
Teacher's pet


"That will be all for today's lesson, make sure to review today's materials" Chabashira said with a calm tone when the class came to the end which I honestly admired since the "brats" already started talking to each other not paying attention to her words, though it wasn't as if they were paying attention before but at least they tried to be discreet about it.

I quickly got up from my seat and stuffed everything into my bag. As the teacher was leaving, the others already started gathering in respective groups and as in the original, both Ayanokoji and Horikita remained seated without talking to anyone.

I had no time to care about those two because Chabashira was about to "run away".

"Hey, Ike! What was-" Yamauchi stepped in my way but I quickly stopped him before he could say more and gently pushed him to the side.

"Sorry Yamauchi, I can't right now! I will hear you out later, I have something important to do right now" I explained myself and as I was leaving the classroom, I felt several gazes on my back. I glanced back just to find a few people giving me odd looks and Yamauchi who was looking at me in a daze, completely lost for words.

---3rd person POV---

"What's up with him today?" Yamauchi muttered and noticed Hondo approaching him.

"Maybe he is feeling a little ill?" Hondo suggested.

"Or maybe he bought a wrong PSP model and now he regrets buying it." Sotomura added with a wide grin.

There were a few other people who noticed Ike's strange actions, some decided to ignore it and some decided to discuss it in whispers.

"None of your suggestions make any sense, he seemed like he wanted to pay attention to the teacher which doesn't make any sense since he didn't mind talking to me during the classes before." Yamauchi shook his head.

"Then maybe he confessed to a girl and she said she only dates serious and studious guys." Hondo said half-jokingly.

"That actually makes some sense...and if that's the case, he should be back to normal within a few days if not hours. However, he is truly behaving out of character today, I don't really like it much." Yamauchi shrugged his shoulders.

While the other groups weren't paying attention to the trio's discussion, there were a few people, loners, who happened to overhear their conversation.

*sigh* "How pointless" Horikita muttered before she diligently started preparing for the next class

Ayanokoji sitting next to her didn't say anything in response and just silently stared at the classroom's door.

---Ike's POV---

I was fortunate enough to catch up to the teacher.

She most likely heard my footsteps so she stopped and sharply turned around in her high heels.

"Ike-kun?" She seemed more surprised to see me than I expected so I decided to quickly explain my presence.

"Chabashira sensei, you haven't asked us whether we had any questions regarding the material covered in today's lesson. I had a few questions I wanted to ask so I thought I might ask you outside the classroom that is if you don't mind" I explained with a smile, not too friendly but neither too stiff.

"...You...have questions regarding today's lesson?" She asked again making me feel like she truly received a huge shock. I was honestly shocked myself seeing such a strong reaction from her. I even started to rethink the entire thing, after all, she was ruthless enough to blackmail Ayanokoji and if she somehow misunderstood me for a special person, I could get tangled up in some troublesome matters but I was most likely overthinking.

"Um...yes?" I replied while scratching the back of my neck since I felt slightly awkward under her questioning gaze. It almost looked like she was worried about my well-being.

'Is it that surprising that Ike wants to be more studious?!' I clenched my fist inwardly and felt like I could start crying at any moment in front of this injustice.

"Then go ahead, I guess it was my fault for not asking at the end of the lesson." She beckoned me to ask with a dubious look on her face as she pressed her textbooks under her chest.

"Actually, I have several questions...I wouldn't want to keep you from preparing for the next lesson or disturbing your break time so how about I help sensei carry those textbooks and ask those questions on the way?" I already extended my hand as an offer to carry several textbooks she was carrying which made her give me the look saying 'What are you plotting?'

*sigh* "It's my obligation as your homeroom teacher to help you even if it's during break time." She reluctantly handed her textbooks to me while still giving me a suspicious look but she finally resumed walking most likely towards the teachers' lounge.

I immediately started asking some of the questions I was honestly curious about since I knew nothing about Japan's history. When my range of questions started slowly narrowing down, as a previous European, I started adding small references to Europe's history and subtly tried to compare them to Japan's history and noticed that Chabashira was slightly impressed by my knowledge even if she tried to hide it.

Before I even knew it, we arrived at the room where one more teacher was resting and by her looks, I immediately knew who it was.

"Sae-chan!" The female teacher waved at my teacher with her expression saying the word "enthusiasm"

"Behave yourself" Chabashira narrowed her eyes at her reminding me just how scary she can be.

"Oh...you have a guest? Hello, my name is Hoshinomiya Chie, homeroom teacher of Class 1-B." She introduced herself instantly she spotted me tracking behind Chabashira. She seemed slightly intrigued by me or should I say my...hair?

"Hello, I am Dav-*cough* Ike Kanji" I awkwardly smiled at her the moment I almost said my old name but I still tried to act as if nothing happened.

"You can put everything on that desk. I appreciate your help and your meaningful questions. Are you interested in history?" Out of character, Chabashira expressed her gratitude and even showed her curiosity directed at me. Or maybe I was just thinking too badly of her.

"Hmm" On the side, I noticed Hoshinomiya showing a naughty smile as if she found the situation amusing.

"Um, I just watched a video about history, it was quite engaging so I ended up watching several of similar videos...?!" I explained but when I noticed her frown at my words, most likely misunderstanding them, I quickly panicked and raised my hands in defense.

"Of course, I don't mean to say that sensei's lessons aren't engaging, it's just- um, it's the students who can't appreciate them." Upon hearing my words, her eyebrows raised as if she was confused by my reaction.

"HAHA!" Hoshinomiya who was most likely trying her best not to laugh finally gave in and started laughing aloud making both of us turn at her.

"Can this be considered bullying? Sae-chan, you shouldn't give such a strict glare to a student who just complimented you~" She asked between her chuckling before trying to guide Chabashira with a subtle wink at me.

"Um, since there are no other questions I would like to ask sensei, I will take my leave. Thank you for your time Chabashira sensei." I lightly bowed to both teachers when I noticed a tense atmosphere between them, trying to run away from here as I had no idea I would meet this teasing teacher so early.

"Mm" Chabashira nodded her head and stopped paying attention to me so I spared her one last glance.

---Sae Chabashira---

Affection: 2.5



'Damn!!! 1.5 increase. I would call that a great success, it seems like my act of panicking and subtly complimenting her in-between worked.' I was approaching the door with a content smile on my face.

"By the way, I like your hairstyle, it's quite original since not many male students like to wear hair bands, honestly, you are the first one I have seen yet. It's giving off a feeling of freshness and athleticism." Hoshinomiya said before I could leave which made me stop and glance at her in a daze just to see her grinning at me with her thumb up.

---Chie Hoshinomiya---

Affection: 2



I muttered a quiet thank you before heading out. When I closed the door behind me, I could hear Chabashira's muffed voice reprimanding Hoshinomiya's actions but I didn't feel like eavesdropping on them.

'How...How could she have 2 points in affection when I worked so "hard" to earn just a few points from Chabashira. Is it because of her easy-going personality or because she was just intrigued by me? Whatever, for now, I need to come up with a plan for what to do in the upcoming days.'

I returned back to my classroom where Yamauchi immediately started to interrogate me since apparently there were some students who saw me talking to Chabashira. I just came up with some excuse and told him that I was inquiring about the clubs.

Next chapter