
I am a legend

What awaits in the road ahead, I do not know, but surely something that has nothing to do with peace, goodness, or justice -- John Farrell Sitting in a large chair covered with a leopard-skin blanket, I drank red wine slowly, letting the hot liquor warm my chest and relax my tired body. Shoulder gentle press, can relax my tight muscles, I looked behind the moon sakura, after many years, this from childhood to take care of my sister's wife, massage technology or as good as I was a child, but also to me back with a gentle smile. Not only the moon cherry...... I glanced at the many women in the room, they are doing their own things, peaceful and carefree appearance of happiness, it is hard to believe that we have gone through so much ups and downs. Fox ears long tail half beast beauty, sitting on a rattan chair to take a nap, open half of the book, placed on her full chest, people can not be attracted by the towering sexy curve. The fairy girl with pointed ears and blue eyes, holding a fine needle in her hand, made embroideries one by one, and occasionally rubbed her tired eyes. The horn-haired dragon lady, polishing her sword with cotton cloth, would occasionally cast her eyes on the cradle opposite her, and on the old enemy beside it. Next to the cradle, a young girl with huge breasts, holding a short blade, is always guarding the name of me and her most beloved person in the cradle. On the luxurious carpet embroidered with the pattern of a hundred phoenixes, a pair of angels with folded wings whisper, their looks and bodies are identical, but their reactions when they are indulged in happiness are completely different. ... I looked around the room again, at them, at the others, and quickly glanced at some of the names already inscribed on the memorials. When I met my wives, they gave me a nod, a smile, a glance, and a little red lips, an undisguised hint of flirtation. My stories with them are enough to fill dozens of thick books. There are childhood sweethearts, mutual support in adversity, bitter resentment and deep love. The love story between my wives and me, like my martial arts, covers most parts of the earth and is still talked about by people there today.

bing_bai · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 55

"Ehhh! What? You said someone told you that Wangdu's side had sent troops here to take over... What? The army that took over is still a long time away, but the chief of the army that took over is already outside the city, to send someone to meet him. Who is so big? Does he know who I am... What? Two princesses!"

That bitch Leng Ling LAN actually came in person, which is a great thing, seeing the excited expression on Jessie's face, Shouting that she wanted to meet the princess governor, I broke out in a cold sweat. If that bitch Leng Ling LAN ever sees Jess, then I...

"Jessie, pack your bags... No, forget the luggage and come with me now!"

Neither Jessie nor I know what lies ahead, but it must be something that has nothing to do with peace, kindness or justice.

And so, almost without a trace, the two of us left Nervia to embark on a heroic treasure hunt that would later be remembered by bards: "The Great Adventure of Injustice, One of the Thousand and One Nights of John Farrell."

"Yo ho! I just heard people say that a month ago, Her Royal Highness Princess Linglan, who had been carrying out a major rectification in Narnia, reopened the wrongful case of 17 years ago, avenged the injustice of her chief technician under her control, and wiped out all the local magnate involved in the case."

Hey! Gladys this girl is doing really well, although I know that with her qualifications, a good cultivation, will become a big tool, with cold Ling LAN's vision, of course, will not let go of this talent, but just a year, became the director of the technician, this is really unexpected.

"In the war between the kingdom of Alibuda and the Kingdom of Solancia, the defeated army of Alibuda has retreated to Martinlis Fortress because of the success of the surprise attack of Solancia. No new action is expected in the near future..."

This is not surprising, and those stupid elves in Solancia are not too stupid. When I first knew that they were retreating and trapping the enemy deeper, I knew that our army would not win. Strangely, even I could see that such a shallow strategy of clearing the field and fortifying the wall was not known to my perv father and the second princess Leng Ling LAN, and there was no reason not to inform the King. Why were they defeated in such a terrible way?

"Besides, it has just been mentioned that Lieutenant Farrell, who uncovered the Dragon King's plot in Narnia a year ago, has been out of sight for six months and is probably dead somewhere on earth."

"You need not mention such things! What a mouth! '

'But I feel very proud! Because someone mentioned your heroic deeds again, Master..."

Beside me, Jessie stuck out her tongue as she continued with the news she had just heard.

It had been more than a year since we had escaped from Narnia, and we were now the two of us in the southwest, in the wild jungles of orcs and hordes, in the poor mountains and rough waters known as Nanman, hunting for all sorts of exotic treasures.

We had not gone far from where we had discovered the most important secrets of the Black Dragon Order in Naryvia, when we discovered that I was being hunted down and ready to kill. Thanks to Jessie's skill, I was spared. And through a lot of prodding, I figured out the origin of her strange powers. It must be that when Jessie fell into the hands of the Black Dragon Society, she underwent the transformation experiment, and in the middle of it, the powerful magic in her body was triggered, so the transformation was not complete, and the magic was more uncontrolled and directly transformed into superhuman powers, although not enough to compete with the master, but in the eyes of others, it was really terrible.

Later, when the three months were up and I was able to use magic, I used some techniques from the Book of Witchcraft and the Bloodmare Mystery to escape from the eyes of my pursuers and head south.

