
I Accidentally Became The Evil Princess Of This Empire

Kaye Jin was an illustrator who was accidentally transported into the other world and trapped inside the Princess' body. When she realized that the original Princess was a bad person, she decided to change her image and became close to everyone to have a peaceful life in the empire while thinking of a way to return to her original world. Later, an assassin named Ryu comes and tells her that someone from the empire wants to kill her. Will she be able to survive in this empire and return to her world?

Jinx_Lee · Fantasy
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100 Chs

To Find Her

Kaye... Kaye...

Kaye furrowed her brows.

Kaye, let's go home....

Kaye opened her eyes, breathing heavily. It was just a dream.

In the dream, she saw men wearing Victorian outfits, but their faces were blurry. They kept calling her, urging her to go home.

Who were they?

She held her head, wondering if this was influenced by her historical webcomic. Her thoughts were interrupted as her phone rang. Rubie was calling.


(Miss Kaye!!! Good morning!)

"Good morning."

Rubie was so energetic early in the morning.

(Hehe, I called to make sure you didn't forget our plans today.)

Right, they were going to watch a movie today; it's Sunday.

"Yeah, I didn't forget. No need to worry."

(Hehe, then see you later! Bye bye muaahhhh!)

She smiled. "Bye."

The call ended, and she placed her phone on the side table, lying back down on her bed.

Staring at the ceiling, she mumbled, "I feel like I keep forgetting something, but I can't remember what it is. Ugh... Every time I try to remember, my head hurts."

Should I see a doctor?




"Waahhh! Today is the day I've been waiting for!" Rubie exclaimed.

They were now at the mall.

"You really look excited," Tin commented.

"Of course! It's been five years since they created the new season of that movie! I've been waiting for the whole five years for them to return!" Rubie said, her eyes sparkling.

Kaye chuckled. "Then let's hurry up so we can choose good seats for us."

"Yep! Let's goooo!!!" Rubie said and walked ahead.

Tin and Kaye exchanged chuckles.




"Professor Tristan! Over here!" a student called.

Tristan looked in their direction and smiled. "Hi, sorry I'm late."

Tristan Buenaventura, a professor at J University, known for being the most kind and friendly among the faculty, making him beloved by the students.

However, Tristan harbors a secret...

The truth is, inside this body is a man from a different world—Gawain Strauss of the Serolf Empire. One day, he woke up in the hospital, finding himself inside the body of Tristan. Although living in someone else's body was challenging, he persevered because of his goal: to find his wife.

"Hehe, it's alright, sir. We just arrived too," one of the students said.

Tristan smiled. "Then where should we go today?" he asked.

"We already made a reservation at the restaurant on the third floor," a female student said.

"You don't really have to do this for me," Tristan scratched his head.

"C'mon sir, you don't have to be shy. It's your birthday today, and we'll treat you as our gift. Besides, we're graduating this semester," a male student said.

Tristan smiled again. "Thank you so much. I'm glad I met kind students like you guys."

"Hehhehe! And we're happy to meet you too, sir!!!" the students exclaimed, laughing together.

"Kaye, hurry up!"

But Tristan's smile faded when he heard a familiar name.


That voice.

He quickly looked around. Where is she?

"Sir, are you alright?" his student asked.

"What's your plan after this?" the familiar voice said.

He walked away to look for the owner of that voice.

"Sir!" his students called.

"Kaye..." he muttered while scanning the whole place.

It was crowded since it's Sunday.

Where is she?

Kaye... Where are you?

He searched, but he couldn't find her. His tears welled up.

"Sir!" his students were panting when they reached him.

"Are you alright, sir? You suddenly ran," one of his students asked, concerned.

He sighed and faced them. "Yeah, I'm alright. Let's go?"




After the movie.

"The movie was really great!!!" Rubie exclaimed as they walked outside the cinema.

"You're right, it was my first time watching it, but I liked it," Tin agreed.

Rubie smiled widely.

"We still have time, how about we have dinner here?" Tin asked.

"I'm sorry, girls, but you'll have to eat without me," Kaye said.

"Ehh? Why?" Rubie asked.

"Timothy messaged me; he already made a reservation for us at a nearby restaurant," Kaye explained.

"I envy you; you're so lucky to have a man who will treat you like a princess every day," Rubie said.

"I know, right? Every day, he sends gifts and food for her. They always eat at luxurious restaurants too," Tin said.

"Actually, I'm uncomfortable with it. I already told him to stop spending money on me, but he insisted. I'm afraid people will misunderstand me," Kaye said in a worried voice.

"But Timothy was the one who insisted, and besides, it's his money, so he's the one who has control over it. Don't stress about it. And I'm sure once you get married, he will spend even more for you," Tin said.

"M-Married?" Kaye blushed.

Marriage hadn't crossed her mind.

"Hehe, that's where you two will end up, right?" Tin said.

