

percy pov

Now while I was reading on this very sunny day it got me thinking of something.Now this was the most important thought I have had in a while.I could now believe that I am just thinking of this....There Are No BLUE Foods.While this was all happening I had dosed off.I had dreams filled with blur food,but whith the thought of blue goods comes thoughts of my mother then sister and before I knew it I was spiraling.I was thrashing in my sleep until I woke myself up.

Once I woke up I heard many children running towards the door.Someone must have come to have them running like this.I would normally be gone by now.It has been a while since I've been at the orphanage when someone has come.

Not wanting to cause trouble with the workers and children I stay on my bed..I was going to bed but then realized I share this room with 4 other kids and once I leave someone else will call this room theirs.

once I leave IL be gone from this hell whole.