased monarch's lifeless form. The battle had pushed them to their limits, and Xavier offered Dexter a bottle of water and some snacks, realizing the necessity to restore their energy.

"We totally underestimated this place. This dungeon doesn't feel like a Type C at all," Dexter commented, mirroring Xavier's surprise. It was clear that their initial classification of the dungeon had been gravely inaccurate.

Xavier, wearied and parched, was suddenly faced with a peculiar window system that materialized before him. He turned to Dexter, asking if he could see the same display, but Dexter simply shook his head, indicating nothing unusual in his perspective. Xavier was baffled and let out a sigh, coming to terms with the fact that he alone could perceive the system.

The window bore a message that confounded Xavier further:

[You have ascended in level]

- Dexterity increased to Level 9+1

- Strength elevated to Level 7+40

- Mastery over Mana Control raised to Level 10+30

- [Levitation Powers upgraded from Level 5 to 50 (Error)]

This unanticipated boost in their capabilities puzzled Xavier. Such substantial increases were unprecedented.

Dexter, failing to comprehend Xavier's unique experience, dismissed it with a shrug. Their conversation was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a portal, signaling that it was time to exit the dungeon. Their arduous mission was complete, and they were to return.


In a separate realm, the dungeon's overseer, a formidable and imposing figure, observed Xavier and Dexter's exceptional progress with interest. This dynamic duo had achieved the extraordinary feat of vanquishing a Type C dungeon within a mere two days, a feat of exceptional rarity.

The administrator presided over a vast round table, encompassed by 20 exceptional beings, each with their own distinct character and importance in the dungeon realm. One of the entities inquired about the administrator's curious reaction to Xavier, a remarkable human they were the ones that is particularly the reason these dungeons exist and only one of them was the administrator, wearing a white tuxedo with golden linings, face so handsome it could blind the eye of the normal human being, golden eyes that shines even in the dark.

"It has been just two days, and this pair has already conquered a Type C dungeon," the administrator observed, their deep voice reverberating throughout the room.

The succubus among the assembly couldn't resist remarking on Xavier, drawing attention to the unusual taint they perceived." Oh my, How handsome is this guy" The succubus said to the one in the video feed. pointing her sharp nails at Xavier. " Why does it seem corrupted " said the Succubus, the one where Xavier is looking at is corrupted as if some outside forces were doing it. " Who is doing this!" said the dragon. " Calm down. This is getting interesting."


Meanwhile, Jazekeen's concern grew deeper. Both Dexter and Xavier were conspicuously absent from their classes, and her attempts to contact them by phone went unanswered. Her unease heightened when she beheld unusual, portal-like anomalies outside her classroom window, which had inexplicably manifested. Despite these perplexing events, classes continued as usual.

Jazekeen had previously viewed a video in which Dexter and Xavier displayed extraordinary powers and manipulated reality itself. It was as though the world bent to their will. She had endeavored to visit Xavier's residence, but he was nowhere to be found, and his father had grown increasingly anxious about his son's whereabouts.

The academic day was marked by confusion and uncertainty as these bizarre portals cast an eerie shadow over everyone's lives. The sudden appearance of these enigmatic phenomena left students and faculty alike feeling disconcerted, unsure of what lay ahead.

As the day unfolded, students across the school shared their own experiences and speculations regarding the strange portals that had appeared. Conversations buzzed with anxiety and bewilderment, but the information remained consistent, if dramatically altered from reality.

One student in the hallway exclaimed, "Did you hear? These portals are supposed to lead to alternate dimensions or even other worlds!" An exaggerated hush fell over the surrounding crowd.

Another student chimed in with an air of mystery, "I heard the government believes that our world is about to collide with a parallel universe, and these portals are just the beginning!" Heads nodded, and murmurs of disbelief filled the hallway.

A teacher overheard some of the outlandish theories and gently interjected, "Now, now, there's no need to panic. The portals are certainly puzzling, but there's no evidence to support such extraordinary claims."

While the students and faculty tried to make sense of the inexplicable events, a general unease permeated the school, and time seemed to slow as everyone grappled with the implications of these strange occurrences.

Xavier and Dexter's absence continued to raise questions among their classmates and teachers, adding to the growing sense of uncertainty. As the day drew to a close, Jazekeen's worries deepened, and she couldn't help but wonder if the mysterious events in the dungeon were somehow connected to the unsettling events in her own world.


Dexter and Xavier had finished their meal and decided to make their mark on their accomplishment. They knew that this dragon queen's head would serve as a testament to their victory in the Type C dungeon. With Xavier's powerful levitation abilities, they effortlessly lifted the massive dragon's head and brought it with them into the real world.

As they emerged, the eerie portal from the dungeon slowly materialized, casting a foreboding atmosphere that sent shivers down the spines of those nearby. The authorities, prepared for the unknown danger, had stationed police and SWAT teams to guard the portal's entrance. The reporters, like a swarm of hungry bees, had gathered on the scene, capturing every moment with their cameras and reporting live on the unusual events unfolding before them.

Suddenly, out of the portal's darkness, Xavier and Dexter emerged. Their clothes were tattered from the brutal battle, but they stood tall, and an enormous creature's head floated behind them, casting a long shadow that stretched up to 30 meters in height. The reporters were utterly astounded, their jaws dropping as they witnessed the colossal trophy. They had never seen anything like it and couldn't even fathom the size of the dragon queen to which the head belonged.

Dexter, always one to revel in attention, couldn't resist the urge to play to the crowd. He flexed his muscles, made funny faces, and generally lighthearted gestures, eliciting laughter and awe from the spectators. In stark contrast, Xavier maintained a serious demeanor, a steely resolve in his eyes. He was quietly on the lookout for a man named Daniel Andrews, someone who had betrayed him in the past. To his dismay, the man was nowhere to be found in the bustling crowd.

The reporters didn't waste a moment and bombarded them with a barrage of questions. Dexter, the more outgoing of the pair, answered with a mix of truth and embellishment, keeping the audience entertained with their incredible tale of triumph over a formidable dragon in an uncharted dimension. Their larger-than-life adventure was the stuff of legends, and the reporters knew they had stumbled upon a story for the ages.

As the pandemonium continued outside the portal, the authorities remained vigilant, ensuring the safety of the returning adventurers and the general public. The reporters transmitted the astonishing events to their global audience, capturing imaginations around the world. The portal, as it loomed ominously behind the duo, remained a source of fascination, curiosity, and, for many, fear.

In the face of such remarkable events, the world was left to ponder the nature of these enigmatic portals and the uncharted realms they represented. Dexter and Xavier's triumph, symbolized by the colossal dragon's head, had etched its place in history and ignited a new era of possibilities for their world.