21 'BOOM!'

Biggs stretched his right hand, as if expecting Peng Hu to shake his hand too as a sign of camaraderie. It looked disgusting from an outsider's perspective.

Peng Hu started sweating bullets. Although they were searching for Biggs, it did not mean that he was ready to face Biggs. Thousand of things started to pop up in Peng Hu's mind as if it were a raging waterfall: steps for encircling Biggs, ways to disable Biggs, explanations, and how to run away in case something went wrong.

There was not enough time to think. Although Peng Hu was starting to concoct juicy plans to solve the matter at hand, facing the task in reality was very different than a simulated mental world. Biggs was already there and they have to do something about him. There was a potential chance that Biggs was really a Red Ember Kingdom spy.

Suddenly, a small gust of wind flew past by Peng Hu's right arm. Peng Hu looked at the source of it and found Kai standing in front of him. It seemed like Kai wanted to protect Peng Hu from any shady action that Biggs could potentially do.

"Haha... It is Kai! How have you been? What is the matter? You seem... alerted."

"Uncle Biggs... please... tell me that you are not a spy..."

Biggs face turned dark. It could be said that his expression looked like one of those creepy statues with angry faces that are very popular in the Far East. A small glint of bloodlust could be seen from Biggs.

"What are you talking about Kai? I am not from the Red Ember Kingdom."

"Stop your lies, Biggs. It pains me to say this but I trusted you... Pal. I just remembered something that proves you are in cahoots with them."

"Wedge? What are you talking about? Why are you all suspecting me? It can not be me! I hate them! They killed my whole family!"

Peng Hu listened attentively to everything that has been said so far. It was the first time he had gathered information about the personal life of Biggs. If Peng Hu could take what Biggs said as the honest truth, then he would not have any reason to collaborate with the Red Ember Kingdom.

"I saw you! I saw you scribbling something on a red notebook with the Red Ember Kingdom insignia. How dare you deceive us all! The village treated you well... We warriors treated you like as a comrade... I shared my back with you as if you were my brother..."

"You are wrong Wedge! I have not betrayed anyone! I still consider you as my brother. I love the village. Although I have a bone to pick with the Red Ember Kingdom, I would not sell out my friends. I don't know what you are talking about, Wedge. I don't have any red notebook with me."

"Uncle Biggs, are you telling the truth?"

"Trust me, Kai. Please, Pen Who. Please stand by my side. If I were the enemy, I would not bother to help you when you arrived, looking for Kai's place."

Peng Hu started to feel that there was something wrong amidst all of this. Why would Biggs bother in hiding his identity after being confronted by them. Although they had an evidence related to the Red Ember Kingdom with the letter 'B' engraved into it, it did not mean that it was necessarily Biggs the owner of it. After thinking thoroughly, Peng Hu came into the conclusion that there was much more that they needed to investigate. Maybe there was some truth behind what Biggs was saying after all.

Not wanting to politely greet everyone, a loud sound echoed through everyone's ear. It was the sound of an explosion.


The closest tree to where Peng Hu, Kai, Wedge, and Biggs were standing was set on fire. Not wanting to turn off the orchestra, explosions could be seen all around the place.


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