My magic was still very poor, and I could only use second and third order magic at most, and only the secrets contained in the two strange books were extremely wonderful, and with the addition of Farmet's magic books, the magic contained in them was a shortcut beyond the dreams of ordinary sorcerers, so that although I was only able to perform twenty or thirty percent of the effect, I took advantage of the unexpected advantages of my pursuers and managed to escape from the sky many times.

It's just, I know myself, it's easy to deal with these guys, but if the Black Dragon will use their unique ninjutsu army, the ninjutsu used by those ninjutsu, a combination of blue water magic, and it has the special spell that the other five magic masters fear most, and they will definitely suffer a lot.

That day at the governor's mansion, I had seen that female ninja with huge breasts and great hips, and it occurred to me later that she must be one of the seven famous flowers, the "Yellow spring Blue Chrysanthemum". I heard that this woman is the Black dragon king's beloved general, martial arts, ninjutsu are extremely high, to help the Black dragon will assassinate numerous strong enemies, but no man has ever seen her true face.

That day saw her such a sexy body, indeed worthy of one of the ten beauties, but if I see her again, I can not be sure to save my life, take the life of the beauty, or not worth mentioning.

I have been beaten not to fight back, it is not the way, so I fled, while spreading the news, the Black dragon Society in the Nalvia all the dirty things out. At first, everyone who heard me said that I was crazy, but after the Dragon Girl sister Li Huamei issued a statement in the East China Sea and confirmed everything I said with actual evidence, all the countries on the mainland suddenly raised an uproar, faced up to the ambitions of the Black Dragon Society, and joined forces to impose blockade and sanctions. Coupled with the rebel army under the leadership of the Dragon Girl sister, the Black Dragon Society took advantage of the gap to counterattack, so that the Black Dragon Society could cover the sky and was overwhelmed for a time. The Black Dragon Society was in a complete mess.

This result suits me, because the black dragon will be scrambling, naturally can not send a master to kill me, and the secret has been leaked, killing me can only vent anger, but can not silence. Even His Majesty's order to summon me back to the king's capital was deliberately ignored, saying, "The day I did not find the sage's staff, the minister had no face to return to the King's capital." After all, the farther away from the coast, the weaker the power of the Black Dragon Society, and the more weakened the efficacy of water magic, I simply hid in Nanman for three to five years, and waited for the thunder to pass before returning.

On a lonely journey, my only consolation was a silly girl named Jessie. One of the four Heavenly girls, "Winter and Snow Girl", is one of the seven famous flowers to be shunned by her beauty. Despite the loss of the former unattainable cold and beautiful, but not a charming pure, through the fox flesh to see more fullness, the pair of 37G giant breasts, all day in front of my eyes, causing me to long in the erection state, the emperor does not practice its own work.

Not wanting to cause unnecessary trouble, I ordered a ghost-ugly wooden mask for Jess to wear, so as to save herself the commotion of having such a great beauty around, and I have been trying to get the coquettish little fox into bed.

Unfortunately, I still can't do anything about the problems that bothered me. Cihang Jingdian door to keep the palace curse, than what chastity belt are useful, let two white nun meat tightly closed, teach me not to enter the door, but can not think of the method of breaking the curse, can only sigh for it. Want to think, at the beginning in the hands of the red flame group of pirates, she lost her memory, it is by this curse to keep chastity, if not so, early to the group of pirates gang rape thousands of times.

I could not eat the beautiful meat in my mouth, but I had oral sex with her all day long. Although the Fox girl's sucking technique was excellent, it made my anger grow day by day. The more I thought about it, the more I hated it, and I wanted to leave this burden behind and go on my own.

When we were not far from Sylvia, Jessie was dismayed to hear my parting request.


"How can I walk with you all the time, when you and I are alone, no relatives, of different races, on different paths? If it gets out, the king will reduce me to a common man."

This is true. There are many among the nobles who keep orcs as slaves, but as human beings, who walk with orcs as equals, would be disallowed by the present laws, and despised by all the nobles, and, if it were more serious, I, in my military position, would probably be court-martialed.

'So... So we can... We can make a name for it! ' Jessie's head was down, her hands clasped, her face flushed again, clearly confused with the name.

"Don't worry about it. I'm not marrying you."

'So... Shall we make vows? I see it in many stories. If we do, it's famous."

"Go, I don't know how many adoptive sisters and aunts there are in the king, they are all beautiful and coquel, and they are obedient to me, which is so annoying as you, and they even push and hold you when they want to be my dry relatives, step aside!"

"Well... Will you accept your adopted daughter..."


'That... I renounce my status as a free man, and become your slave!" After repeated rejections, Jessie's voice seemed to burst into tears. "I could call you master and help you with your work... I'll -- I'll put my collar on, and if you want to hug me, I -- I'll --"

Ok, is to this sentence, but I am still shaking my head: "No! I will not accept it!"

'Why? Why? When her last attempt failed, Jessie's tears finally fell.

"Do you know how many fantasy plays master and slave on the table right now? Do you think we can live up to the accusation that if we follow the trend, we are accused of copying?"

"This is... Seems untenable."

Nothing worked, but in the end, it was Jess who came up with the idea.

"Aaah! I think of it. I can learn from you. ' Jess smiled through tears as she said: "You are my idol, Lieutenant! There's so much I want to learn from you! If I take you as my teacher, then I will have a role to play, and there will be no trouble for me."