
Useless Pills, average human, gathering of the elders.

'So, what's the use of these pills? You said that its something important to me.'

Thomas asked Luke while picking up what dropped from the enemy's pocket, ignoring all the gazes of the chameleons gathered here.

What Thomas did a several dozen of seconds ago was still repeating in their minds. Everyone here gained a new understanding of what being a human means.

Since it was their first encounter with one of them, they took Thomas as 'average' to judge human's strength. At first, they were sure that, even if their race loses, it won't be like this.

What they saw was like Thomas was relieving his anger on a weakling rather than a duel. From now on, none of them will dare to look at him like they did before.

Even Li Jing lost her cheerful expression. She thought that what Thomas did to those leopards two days ago was the speciality of humans, and like chameleons, they have one ability they are good at and are average in other aspects.

Seeing how powerful Thomas was, even if she treated him like a friend, it made her a little scared of his whole race. After all, if one mortal was this strong, can it be possible that cultivators at lower-phase from the human race could defeat her?

She always thought that all these reminders made by her family about being careful of humans were something to scare her into being obedient, and to don't underestimate her enemies.

While chameleons were making assumptions about how powerful humans are, Luke was answering the question he got from his host.

'These are cultivation pills. They can make your cultivation faster. After taking one of these, your cultivation will get 10% quicker. The effect lasts one day. You can take more than one of these pills, but it won't make them more effective, it will only make the effect last longer. Their effect is weaker, the stronger you are, and the more you use them.'

When Thomas heard about these pills, he had the urge to go back in time and just run away from this fight. He showed his strength and made all kids in this tribe scared of him. Not to mention the fact that someone was probably watching him this whole time and gathering information about his strength.

'I did all this for pills that can help me become a cultivator 7,2h faster? Luke, tell me that there is something more to this. My luck seems less and less useful.'

'Host, there must be a reason why you had to fight.'

While Thomas and Luke were quarrelling again, a person with a job was rushing back to elder Li's house. He stopped using his camouflage, and when he reached his target, he started knocking.

*knock knock knock* *knock knock knock*

"Elder Li, it's me! I've got some important news I brought about this human!"

*knock knock knock* *knock knock knock*

"Oh, what's the rush. I'm coming. You can stop shouting."

Elder Li opened the doors, and the spy started describing the whole battle between Thomas and clothed chameleon.

In the beginning, he had a relaxed expression, but it slowly started changing into a surprised one and then astonished.

"You can leave! I need to give this information to our leader!"

He rushed out of his house and started running in the direction of their leader's house, creating a big commotion in the whole village.

"What happened to make elder Li this anxious? Are other tribes attacking us?"

"Did something happened to his granddaughter?"

"He seems to be rushing in the direction of our leader house? We should probably wait in our homes and see whether it's an emergency or just a misunderstanding."

After arriving before the house of Leader Liu, Elder Li started knocking at his doors.

*knock knock knock* *knock knock knock*

"Oh, leader Liu it's me! I've got some important news I brought about this human!"

*knock knock knock* *knock knock knock*

"Mhm, what's the rush. I'm coming. You can stop shouting."

After a few seconds, doors to leader Liu's house opened, he invited elder Li in but seeing his expression, they both quickened their pace, after arriving, his visitor started repeating what he heard.

"So you want to tell me that as a mortal, he defeated a cultivator?'

"He not only defeated him, but he also destroyed him! From what I heard, he made one accurate attack and then didn't let go of his enemy. It was as he could predict where his enemy will be."

The twig that betrayed clothed chameleon's position was small and barely made any noise. The spy was observing the whole situation from far away, so he wasn't able to notice it, creating current misunderstanding about this whole thing.

"Only someone who was either trained from childhood or was fighting very often could achieve it. The second option is nearly impossible because of how young he is. Even if he fought since the age of seven, it would be hard to gain this kind of sense, unless he fought with this kind of enemies most of the time. The chances that he is from a noble family are growing. We need to gather more information before we make a decision."

It seemed that the leader already decided to let this kid go, but Elder Li had another opinion about this, so he decided to try and change his mind.

"But what would a noble do in a jungle alone? Either something terrible happened to his family, or he is lost. We can still gain a lot from kidnapping him."

"But how can we know what happened?"

Leader Liu was interested in benefits and thought that it wouldn't hurt to hear the opinion of others.

"We can try to find out what happened from this kid or ask around when we reach the city. As for the fact that we kidnapped him, we can tell that we didn't want to leave him in this dangerous jungle and describe how chaotic is the actual situation in our village."

Hearing that he got permission to talk about his ideas Elder Li got excited and started to explain how they could do it while praising how open-minded was their leader.

"Your idea is good, but we can't predict whether these nobles will accept our explanation. We need to think about it more."

Elder Li waited for another reply. It took a while after he received it.

"I can't decide about something so important only by myself. Go and tell all elders to gather. We will gather ideas and vote on what to do."

I'm dying! Only power stones can save me! Please help me!

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