"Miss Tin is right. The Mayor likes you, so I'm sure sooner or later, he will ask you for marriage," Rubie said.

Kaye laughed. "Haha, that's too early. We're still dating to get to know each other well."

Besides, Kaye felt that Timothy was hiding something from her. Sometimes when she asked about his past and childhood, he didn't answer and avoided the questions. He also had a short temper; there were times when she witnessed him getting mad while talking on his phone. His face was really serious, and he looked like he wanted to murder someone. Sometimes she felt nervous around him too.

I don't know if it was really a good idea to date him...




The following day, at J General Hospital...

"Good morning!" Tristan greeted the nurse.

The nurse's eyes sparkled when she saw him. "Good morning, sir!"

"Is Doc Kurtis inside his office?" Tristan asked.

"He went out to check a patient, but he'll be back soon. Please come inside and wait for him," the nurse said, letting him into Kurtis' office.

"Thank you," he smiled and went inside, sitting down on the couch and scrolling on his phone.

After 15 minutes.

"Hey..." Kurtis finally came.

Kurtis Noblefranca, a physician and surgeon at J General Hospital. Just like Tristan, Kurtis is also a transmigrator in this world. He was Xerxes Grimaldi, the strongest mage of the Serolf Empire, and he was the reason why they were in this world.

After completing the magic that could create a portal, Kaye's husbands and the others asked him to bring them to Kaye's world.


In Serolf Empire...

"Are you really sure about this?" Xerxes asked.

They were now inside his laboratory, discussing the plan of following Kaye to her world.

"Yes, I'm sure, and there's no turning back," Mikhail said.

"We will find Kaye no matter what," Gawain added.

"But what about the kids? Do you really want to leave them without parents?" Xerxes questioned.

"I know it's hard to leave them behind. Being selfish will hurt them, but I can't live without Kaye," Claudius said, clenching his fists.

"Don't worry about the kids; I'll find someone to become regent and look after them," Mikhail reassured.

"I understand. But I want to make it clear that once we leave this world, there's no assurance that we will be able to return here again. Are you okay with that?" Xerxes asked again.

The men gulped.

"Yes... It's fine with me," Mikhail said.

"Me too!" Rasheen added.

"And also, we have to die too," Xerxes added.

The men were all surprised.

Yes, they had to die. To be transmigrated, they had to die and enter a new body in the other world.

"If that's the only way, I have no problems with it," Mikhail said.

"There's also a small chance that we will find her immediately; the other world is huge and different from ours. Once we transmigrate, we have to be more careful and patient," Xerxes explained.

The men all nodded.

"So, when are we going to begin it?" Maximilian asked.

"Wait!!!" the door opened. "Are you guys planning to leave without us!!" Napoleon shouted.

Behind him were Cedrik, Ryu, and Valentine.

"How unfair! You selfish bastards!" Napoleon complained.

"Please bring us too. We want to help find the empress too," Cedrik kneeled.

"Please take me too," Ryu kneeled as well.

Xerxes glanced at Valentine.

"I'm already a sinner, so take me too," Valentine said.

Xerxes sighed and looked at Mikhail. "What's your decision?"

"Tsk. Do whatever you guys want. But I will make sure that I will find her first," Mikhail said.

After deciding, they began to prepare everything they needed.

One week later...

"Son, are you really sure about this?" Lord Campbell was crying while talking to his son.

"I'm sorry for leaving you, father. But you said before that if I want to be happy, I need to follow my heart. And my heart now belongs to the other world," Cedrik said, tears flowing down his cheeks.

His father forced a smile, unaware that the empress was from the otherworld. But, of course, this plan was a secret; only family members knew about it. Their plan was to go on an expedition and make it appear that they had died.

"Are you really sure you won't come with us?" Ryu asked William.

"Thinking about meeting her again makes me happy, but I promised her that I will take care of her children. I can't break my promise," William answered.

Ryu tapped his shoulder. "I will tell this to her." He then looked at Hikari, his most trusted subordinate and now the new chief of Crimson Blades.

Hikari nodded and gave a sign of respect to his former chief.

"Where are your parents?" Valentine asked Napoleon.

"Nahh, they said they can't bear to see me leaving, so they only sent a letter to me. I know somewhere in our mansion they were all crying because their rascal son was leaving them and being selfish again," Napoleon explained. "How about you? Does the temple know that you are leaving?"

Valentine shook his head. "I just stepped down and left the temple without telling them about my plans. Of course, they objected and didn't want to accept my resignation, but I already made my decisions and can't do anything about it."

"Seems like the empire will lose powerful people from this day," Napoleon said.

"My lord, please think about it carefully!"

They all looked at Nikolai and his butler who kept grabbing him.

"I told you already I will join my brother! I can't live without him!" Nikolai shouted.

"But my lord, we can't lose an heir for the Duke position!" the butler explained.

"Then let my nephew have it!" Nikolai said.

