
I am a innocent

Ha! What the heck?! Waking up in dimly lit room, Van was beyond flabbergasted. He just went out with a couple of friends last night for some drinks and this xinxia shit happens?. "Well...not like I transmigration or something ,...." Right?!....* * just like that , a story of clichés started happening to our mc who just wanted a break.

Bk_Vybez · Fantasy
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3 Chs

New Mindset

James looked at his youngest son standing in front of him with an air of nonchalance .

Frankly speaking, this child has brought their family a plethora of problems ever since he was born...

Such as...

His annoying cries when he was a baby,

His troublesome and mischievous quirks when he was an adolescent,

And now...as he looked at his son just standing still without a hint of remorse,

He couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment, he couldn't fathom how such a cute kid grew up to be this disgrace of a son, and honestly, today marks the last straw of his tolerance..

He couldn't help but turn to the woman sitting beside him. Ariana, that is her name.

If there was anyone who has suffered the most due to his son's troublesome personality, that would be her. Thinking about this, he couldn't help but hesitate.

"My lady" he said...."Do you have anything to add?"


[Van's pov]

Looking at my mother who slowly turn her head to face me, I could feel a pang of guilt in my heart,

After going through the memories of this body, I noticed a lot of similarities between both my mother on earth and my "mother " before me.

"Son"..she softly called out to me..

"Do you regret it??", she added .

Suddenly I could feel a lump in my throat due to the immense guilt in my heart...(damn this body's emotions...ahh fuck!!!)..I complained in my head..

An interesting fact I realised about the original owner of this body is the respect and worship he felt for his mother, something I shared in common with him.


"I'm sorry mother " I began.

"I'm sorry I had to be a stain on your perfect life, and as for your question, NO I don't regret it...I choose to be accountable for each and every decision I have taken, whether good or bad.

Haaa....so if my death can appease you even if just a little bit, then I'll gladly accept my punishment " I concluded.



Suddenly I found myself embedded in the wall behind me.

Momentarily disoriented, it took me a while to figure out what just happened.

Feeling a slight pain on my cheek, I looked to see my mother standing at the place I stood a while ago with her hand still outstretched after the slap she gave me.

Arrghh....honestly I didn't understand what I did to cause such a scene,


If you ignore the reason for the meeting in the first place.

Pulling out of my thoughts, I was shocked to find my "mother " suddenly weeping.

Seeing her tears, I was once again reminded of my mother back on earth.

All of a sudden, I felt an immense pressure pressing down me causing my shoulder to make cracking sound while blood flowed from my nose .

I looked to the side and saw my father looking down on me with such an intense gaze blazing with so much fury that I felt a shiver run down my spine rending me immobile without coherent thoughts.

"HOW DARE YOU MAKE MY WIFE CRY YOU BASTARED!!!!!!!..." My father exclaimed..

At that moment, I felt fear, yes, raw and primal fear in my bones at the sight of my father's murderous gaze. I felt it , at this moment I felt that my fath....no this man..scratch that!! ....this monster in the form of my "father" could literally erase me with a mere snap of his fingers.

And as the reality dawned on me about the predicament I found myself in, I heard my mother speaking with her usual gentle tone, no sign of her previous tears anymore.

"Stay your calm my dear, why don't we postpone this meeting to tomorrow, I'm sure our child would like to reflect on himself in the cold chamber until we decide upon his fate..." she said to my father

"Haa ...alright " James (father) grunted in response.

Turning to me she inquired. " what do you think son?"

"That's right "I responded to her.

(I need to take this situation seriously)..I added in my head .


Honestly, I was almost led astray by my mindset from earth thinking their threats were empty talk..

I mean you can't really blame me, I grew up with a strong sense of appreciation Towards familial camaraderie due to my mother's unconditional love for me that I never entertained the thought of the couple before me prepare to execute their own son..

And with this realisation came the need to abandoned my previous passive behaviour.

this is not earth where laws are there to safeguard the flow of society. Over here the strong are revered and the weak like me are worth less than the dirt on the ground.

So thinking things through, I decided to start by changing my mother's impression of me albeit just a little bit if i want to protect my life at this unexpected situation i got transmigrated into.

And I only had till tomorrow to accomplish it.








tell me your thoughts about my story and give me suggestions guys

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