
Say It And Your Dead!

M.C. got up and looked Ann up and down. He then walked around her checking the gown and her at the same time. While he was doing this, Jeff was sweating bullets, and he's afraid M.C. would say something about the small tiny bump his wife now has and barely visible.

'God, if you're listening and watching right now, please.... don't let him see that little miracle we created and mentioned in front of my beautiful wife.' Jeff was praying with all his might while looking at M.C. sternly. He was giving him a look that said, 'Say it, and you're dead!'

M.C. stood still and continued looking at Ann, and he had his finger in front of his lips while checking Ann. "I don't know what it is, but there's something... Hmmm..." He continued looking... and checking... Finally, he once again walked around Ann before his face lit up. " I got it! I know what's wrong with this picture, there's something different with you, and that's...."

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