The butler kept hugging Nikolai's leg, begging him not to leave.

Rasheen, Claudius, Gawain, and Maximilian already settled everything with their families. This would become a heart-breaking scene, especially for their children.

Gawain patted his daughter's head. "Please become a great professor at the academy in the future."

Charlotte, who was now crying, nodded. "I will, Dad, I promise!"

Xerxes stared at his daughter while crossing his arms.

"Hmph! Don't give me that look, Dad. Don't worry; I won't cry, and I will make sure that I will become the most powerful mage in the empire. More powerful than you," Beatrice said.

Xerxes smiled and hugged his daughter.

Beatrice was surprised, then she cried.

Maximilian hugged his son. He appointed Orlando as the regent to guide Froilan to become a strong king of Firenzan.

"Give mother and father lots of grandchildren so they won't be lonely and think of me again," Rasheen said to his son.

"Are you seriously telling me that right now? Dad, I'm still a child," Arash said.

Rasheen grinned and disheveled his son's hair. "Don't miss me, kid."

"Hmph. Just tell mom that I love her so much," Arash said.

Rasheen carried him.

"Dad! Put me down! It's embarrassing!" Arash complained.

"Hahaha, to be honest... I will miss you," Rasheen said.

Arash's tears flowed, and Rasheen wiped them away, hugging him tightly.

Mikhail saw his son standing alone; he walked towards him.

"Aren't you going to say something to me?" Mikhail asked.

"I don't think you need one," Matias said.

Mikhail stared at him.

"Fine. Please tell mom that I love her. Don't worry about me; I will become the most powerful emperor of this empire. I will follow in your footsteps and won't let anyone take control over me. I will assure you that the empire will be safe in my hands," Matias said.

Mikhail smiled and patted his son's head. "Your mom will be proud of you."

Matias smiled. He didn't want his father to leave, but when he saw him devastated after his mom's death, it really broke his heart. And now that his dad would be reunited with his mom again, he's happy that his dad will be able to smile again.

"You rascals were leaving without saying goodbye to me. How disrespectful," said a man who just showed up.

"T-The Emperor Emeritus!" the head butler bowed.

Everyone bowed before him.

Charmange Serolf, the emperor emeritus, and grandfather of Mikhail. Because of the curse, he never gets old.

Charmange smiled and signaled them to raise their heads.

"Your Majesty," Mikhail said.

"I'm glad I'm not late," Charmange said.

"I'm sorry," Mikhail said.

Mikhail did everything to find the former emperor, knowing that he's still alive and living somewhere isolated; he thought he would be the best candidate to become a regent for his son. Thankfully, he found him two days before they would leave the empire.

"So, this is my great-grandchild? You really resemble your father." Charmange patted Matias's head.

"I will entrust him to you; please take care of him," Mikhail bowed to him.

"Don't worry; I will assure you that I will teach him everything so that he will become the most powerful and beloved emperor of the empire," Charmange assured him.

"Thank you," Mikhail said.

"We're leaving now!" Xerxes called them.

He finally opened the portal; the men picked the cup with poison and drank them. They waved at them and finally entered the portal.

William smiled. Please be careful...

But they heard the guards shouting.

"Stop him!!!" said the guard.

William saw Izekiel running towards the portal.

"I won't let them have her for themselves! I'm also her husband, and I will look for her too!" Izekiel shouted and jumped into the portal.

"Tsk." William tried to grab him, but he was too fast; William was out of his balance and fell into the portal too.

Everyone gasped, surprised from what happened. The portal finally closed.

"AHAHHAHAA!" Charmange laughed.

How amusing...

(end of flashbacks)

But when they came to the modern world, they were all separated. The reason for the earthquake experienced a few months ago was because of them. The bodies they now inhabited were at the spot where the meteorites were expected to fall, but it wasn't really meteorites. It was their souls that entered those bodies, which is why they didn't find anything at the site. The former owners of their bodies were already dead, having perished during the earthquake, like being struck by falling objects.

Kurtis was fortunate to accidentally meet Tristan while visiting someone in their hospital. They could easily recognize each other because they resembled their former appearances in their previous world.

And also, he had Hachi...

"What do you mean you heard her voice? Are you really sure it was her?" Kurtis asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I'm sure it was her. And someone also called her name." Tristan lowered his head. "But I lost them; I couldn't find her because of the crowd."

"It's alright. That only means that she's really in this city. Let's go back to that place and see if she will return there," Kurtis suggested.

Tristan nodded.

Finally, a lead to Kaye. They had been looking for her for months, but it was challenging with only her first name.

Kaye... We hope to see you soon.




At the airport.

Mikhail removed his sunglasses and looked around. He's now finally in J City. He walked straight to the car.

I was hoping that I will find you in this place...

Thank you to Life_is_good16 for the powerstones! I truly value your support, and you've provided me with added inspiration to continue writing. Love lots!

Jinx_Leecreators' thoughts