
. The Unknown World.


What's this where am I, I can feel a stinging pain in my head. "Now I remember I got hit by a car." but I should be In heavens now. Where am I? Wait.

Then I stood up and started looking around it was a dense forest, I was sorrounded by tall tress and bushes."Oh my god! Am I dreaming, its another world,i seriously got reincarnated here."

It can be a simple forest tress are not too different from my world. I should look around to confirm.

Even after walking continuously for 2 hours. "what the hell, there is no end to this forest. Where am I? Am I in a fucking amazon forest." I shouted out loud in frustration. And sat down on the ground, thinking about my situation.

"First I am hungry, second I don't have water, third I can't find any end of this forest. Fourth don't know where am."

Now thinking about for a while I thought.

"I am gona die here, agian what a short life i had. Dame you god you should have gave me a map atleast." I thought to my self.

Then after a bit when I started my endless expedition again. I heard a sound.

"It's definitely the sound of water, I am save." I thanked God and started running towards the sound. When I got near the source of sound. I saw it was a lake and a big one at that.

The water in that lake was too clean. I was able to see the lake bottom clearly, Fishes inside.

" Its definetly another world, there is no water source in Earth with this much clear water."

As I was going to drink the water I heard a sound. It was like something big was coming towards the lake. I got in the bushes to hide myself from it. It was a unknown world to me, so it could be some dangerous animal.

After few second i saw white tiger which was having very long canines and a horn on its head.

"What the hell is that thing. It seems bit like a tiger. I think he is here to drink water." I thought to my self.

The tiger started drinking water and after that sat there for taking rest.

"Dame you tiger I am dieing here with thirst. You are taking the whole lake for your own. It is voilation of human rights."

Do this world even have any human rights.

I started thinking for a way to get to the lake for drinking water. My thrist is increase and I will faint if I will not drink water I have to take the risk.

I thought of a great plan.

" I will throw a stone water near the tiger, it will alarm him and he will start to leave the lake in sense of danger."

Not a very great plan but I don't have any other way.

I took the stone and stepped out of the bushes for executing my plan.


I accidentally stepped on a branch which made a sound and the tiger got up from his sleep and saw me.

" It's the end of me, my excellent plan got ruined in a second."

I got desperate and throwed the stone towards the tiger which was swiftly approaching me with his claws.


The little stone I threw got through the head of the tiger. And it fell on the ground. I was in a shock, wasn't able to belive what my eyes saw. I took another stone and threw it towards the sky.


The stone which I threw got trijected like a beam of light and got throw the clouds making a hole in it.

"I am fu***ing over powered."

My dream to be overpowered was fulfilled and I am in another world. Now the thing I want is a big harem the dream of every isekai reader.

After a second I remembered that I was in the middle of a big forest don't know when I will get out of here. I threw my dream of harem in the corner of my mind and started to drink water.

After my thirst worn out. I got to corpse of the tiger. The day was coming down and I haven't eaten a thing from the morning. I even never eaten a tiger. I pelled of the tiger skin, its fur where very silky and smooth.

I think if magic is present then there should also be a storage space.



"Storage space."

I tried out some words and the last one worked. A portal appered in front of me I kept the skin and the nails, tooth and some other items in it.

I burned up a fire with some leaves around.

"Thanks man vs wild I owe you one bear grills."

I watched his survival techniques which helped me here.

I tasted the meat it was surprisingly very taste I ate some and stored the rest in the space. Then I slept on the bed I made with some big leaves around. Not to mention that I had never seen leaves as big as them before.

I thought about my powers and what-what things can I do, like firing fire, water jets, lightening and many other things I got excited and stood up and started to try out some move that can draw some power and fire magic.

And like that the night ended...........!

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