
Who Care Who She Is!

The Vice President and his secretary were speechless. Who would have thought that a young woman, as such, could be the Interim CEO? Suddenly a thought came to the Vice President;

"Where did you get the information that they were interns? Did you check with the Human resource, or you assumed?"

"Well, I asked around if anyone had seen them come in today, and since I don't know their names, I could only give a description. They told me that two interns went to the Interim CEO's office, and when I saw them there...you know the rest." The secretary replied

"Well, it's now too late to backtrack. Well, there's no turning back now, it already happened. "

However, the Vice President was not ready to give up his position without a fight.

"I don't care who she is; there's no way that a nobody like her who just popped out of nowhere, can get rid of me. Let's see who will be turning in their resignation after I'm finished," The Vice president told his Secretary.

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