
Chapter 17: Fool.

Naturally, they were all the heads or elders of the clans and they were worried not so much about the village as about the fact that this technique could fall into the hands of civilian shinobi, whose positions were growing day by day.

Feeling the pressure from them, Hiruzen worried about the situation and especially about how his far from calm friend Danzo would react.

- To begin with, I doubt that children have that much Chakra, and secondly, we are now holding a meeting about our conflict with Kumo, and not because of my technique. Am I right, Hiruzen? - Danzo cunningly translated the theme.

Hiruzen instantly understood his friend's intention and, a little surprised that he was so different from his usual self, immediately nodded.

- Exactly. Based on the above, we are organizing a large-scale attack on the enemy's food depots to divert his attention, and in the meantime, Anbu will conduct a covert operation, the goal will be to support Danzo in killing or at least wounding the Raikage. Anyone have any objections? - Hiruzen asked in a slightly domineering manner.

People who had detailed information about what was happening in the village were greatly surprised by the well-coordinated work of Danzo and Hiruzen, who were initially known as almost sworn enemies. They really wanted to object, especially to the Uchiha Clan, but since they had nothing to say, they were forced to remain silent.

- Great, our meeting is over. - concluded Hiruzen and was the first to leave the premises, because there were still many cases waiting for him.

Danzo, not paying attention to the strange looks thrown at him by those present, calmly got up and leisurely walked out after Hiruzen. And just as he was leaving the Hokage Residence, suddenly someone called out to him from behind.

- Mr. Danzo, wait! - Danzo quickly realized that it was Higane.

However, Danz did not stop, continuing to go forward at the same pace.

After a few seconds, Higane finally caught up with him, after which she said resentfully:

- Last time you were such a gentleman, but today you don't even want to mess with me?

- No, what are you. I just knew that you were able to catch up with me. Otherwise, I would not have answered your greeting earlier. - explained Danzo, not feeling even a drop of guilt.

"Lady, I am a person who has played hundreds of games, watched hundreds of films and read hundreds of books, I know that you girls just love being ignored!"

Higane, clearly confused and even offended by Danzo's behavior, muttered something unintelligible.

An ordinary person would ask, "Did you say something?" and that would be his gross mistake! Indeed, in this way, he would show his attention, and this must be done in a very metered manner, otherwise the woman begins to get used to your attention and take it for granted.

In fact, ideally, it is the woman who should be attentive, not the man!

"Come on, keep building a grudge! Sakura has repeatedly endured insults and even attacks from Sasuke, so why not be patient too!"

And in that silence, Danzo walked with Higane right to his house.

- You know, I probably should from ... - Higane began the conversation when they stopped.

- Oh, forgive me, I really want to sleep now, since I worked all day. See you! - Danzo said quickly and slammed the door right in front of Higane's face.

Out of anger, Higane stamped her foot furiously and was about to scream something, but she could not.

- Fool. she whispered softly and disappeared.

* Guys, two in one - Naruto fanfic and at the same time pickup lessons! Don't miss this great offer!

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