
Turnabout Birthday

It was Li's Birthday, She's Turning 12 along with her younger sister, Franziska, since for the past 3 years, she seems to have forgotten her birthday and decided to shut herself away from everyone else because she didn't want any ditraction what-so-ever.

Manfred didn't mind, He was proud that his daughter decided to take up law. However, Her Little sister and now, Newly adopted brother did not take this lightley. They have decided that this year will be the year that they make their sister happy.

Li heard a Knock on the door.


She questioned, she looked sleepy, she had dark circles around her eyes. Miles softened his look on her.

"Come out, I have a little surprise for you"

Miles said

"Miles, I'm busy, as you can see..."

Li sighed

Miles shook his head

"C'mon now little sister"

He said, trying not to cringe.

Li hated the sound of that, She actually wanted to be more than that, but now, she's lost that chance.


she said.

When they got down, they saw now 12 year old as well Franziska, Face full of icing.


The older girl exclaimed

"Happy Birthday, My darling sister"

Franziska said, Placing around her gifts.

"Happy Birthday Best Friend"

Miles Smiled

Li was so touched by this, she got teary-eyed

"Mom would usually do this"

She cried

"I miss her"

Li's tears were falling like she was a baby.

Franziska approached her, and hugged her sister

"I- I know, I miss her too"

She said

Miles then remembered how sensitive Li was, He missed seeing this side of Li, it's been 3 years since she's seen her this happy. He Chuckled

"H-Hey! What's so funny?!"

Li stuttered

"Hm; The fact that you're being quite adorable-YOW"

Miles said, while rubbing his arm after he got hit wih Li's whip

"That-...That was very irrelevant, Edgeworth"

she said

all Miles could do is smile...

He got back the girl he fell in love with.

"W-What are you smiling about?"

Li said


Miles' smile on his face tugged more and made it a little wider

To be continued

Next chapter