

[Awakening initiating...]

[System activating...]

"What. The. Fuck."

[Awakening complete...]

[Interference detected...]

[Synchronization beginning...]

[Please say or think 'Status' to open the character menu]

"Oscar, you okay? You look a bit pale." A classmate I was talking to asked, but I didn't hear it because I was currently confused.

'What? Didn't I die?' I was confused, unable to overcome the fact that I should be dead.

I slowly got information about my life here and in this world, which made me realize that I reincarnated in the novel template I read as the main character.

"Oscar? You there?" A classmate nudged me and brought me out of my daze.

"Huh? Yeah, I was just lost, in thought that I forgot something important to do, which fucks up my plans." I lie instinctively.

"Oh? What did you forget?" he asks me, seemingly interested.

"Something big, but I don't want to talk about it." I retort, acting annoyed and slowly leaving the conversation. Strangely they were talking about games.

I look around and find out I'm in a generic classroom with snacks; there seem to be some that are chatting and some that are dancing{?} (The '{?}' represents that he's confused about the dancing thing) sighing to himself, he tries to maintain his cool and goes to a corner to sit.

'Shit, what the fuck. What do I fucking do? No, I need to calm down. Knowing novels, someone should approach me soon.' The class jock starts coming straight at me as soon as I think that.

"What do you want?" Although I was not friends with him, in my memories, we did get along. We are both 'gamers,' but our sense of humor wasn't compatible, so we didn't talk.

"I know you are friends with Monica, and you know I like her, so I want to ask what she likes." I choke on my drink and try to remember everything about Monica. She is the classic popular girl in school; I don't even know how I became friends with her... Probably my sigma features.

"Seriously, you just wanted to ask me that? It's simple; she likes serious people and my 'wooden' jokes," I tell him all I could remember. Thinking about it more, I notice that this me is super bad at jokes and hella cringe.

"That's it?" He probably expected more, but I didn't care enough to help him more.

"That's all I can think from the top of my head, and the most important things. Can you leave me alone now?" As I say that, he leaves me alone to talk to Monica.

I watch him talk and laugh at how bad he is with girls, not like I am any better, but still. Then the shit hits the fan, and she absolutely destroys him in front of everybody, and the atmosphere gets awkward. I suppressed the urge to joke.

Unable to fully calm down, I decided to talk to the teacher and leave.

"You are leaving? Isn't this too early" The teacher asks me.

"It's not that I don't want to be here, but I forgot something important and cannot calm down and enjoy this awesome atmosphere." I give my excuse and laugh.

"Huuuu, alright, don't forget to visit me once in a while." He says as he waves goodbye.

"Ah, before I forget... Everyone! We need to get the final class photo!" Everyone quickly gathers, and we take the photo.

When I left, I got on the bus.

'Open' While on the bus, I finally chose to open the system interface and check my stats.

[Synchronization incomplete... 34% Finished...]

'I should have guessed. I still need my gold finger," Sighing to myself. I try to remember things about this world and am immediately surprised.

This world does not have most of the culture of my world. This world has the internet but not many games; most of these 'games' are not technically games and are more simulations of scenarios, which this world's me very much likes. Music of my world is nowhere to be seen, but more genres exist. The world, too, almost 1/5th of the world is monster zones. There is minimal air travel, and that's because the airplanes use something that's called mana stones that contain clean energy and are dropped from monsters. Still, there is good news scientists were able to construct a permanent solution to travel, and that's with wormholes and portals are predicted to come in about two years. Magic and hunting, although I have limited information about them, the few things that I do know are that magic guns exist and unawakened mainly use them for self-protection, magic can alter laws of physics, but very limitedly, and magic is the gateway to becoming a hunter.

It seems that this me is living a similar life; there are a couple of key differences like instead of being addicted to novels, this worlds me is obsessed with games; not only that, instead of a brother, he has a sister, his parents (Well I mean mine now hehe.) are still middle class. Now that I awakened, he should have gone to an academy and most likely would have gone to the USA one because the Europe ones have a very bad reputation. So I should probably follow in his current footsteps.

After arriving at my bus stop, I get out and walk home, luckily, it's inscribed in muscle memory, and I notice that my body is not only lighter but also faster, which, surprisingly, this world me has been training his body.

After returning home, I find no one home, which makes me sigh in relief, and I think, 'I don't know how I would talk to them,' as I'm about to check my synchronization progress, I get a system prompt.

[Synchronization at 80%... Please Choose Settings] Not understanding what 'Please Choose Settings' means, I wait and, after a minute, get a couple of prompts.

[Please choose a body of either Oscar Blake or ■■■■ ■■■■■■■]

[Name: Oscar Blake]

[Alias: Blaze]


[Strength:7] [Agility:12]

[Intelligence:12] [Mana:0]

[Charisma:13] [Physique:10]



[Name: ■■■■ ■■■■■■■]

[Alias: ■■■■■■]


[Strength:5] [Agility:8]

[Intelligence:14] [Mana:0]

[Charisma:10] [Physique:7]


[If chosen, get skill '?']

After getting the information, I realized that I couldn't remember my name and started freaking out, but after thinking about it for a bit, I concluded that that was the price for reincarnating.

After thinking about the first prompt for 10 minutes, I decided to get my previous body, mainly because I get the unknown skill and can retrain my body. With that said, I picked the second option.

As I pick that, I feel my body getting heavier; I feel weaker and start getting a headache from losing my strength.

[■■■■ ■■■■■■■'s Body Chosen]

[Rewarded with the skill 'Internet Backup']

Before I could check what the skill does, I got another prompt to answer.

[Choose the personality of either Oscar Blake or ■■■■ ■■■■■■■]

[Name: Oscar Blake]

[Personality: Genius, True neutral]


[Name: ■■■■ ■■■■■■■]

[Personality: Below Average, True neutral]

[Rewarded with skill '?']

After thinking about it for a good 20 minutes, I choose Oscar's personality, mainly because he's a genius, and it is probably impossible to train talent. I hope that this doesn't fuck me over.

As I press this, I start to get new ideas on how to train and how to use my knowledge to my advantage; not only that, I begin to see my stupid mistakes of the past and get jealous of people naturally born with this. I check the final prompt.

[Please choose which consciousness to keep]

[Name: Oscar Blake]


[Name: ■■■■ ■■■■■■■]

'Oh... That's easy; I'm choosing me.' I think to myself as I choose the second choice. I know I'm selfish, but I can't just give up my second chance; I had to do a bit of evil to live.

[Host1 Selected ■■■■ ■■■■■■■, Host2 Please Choose]

"HUH?" I instantly realize what is happening and begin panicking, 'Hopefully, nothing big happens...'

[Host2 unable to respond... Automatically choosing based on personality]

[Host2 Selected Oscar Blake... Stalemate detected... Combining consciousness]

"Fuck... me..." I get a massive headache and try to stay awake, but suddenly it gets worse.

[Error occurred... Corruption of consciousness is at 4%]

[Trying to solve...]

[Interference detec-]

My consciousness falters, and I pass out on the ground.


Who is this 'Certain Nobody' person?

Anyway... 2 chapters in a 1-day pog.

IGNS_STcreators' thoughts
Next chapter